Whimsical System

Chapter 1890: Extremely hesitant

"I found that he seemed to be lying to me before. Even I was suspected of lying to him, but the final result proved that he was lying to me! He told me that he would send troops to attack, but in the end he had peace talks with him, and he was very Soon the two of them can reach an alliance. This matter will be troublesome. We must now adopt a way for the two of them to fight first. Otherwise, as long as the two of them reach an alliance, then it will be resolved. It's simple. Although this possibility of "sex" is not very large, no one can guarantee that this matter will not exist!

And the most important thing is that you don’t have any strength to fight against them at all. If you can have it, I won’t worry about it, so this matter doesn’t allow us to think too much, you have to You have to make this choice as soon as possible, otherwise it will be too troublesome! "

The matter was described as very serious in a few words of punishment, and in the process of describing it as serious, it seemed that this matter did indeed have such a problem, so perhaps it could not be included in this matter. There must not be too much consideration. Even if they have enough time to think about these aspects, no one can give them this opportunity, including a series of problems that will appear in the process.

"What you mean is that this matter can no longer be controlled. If this is the case, doesn't it mean that I have to make a series of decisions and decisions within a short period of time before I can let this matter go If this is the case, it is a big test for me, and what worries me most is whether there will be some special circumstances in this matter. I am not worried that this matter cannot be controlled. , But the current situation is that I cannot make rational judgments. After all, I don’t understand all the content, and it’s just some news from you, and it seems that I can’t determine these things with these news. !"

Although the judgment of the matter is only a basic stage, the matter has gradually become serious at this moment. Therefore, in front of this problem, regardless of whether there is a little worry, the overall matter has reached this point anyway.

If we do not consider and worry about this issue at this time, perhaps the subsequent changes will further affect the direction of the whole situation.


"Now this matter is no longer for you to consider. The normal state has actually achieved a fixed result. They have already begun to act. Then we must act as soon as possible. Otherwise, all of this may be beyond yours. Control, and you can’t take the overall responsibility for this matter. There are not many judgments you need to make. At most, it is just an analysis based on this matter as a rationale, but it is precisely what This analysis of "sexuality" can represent a lot of Eastern and Western Siberia. Nowadays, it is best for you to understand nature. If you don't understand it, then there will be a problem!

And from a normal thinking angle, we don’t have much time to hesitate at all. The reason why I am so anxious to come back now is to ask you to make a decision as soon as possible. If I can make a decision directly for you at this time, I won't even come back to tell you about this! "

Chu Feng was indeed anxious in his heart, because his control over this matter could not reach a normal standard, so he must be in this state and try his best to rationalize this matter. Otherwise, various complicated problems may arise, so in order to avoid these complicated problems, he can only do this, and he seems to have no other choice.

"This matter has exceeded my expected assessment, so I can only deal with it in this way. After all, this is no way. If I can have other opportunities, then I am naturally willing to follow a normal thinking. Judging from an angle, but now it seems that the height is not reached at all, so I don’t know how to do it so that I can arrange this matter properly, and in this process, there are even some Things that I can’t judge appear to be implemented, and these things that cannot be judged appear in front of me once and have an impact on me. This may also cause me to be unable to solve the problem, so I must now be profound Study the direction of this matter, at least let me know what the situation is, let me understand what kind of results will affect my decision in this state, in fact, listening to what you just said, I am also aware of the seriousness of the matter, but I still have to discuss it carefully before making a decision. After all, things like this kind of thing are not always confirmed by just saying a word. As a result, if it is so easy, then There won’t be such a series of complicated issues. I say that I believe you can understand it. So in this matter, I am not saying that I am “force” you to make any decisions, but the current The situation does not allow me to judge this matter too quickly. Now I think I still have a certain opportunity. Although this opportunity is not particularly strong, I can at least grasp it, and I I also hope that this opportunity can bring me some hope.

Therefore, their primary goal now should be to make a correct decision, and then make this matter normal. As for other things, it seems that there is no need to consider these aspects at all. First of all, even if I consider it, it is not necessarily If you can get a concrete result, it is better to give up temporarily. On the other hand, my current situation is actually under a normal thinking angle. If this matter can really be solved easily, perhaps These problems won't occur!

I have always understood your situation, and I also know that you are worrying about me. Including this situation is also more urgent for you. You need to deal with it urgently in a more urgent way, and then deal with this matter. It is resolved, but in many cases it is not necessary to deal with it urgently to completely resolve the matter, because in addition to some of the effects of this matter, there are some other factors that affect the whole matter. So we can’t make decisions with enthusiasm, nor can we make decisions with passion. If possible, I hope that I can grasp the timing more maturely. Perhaps this will give us more opportunities! "

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