Whimsical System

Chapter 1869: I can provide protection

It can be said that Chu Feng has made many kinds of judgments on the current situation, and he also understands that various changes may occur in the process, but he never thought that this matter would directly fall on him. On his body, and in such a way that makes it difficult to guess, he will actually become a representative. The identity of this representative is somewhat interesting. How to do it may be very simple, because he understands both sides, and he He is also one of the main planners in this regard, but he does not want to assume such an identity, because the reality of this identity makes people feel unsure!

First of all, what did he say when he met his clan brother? Can you tell him directly that he has gained the trust of himself and his opponents, and is now in a state where he can become a representative? Of course, this may be a good argument, at least it will make the clan brother think that Chu Feng is doing a great job Yes, everything has been achieved, and even some goals have been achieved beyond the standard.

But in the process, will there be some other problems, such as the clan’s use of this matter, wanting Chu Feng to help him make up a lie, and then stabilize the leader’s defensive thoughts about this matter, slowly The whole plan started in sequence, and then the massive offensive began. Everything seemed to be a foregone conclusion, but in the process, one party would suffer a great loss, and the failed party would definitely have some personnel left. For Chu Feng it was a great threat!

However, considering these at this time, it seems that it is of no use at all, because Chu Feng cannot make a fundamental change in this matter. Even if he is prepared for everything, it can only stay on a foundation. In terms of the situation, he could not implement this matter into reality, nor was he able to put this matter into a normal range of understanding, because many things simply could not be properly understood!

So how to solve this matter, and how to solve it? This is obviously disturbing, including Chu Feng himself also wondering how he should do it, and he still hasn't distinguished the priority of these two aspects.

Even so far, he has not regarded this matter as a must, but if this matter has reached this level, his attitude does not seem to be important and it will not affect any of them. people!

So how to do it currently, in what way to do it, and what this way can represent, this is very important, but within this important scope, many things cannot be expressed.

"Why did you choose me? This matter always makes me a little confused. Although I can understand that you can't go by yourself, you are afraid of causing misunderstandings, but it seems that this matter cannot be helped. I’m going to be responsible. After all, I told you this news. It is a betrayer to them, and this betrayal may directly provoke them to attack me. If they don’t know about it, Maybe it's okay, but now that I have come to you, this situation is basically clear at a glance!

Besides, there are still my friends with him. Even if I explain, they can guess what kind of process this is. Do you want me to be sanctioned as soon as I get there? Even if I am not particularly useful to you, at least it has not caused you any trouble. I don't want such a problem!


So if possible, try not to do this. After all, this is really unacceptable to me! "

Although Chu Feng is only in the scope of a simple understanding of things at this time, every sentence he said is indeed in line with the current actual situation. He really does not want to see such a result. In my own body, I am unwilling to let this matter completely affect me, but what can I do?

Even if he is fully prepared to welcome such a result, this series of problems will still have a relatively large impact on him, and even when this event occurs, the result is basically determined. It cannot be changed at all.

"Of course you are very suitable. In fact, none of the things you are considering are of any special use. I know what you are worried about, and I understand your concerns, but to be honest, these worries will not cause anything to this matter. Change, and I also understand that you are afraid because you are afraid of being treated as a rebel by others, or even directly imposing sanctions on you. In fact, you don’t have to worry about this kind of thing at all. First of all, our strength must be strong. There is absolutely no problem with me protecting you. In addition, if I let you go there is actually a part of my sincerity. Although I don’t intend to show weakness to him, but if you let you go, it’s basically a show This is the idea that the two of us want to make peace!

I believe that as long as he is not confused, when he sees you, he will be able to understand what I mean, and he will give me a response soon. I believe that in the process of this response, He will definitely do something sensibly, and he will never take revenge on you casually.

After all, he is not just one person in charge of all this, he is also responsible for the "life" of all those under him. If he brings all of them to death, it is a different matter. In fact, this is not the case at all, so we don’t need to worry at all, because this matter is basically within my control! "

Can you believe what the leader's brother is saying now? Maybe he can believe it, but he cannot choose trust completely, because there are many things in his remarks that there is no way to prove it. He said that he thinks this matter should be solved in this way, which can represent All? It seems not.

However, if all of his words are regarded as lies, it does not seem to be too appropriate, because there are many aspects of his speech that can be trusted, such as the series of situation analysis he said. , Then it is in line with the current state, even if there are some errors, it is just that there are some options that can be changed!

"But this is just a possibility. I think what you said is indeed possible, but what should I do if it is not like what you said? I am very worried that this process will happen. Mistakes do not mean that I am afraid of anything, but that situations like this can indeed happen!"

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