Whimsical System

Chapter 1900: Avoid danger

"Now I have twenty-five people in my hand that you gave me before. If you add these twice the number of people together, it will be almost enough. I always have to form a large number of people, and there is such a group People follow me, so basically a small war can be formed. This kind of war can easily break out some large-scale battles. Although this is just my own idea, I think the feasibility of it is still relatively high. Of course, the most important thing is whether you can agree to this matter. After all, this is what I need most for me, and what I need most can only be provided by you. If you disagree, then what I did. All considerations are in vain, and if you agree, you should still be able to solve these problems!"

In addition, these numbers are actually not many people who have been punished. It is just a request for this matter, which makes the leader brother feel insecure.

In fact, every time Chu Feng made a decision and asked the leader brother to express affirmation, the leader brother would have his own judgment and his own worries. He felt that Chu Feng was a very intelligent person, he had his own opinions on many things, and he was also very good at making some judgments.

In this process, in fact, no matter what kind of thinking or preparation he makes, he can basically get a result, that is, there will be some normal problems in this matter, including a series of changes. In fact, it is also in normal thinking, but there may be some other accidents like these things, and such accidents are always a little unclear.

So if you want to clarify this matter, you need to prepare a certain amount of time for consideration, and then add normal thinking. The impact of this matter may be slowly achieved.

But no matter when, no matter in what way, it is necessary to draw an accurate conclusion or correct judgment for this matter, if neither of these two aspects can be satisfied. , Then it might not be so easy to determine this matter.

"In terms of military strength, I can satisfy you unilaterally, but I am also a little worried. In fact, there may be many problems similar to this matter. If we don't know it, we can't get a corresponding result. , And in this process, in fact, similar to the content of these aspects, it is still possible to think, but I don't quite understand what kind of method this matter will use to get the result!


The current special situation can only make a reasonable judgment. After the judgment is made, it will naturally be able to understand the matter clearly. If the matter cannot be resolved, then it is estimated that the matter can be dealt with slowly. This is another kind of risk. I don’t want to take risks. It’s not that I don’t have the courage, but I don’t think it is worth it. So I still hope that I can consider this matter before making a judgment. You can I think I am just planning something carefully, but this is also a normal thinking!

I am ready now. Although military strength is very important to me, it is not the treasure of the miser. I can take it out and give it to you, but I must feel like this. Do it right, otherwise it will make me feel a little unreliable after all! "

In fact, there is no problem with the commanding brother from the perspective of thinking. The current considerations he has made are also very correct. It is true that such things cannot be too casual to make such judgments, and there are also such judgments. There may be some other errors, so it is absolutely impossible to think accordingly at this level. Therefore, in this similar process, some things will inevitably be able to draw some results or conclusions from it. Chu Feng wants To solve this matter, you must persuade the leader brother to solve this matter, and you must deal with it seriously, and absolutely no changes are allowed. In fact, in this series of processes, Situations similar to these aspects are quite worrying, because no matter what method is adopted, as long as there is no way to solve the problem, it may cause things to change and gradually have an impact. This is definitely not a good thing, so a situation like this can not only express some fundamental changes in the matter, but also find some special circumstances that are promoted by the basis of the matter.

And if a reasonable basis for judgment is not found in the process, then things like this are actually more difficult to judge. Including this overall sequence, there may actually be some that cannot be resolved. In these special circumstances, there may be some problems that cannot be determined or even solved directly.

In fact, Chu Feng has long been accustomed to this problem. Even when he made this idea, he had already thought that this problem might arise. After all, this problem is beyond his control, and it is also not. If he can solve the problem fundamentally, he can find a variety of ways to solve the problem, but he can't find a way to let people eliminate their doubts alone!

"This matter is always a little difficult to figure out. In fact, in this process, no matter what method is used to draw a conclusion, and in this overall process, I actually don't understand what this is. In such a situation, if there is a problem in this series of content or it is impossible to determine it, it will naturally lead to some chaos, and in these chaos, many things may be It needs to be taken seriously, including these special circumstances, which are actually included in these chaos!

If you have to make a judgment based on the current situation, and then guarantee your own thoughts on these things, you may be able to solve the things, but the biggest question is whether these thoughts will appear. Other accidents, and when these accidents appear and become more and more complicated, how should we deal with this matter? I think this should be a more difficult result, and it may cause a lot of chaos. I don’t want to see such a situation happen to us, and I don’t want these things to cause us too much. Big impact, because we can’t control these things as a whole. Things beyond control are ultimately dangerous, so I still focus on avoiding danger! "

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