Whimsical System

Chapter 1847: Watch your ears

Chu Feng didn't mean that he wanted to say everything he wanted to say. He just wanted to stimulate this clan brother so that he could understand what kind of results this incident would bring, including in the current situation. What kind of answer will you get next? In fact, from the perspective of normal thinking, when he says these words, he basically shows his position. He must have some ideas and have already done it. A corresponding plan was made.

Anyway, as long as he pays attention to this matter and is also attracted by what Chu Feng said, then basically this matter can be confirmed. Of course, there are occasional other errors, such as not being able to get a correct one. The expression of what Chu Feng saw did not correspond to the behavior he himself hoped that his brother would show.

Then there may be some differences in this result, but from the overall point of view, there should not be too much error in content similar to this aspect. As long as Chu Feng is still taking this topic seriously, there is a fixed point. Thoughts, then there will be no change.

"What you said really made me have some other ideas, but I don't know that this is not in line with reality at all. Things like what you said are just people who have not determined their minds. Some arrogant plans made are nothing more, and in the process of those plans, there is no meaning at all!

If you let me make a certain, this matter can indeed be summarized in other ways, or even just toss all the content aside and ignore it! "

The clan brother smiled on his face at this moment, as if he dismissed what Chu Feng said.

But how do you think he was deliberately pretending to be normal, and then used it to deceive Chu Feng.

Because if he really doesn’t have any serious attitude towards this matter, it means that he just has an uncertain thinking about this matter today, and he has made these ideas to him within a normal range. Most of them cannot be supported, and they can even directly attack them.

As for these unidentified ideas and factors, they will naturally suffer rejection and influence on the one hand.

Anyway, in a normal state, any result or determination cannot be used for reference.

"Your evaluation of this matter is a bit irrational. Although I also know that you want to hide your thoughts, there is no need for you to say such things, and I am here to help you, not to see you. Of course, I also understand that these people shouldn't be here, we should communicate separately.

But, should I go on like this now? If you don't need it, you can change the way to express it. After all, similar to these things themselves, it doesn't need to be too harsh to target!

But I also understand what the idea you want to express is. Anyway, the decision made under normal thinking has something that cannot be violated. I will think about this matter seriously, but I cannot guarantee it. Will things affect me!

If the whole process goes well, it may still be acceptable, but I think no matter how normal it is, it seems that there will be some uncertain errors!

Now that I have finished speaking, if I want to say, you can let them leave. Let's discuss what we want to discuss next! "

Chu Feng was very fortunate to express his inner thoughts, but how the next thing progressed made the old man feel a little difficult to face.


If it is for the elderly to make a judgment, then he absolutely does not want Chu Feng to do it like this, because doing so is really unpredictable, and it is really not easy to control.

But no way, things like these are beyond the scope of control. So naturally, it is impossible to carry out some "management" or involvement based on the matter itself.

Of course, if it is possible, they will naturally need to give up this matter, or even reject it directly.

However, the "sex" of something similar to this is still relatively low, and it is not easy to make some complete changes in the process.

The old man stood in place, he didn't know whether he should leave or not. After all, he knew the whole plan very well, so even if he stayed here, it would not cause any impact, and he was also standing with Chu Feng. In a lineup, Chu Feng is staying here at this time, there is no need for him to leave, the only ones who are leaving may be those who came here.

But at this moment, the clan brother didn't say a word. From this point, it is convenient to draw a result, that is, he still has some ideas about this matter.

And in the current situation, just relying on this to make judgments does not seem to be able to cover it completely. After all, there are some other things in the process.

So when conceiving and distinguishing this matter, there are naturally other things that stay on this surface.

"I am conceiving a problem, a problem that is about to be determined, but there are still some uncertain factors!

If we are all prepared and ready to make some assumptions and plans for this matter, does that mean that some changes and mistakes have occurred in the matter itself!

Perhaps this is not particularly important, at least this matter itself is not so important, but I still hope to be able to seriously judge the impact and changes brought about by this matter!

Because this incident itself really attracted my attention, but I can't judge whether this attention is because of the impact you have said on me!

Maybe I just have an idea about this matter, not because you said it, nor because you mentioned too many things!

But one thing is certain, they really shouldn't stay here!

Why don't you guys leave? Are you so curious what I want to say? You have to be careful of your ears. I'm afraid you have the ability to listen, but you don't have the ability to keep your ears! "

There is an abnormal light in the eyes of the clan brother. The light makes people feel uncomfortable. This may be a threat, but the kind of "exposed" in his eyes is different from ordinary people. The look in his eyes is indeed a bit hard to resist, perhaps this is one of his capabilities, even Chu Feng can feel the special meaning of those people.

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