Whimsical System

Chapter 1851: Go further

Under the current situation, no matter whether the clan brother has already believed in Chu Feng, and whether he has already taken seriously the idea of ​​this matter, anyway he asked this question at the moment, then it is probably already proved that this matter has a certain point. The exact conclusion, so although there is no doubt and too much discussion in this process, it is enough to wait for a result to appear.

At present, the question asked by the clan brother is exactly what Chu Feng wants to say. Chu Feng has been waiting for such an opportunity. He is not worried about who this opportunity will affect, and he is not afraid of this opportunity. What change will it bring, because he himself is ready to answer all of this, even if his answers are all lies, it is not important at all. The important thing is that someone is willing to listen to him and someone is willing to believe What he said.

"I know you will always figure it out. Actually, I don't really want to stimulate you. It's just that the current situation has reached the point where it is urgent, and my problem is actually very simple. I offended in previous battles. And they are not forgiving of me, so in the end I did something unacceptable. They wanted to kill me. You should be able to understand the kind of dying struggle. It’s hard to control, so after doing these things, although I regret it, but I’m even more afraid that I will try my best to save my own life, and I also know that this process is destined to be a long process and cannot be waited. Although there have also been major and minor problems in this whole process, the matter has been almost solved, but I also know that after solving the problem, people will have problems, so I want to get a certain amount from you No matter what, the only thing I can rely on is you now. I only rely on myself as the foundation. I can achieve any purpose, so I can only pin my hope on you."

Chu Feng basically put himself in an extremely miserable situation. He has no other choice. He can only do such things, and everything he does is for self-salvation. Now he wants to take advantage of it. This opportunity to bring about the battle in these two aspects, but also to protect himself through this process, maybe thinking about it this way will feel that he is just borrowing some people to help himself solve the trouble, but if he can really be used in the process If it is, it is completely acceptable. Anyway, he has made all the plans, and his plan can be determined, but the whole process needs to be considered so far, because there are still some things that have not been done so far. Get certain things in it.

"It sounds like you have already made a plan when you say this, but I don’t know if you can win my trust, and now you are working hard in this direction, and then you are trying to persuade me and you Standing in the same lineup. If I really believed what you said and made the same decision as you, wouldn’t it be equivalent to the fact that I no longer have any possibility of retreating? You think this kind of thing might happen From my perspective, will something like this really happen?"

The clan brother wanted to question Chu Feng from this perspective. In fact, he was still a little uncertain in his heart. First of all, he didn't have absolute trust in what Chu Feng said, and he didn't know what way to go. To solve the problem, after all, he has always been in an uncertain state for the whole plan, so when he conceived this matter, or even determined this matter, he also wanted to find ways to get it. Chu Feng further revealed this aspect of information.

auzw.com"This matter has nothing to do with me, because I don’t directly determine your ideas. If you want it, it will come true. If you don’t, then it’s me Forcing is of no use, anyway, the current situation is basically like this, you are willing to believe that no one will stop you.

If you don’t want to believe it, it’s only me who thinks this thing is a pity. There will be nothing else, and no one will be affected by one of your actions. Now It’s almost a suitable opportunity. I think for everyone, this can be done to make some changes. You can think carefully, or you can continue to be suspicious of me. Anyway, I have accepted the result and don’t plan to go. There are too many changes, anyway, under normal circumstances, do whatever you want to do according to your own ideas!

I will stick to it until you tell me that this is not realistic at all. If you really say that, then I will naturally consider other methods, but I can’t be sure if this result can be achieved. Of course I still hope to have a good result, after all. The environment I am currently in is already very bad. If I can't get some good results, then I really don't know how to deal with the things that are about to emerge and that I have to solve. "

As Chu Feng was talking, he actually wanted to give up. Although it sounds a bit unrealistic at first, the words he said at this moment cannot make people doubt this matter fundamentally. , After all, similar to this aspect, it is still possible to achieve, so under this situation, not only Chu Feng is worried about this matter, even the apprentice is a bit worried about this result, he is afraid of this result Some changes will happen, and he is also worried that this process will not be under his control, and when he is worried and afraid, Chu Feng feels that he still has to go one step further, and he will definitely not let this opportunity slip away in vain. That would be a shame.

"If I can, I would like to say one more thing. Although I have not gained your trust in me yet, I can talk about my plan first. If you think my plan is feasible, maybe this is also true. It may be an opportunity for you to have some thoughts on this matter, but I don’t know if you would like to give me such a chance to express my thoughts?"

Undoubtedly, at this time Chu Feng was completely trying to move further, and his words were just accepted by the clan brother, because what he wanted now was such a result.

Since he didn't know much before, he could only determine from these aspects, but now he just has such a definite opportunity, so he will naturally not give up easily.

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