Whimsical System

Chapter 1881: The meaning of my existence

"This is nothing strange, this is a very normal phenomenon, if I were him, I would think about it like this!

If I believe what you say casually, it is not enough to know that the seriousness of this matter is not enough, and what you have summarized in these two matters is only pointing to a relatively one-sided direction. The content in this area is not as simple as you said!

Although I have been worried about all the possible problems in this regard, but I have not reached the point where I must solve it!

Now that things have progressed to this level, it is basically acceptable. As for whether there will be a greater impact in the later period, it is actually not a key "sexual" issue, at least for me. In fact, it is completely acceptable, and within the scope of a whole series, I am quite satisfied with this result! "

The leader brother is very clear about how this matter should be determined, and he also understands how to deal with this process, so he will not feel that this matter Too many worries.

Including in a normal situation, every judgment he is in actually has a certain basis and understanding. He is not worried about what changes this problem will bring, and even he hopes that this matter can be solved more fully. the way.

"Then you mean that there is nothing wrong with this matter. We should be able to deal with it this way, including in the process of covering the whole matter. This series of content is acceptable?"

Although Chu Feng was a little strange about this incident, he couldn't tell what the strange content was. Anyway, the overall process was not only based on an uncertain factor, but also understandable by others, and then there was some It's hard to figure out, but from an overall perspective, this matter is actually not a problem.

After all, Chu Feng himself knew what the inside story was, so he wouldn’t worry. At most, he just learned some content and then asked about the content. There was nothing else left. .

"The discussion on this matter will stop here. There is nothing that makes people feel undecidable, and this will not bring any other problems. At most, it is just an undecidable under the conceived situation. So in fact, I can fully understand it. I have already made this decision and I also understand what kind of situation it is, even if there is an accident!

Because we have already known how this matter should be dealt with, it would not be comprehensive if it is just judged based on this aspect of the issue at this time, so I am not worried about this series of issues. Appeared!

Including those problems that occurred in the overall process, in fact, it is completely acceptable! "

Brother Commander has made a clear judgment based on the current situation. I don't know what kind of problems may arise during this process, but in the final analysis, he is not very worried about some changes brought about by this matter.

At most, they just have some thoughts about these fixed thoughts, and if you don’t know these things and don’t make judgments, there will be nothing left at all, not even a little bit of thinking. Need to exist.

"If this matter does not have any impact on the matter itself, then it should be acceptable. In fact, I have been thinking about this matter just now, but I haven't found a suitable opportunity. Now almost a lot of them should have arrived. When it's time!


I want to express my opinion, but I don't know if it can be such an opportunity. After all, this matter is still up to you! "

Chu Feng put forward these ideas at this time, which can actually prove his generalization of the whole matter, starting from a reasonable angle, and his analysis of this aspect is basically understandable, and in some specific aspects In front of the content, issues similar to these aspects are more generalizable!

"Of course there is no problem, you can put forward your own ideas casually, as long as you want to solve this matter, I can provide you with some suggestions as much as possible!

And during the whole process, I will not question the ideas you put forward, because there is nothing to question about it! "

The expressions of the leader's brother at this time do make people somewhat different, and things similar to these aspects are not particularly normal in themselves.

But if you really want to think from an appropriate thinking angle, then things like this seem to be impossible to deny!

Therefore, content similar to this aspect can only be identified. It is still relatively smooth thinking, and then make some decisions, as for other things, there is really no need to conduct reasonable discussions.

"It’s like this. I’ve never been able to figure out what position I am in. If I’m just a subordinate you call, it’s definitely not a result I want to see, but if you say I am not such a person. Everything seems to be done under your arrangement. Is this different from the statement just now?

So my attitude is that I must find my true self and do what I really want to do!

After all, I also helped you make such a big decision to do these things. You can't help but give me such a chance. After all, what I want is not a lot, it's just such a simple opportunity! "

What Chu Feng said was still a bit surprising. Originally, the leader brother just thought Chu Feng had any opinions and wanted to discuss it.

But now he fully understands that in this whole thing, in fact, his idea is to find his own status, and under the current circumstances, he has not found anything related to his status at all. That's why he feels distressed about this matter, and now he seems to have been insisting on this matter, if this matter can not be a correct conclusion, it seems a bit difficult to understand.

"I understand what you mean, you think your existence is meaningless, right?"

The question of the commanding brother was too direct, and it was a bit beyond the meaning of the matter itself.

"In fact, this is not the case. I just feel that I need to have a clear positioning, otherwise I am confused and don't know anything. Such existence should not help anyone?"

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