Whimsical System

Chapter 2026: appease

Perhaps some things are not particularly exaggerated, or there may be other influences in this process, no matter what kind of results this event will lead to, this event has already appeared anyway, and it must be found. Some solutions can be solved. Since there are many things that cannot be avoided in this process, it is natural to proceed in this way. No matter whether some errors have been made in this process, in fact, this can be understood. Including the various results caused by this incident, the situation is actually the same. No matter who makes some judgments on this incident, the results will not change the incident so much. Under some normal circumstances, some problems have already occurred, or some impacts have been caused. There is nothing to be exaggerated, because everyone will analyze the current situation and draw a result. In fact, whether it is Have there been any changes in this aspect during this process? As long as they control some changes in the whole thing as a whole, then this issue will naturally not become too exaggerated. Of course, in this series of processes, Occasionally, there will be some changes. Although these changes will not cause too much impact, they will also make some results gradually become more realistic, and may even produce some unsolvable problems.

On the way of this trip, Chu Feng was still a little nervous in his heart. He was not sure that he would be able to achieve his goals, and even he could not guarantee that he could solve all the troubles during this process.

Even though there are a lot of things that are relatively clear on this matter, it is just that the problems that are clearer or that have been blinded by something will also make him feel a little difficult to solve.

"This matter may not be that simple for you. In fact, you also know that it takes more effort to solve this matter, and there are many problems in this process that we cannot take into account. , If you can’t deal with this matter and find some way to solve the problem, it will inevitably lead to various results. I don’t want to see such a situation bring you trouble, but I also I can’t make this thing disappear completely. After all, based on my current ability, all I can do is to give you an idea, and let you prepare for one aspect. If the matter has really reached us If you can’t handle it, there’s no way. That’s the situation. If you can find some other problems to solve, that’s the best. But the current situation may have brought a more accurate result, that’s you. It is impossible to achieve this. No matter which aspect is used to achieve it, you do not seem to have the ability to achieve such a goal. I really don’t know how to deal with it. If in this process, This matter has reached a certain point, then this is probably a bit dangerous for us, but I don’t want to see such a result, because in this process, many things need to be done. Discussion, if some uncertain results have been produced in this problem, or some risks have been brought about, then we can only do it according to our own ideas and avoid some problems as much as possible, but here Basically, there have been some problems in the matter, and even some impacts have been caused. I don’t know whether this matter will happen for a long time, or whether there will be some other problem changes. Anyway, this matter There are many problems that need to be explored. I don't know how to solve them. I haven't touched on this part!

But even so, I still hope I can help you. I don’t just talk about it casually and it’s over. What I really want to do is to make some changes in my behavior. , And then have some influence on you, but now it seems that I can't find such a clear way at all. Maybe I need to wait for a while, but I don't know how long this time will take! "

auzw.com In front of some specific problems, there are many things that can’t be distinguished and distinguished in detail, especially in the current situation. It’s confusing, and if it’s not clear, the result is actually not so friendly. So in the process, even if you have made a plan to change everything, it is just a talk That's it, because apart from this one solution, there seems to be no other results, especially the punishment, he doesn't mind this at all, because the matter itself has reached this point, what happens next, even If you think with your feet, you can think clearly.

"There is no problem. In fact, this matter has reached the current stage, but basically we have entered a final stage. We can't solve this matter as a whole, and we can't even find a way to solve the problem!

If we have to put our own ideas above this matter, it must be a lot of worry and pressure, and in this process, no matter what way is used to deal with the final result. It will not make us very satisfied, and even some other problems will arise in the process. I don’t want this thing to happen, and even I don’t want to see such a result. If this The matter has caused some new problems that I don’t want to see, or it has produced some other results, that’s okay, I have enough control over this matter, unless it reaches the point where I can’t solve it. , Otherwise this matter must be within my control! "

In order to make this matter better, and also to comfort Lao Chu, Chu Feng said that he was prepared, and his attitude can basically determine everything. Now it may be very nervous to solve a problem. , Even in the process, there is no way to deal with the problem, but it is not important. If you want to make one thing easier, it may be enough to make some plans from the beginning. He doesn’t need it at all. To make this matter so complicated, you don't even have to let this matter have much contact with yourself.

At most, I just said casually, this matter will be dealt with by itself, and there will be no problems, then this matter is also over.


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