Whimsical System

Chapter 1862: Identity

"The news you told me yesterday seems to be true. I really got the news today. That guy really has ideas in this regard. I didn't realize that he actually had such an attitude before. It is true that I was too slack. I was a bit sorry for the sluggishness of you yesterday. After all, you also know that the possibility of such a situation is too low. If it does not really appear, then I will How can I be sure? Now I want to hear your opinion..."

Chu Feng came out under the leadership of a group of people. At this moment, he was thinking about the changes brought about overnight. In fact, he didn't feel a little unacceptable because of this incident, but the plan was progressing. Time was so slow that he couldn't wait any longer. Now that he has finally reached such a result, he can treat it with a sigh of relief!

After confirming the action time of the clan brother, he rushed here to find the brother leader among the brothers.

It also explained this matter first, but its explanation did not get anyone’s approval, and he even felt that he was deliberately framing him. From this, it can be seen that the relationship between them is indeed very good. Harmony is just that now all of this has disappeared, and they are becoming more and more hostile, and a battle may break out anytime, anywhere.

"I could have guessed that there will be such a result a long time ago, so even if you did not find me now, I am not worried, because this matter has already been determined. The reason why I told you one step in advance is that I hope you can make some preparations early. Although it is not as suitable as I imagined, now that you know this, it is too late for you to prepare now. Even if he is marching fast, That can be reached at least before noon today!

And now you have enough time to prepare for this aspect of entertainment, I am not worried about your strength in this aspect, even I think you can perform beyond the normal within this designated time to achieve your own purpose!

But I am also thinking that this matter cannot always be considered from a basic perspective. If there is an accident on your side that makes you unable to deal with it directly, what should you do? In fact, I have considered these issues, but I have not thought about how to deal with the final result. I am not worried and never plan to make any decisions!

Everything should be handled according to your own ideas. Anyway, I am not worried, and this battle should not be difficult for you. Your strength is much higher than him, so it should be regarded as a proof of your own strength. Great opportunity! "

Chu Feng didn't plan to come up with any ideas, and he didn't want to be directly involved in this matter, so when he made this move and proposed this idea, some things had actually been made, and he was affirmed. It's not that there will be any accidents in this matter, nor that there will be any special circumstances in the process, anyway, everything is in the plan, as long as he does not exceed the accident, it is not necessary for this party to directly solve the battle .

But if Chu Feng responded in this way and the matter could end, it could only be said that this matter was too simple, and a situation similar to this would definitely not yield such a simple result in this state.


Sure enough, after Chu Feng finished speaking, the new question came straight to Chu Feng.

"Of course I know that you will not worry about this matter, and I also understand that you have a certain degree of confidence in me, but this matter is not as simple as you see. If I only have one enemy, then I can Go straight to the battle without hesitation, and even I can attack him now.

It is no exaggeration to say that with my current strength, I can basically end this battle before this afternoon, but I have to guard against my brother.

In fact, he already has a lot of eyes staring at me, even here he already has his person. I can't be too casual. I just make these decisions directly regardless of his situation. I am still more afraid of these. The problem arises, so I can’t make these thoughts too casually. Of course you can understand what kind of attitude this is. At the same time, you should also know which aspect this matter will be biased. What I need is A one-size-fits-all solution is definitely not after I made a decision, and then pushed myself to the edge of some failure!

Although I don’t know where you got the news from, but since you appeared here and told me these things, then I must have trust in you. Now is the time for me to give you trust. , I also hope that you can borrow your trust this time and tell me how to do it properly! "

This question can also be regarded as within the scope of understanding for Chu Feng, but this scope is relatively wide, and some of it cannot be confirmed by him.

And this seems to be necessary for him to answer, because it has something to do with trust. If he doesn’t answer at this moment, someone might have to think deeply about this matter. He doesn’t want to see such results, so He must be prepared for everything.

"I can think that this matter will fall on me. This is something I have never considered, and it really made me make such a decision. In fact, I have always been worried that things will change. It’s not particularly certain, but this question fell on me, but it’s normal. After all, I provoked this matter first and then got involved with you. Now you ask me too. There is nothing wrong with it, but if you really want to start from your point of view, then at least let me know what kind of situation you are currently in. Let me tell you, it’s not that I already know everything about you, but I just got the news, and I don't want you to suffer damage because of such a sneak attack!

After all, I was one of them before this. Although I didn’t have any special sense of collective honor, I didn’t want to damage the whole collective too much. Now if I really want to push me to such a place As for the key "sex" position, then I have to think carefully about what kind of identity should I express during this process! "

Chu Feng was anxious to emphasize the issue of his identity, and in his words, he also vaguely expressed his importance to his identity. If at this time, no one would pay attention to this matter. If you pay attention, it is estimated that Chu Feng will find some opportunities to escape.

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