Whimsical System

Chapter 2073: The truth is revealed

"This sentence of yours aroused my interest. What kind of method allows you to make such judgments directly at this time, and what reasons make you say such things? Are you really Have already occupied all the advantages, and then let me make this judgment? But I think it seems like these aspects are not so simple, but I don't know how to describe this aspect, is it true that you said it? Yes, but no one can tell the truth, and there may be some different accidents, which makes me think about it, but I am not so worried about this matter, because I I feel that situations like this are basically controlled by you, so there will be no big accidents, and you should be able to know how this matter should be resolved, so I don’t I am worried about how much the conclusions of this issue will have on us, and even I have already made plans in this regard. Even if the issue becomes serious, it’s fine, because normal conditions are able to go. Those who understand, will not even go to the slightest discussion, but similar to some special problems that arise in this area, I still have to conduct research in this area, but I have already done all Prepare, even if there is a possibility of accidents in this matter, it does not matter, because I am willing to accept this result and can also make this matter very simple!

It's just that I have to determine one thing before that, and that is whether what you are saying is true or false. If you are just deceiving me, it should not be to such a degree, and there is no need to say such a thing. But if I really want to believe this result, and then make this thing seem real, it seems a bit inappropriate, because no one can be sure that this thing must be real, and it cannot be. I am sure that this matter may get such a standard result, but no one can think about it, so I need you to tell the truth. It doesn’t matter what kind of content your truth contains. , The important thing is that in this matter, I need to get a solution, only you can let me get a solution, then this matter can be truly accepted by me, maybe in this process, it is really possible There will be some surprises, but it is not important, because there are too many things to consider in these issues!

I don’t know at which step I need to be able to determine this matter, or in which way to get an answer, anyway, in this process, there are already too many things that have exceeded my understanding of the matter. Judgment, then I must seriously consider these results, and then get some real answers, before this matter can be resolved, so in this matter, even if you consider a lot of problems, or say There are already some plans, but I don’t want you to continue to hide it, because it has no meaning at all. Some things need to be shared or shown off in order to make yourself more satisfied. So in this What do you need to do before the problem? No matter what I suggest, anyway

You can find a suitable way to express it. That's how it is, there will be no surprises at all! "

Perhaps it is that the speculation about the matter has not reached a critical point of satisfaction, so in front of this problem, it is actually a state where it is impossible to judge at all.


Therefore, the leader brother can only use this way to express, as much as possible to make this matter as simple as possible, or it seems more common, even if there are really some accidents in the process. , But this does not make people too nervous, because things themselves should be determined in this way. If some special circumstances are really possible, it may be the result of their own improper control. But no matter what the reason is, these problems can actually be made a reasonable judgment. They can only make some reveries based on this matter, but they will not make some decisions because of the possibility of this matter. Reasonable analysis, this is obviously not enough, so they need to make some plans before this matter, and then let this matter get the most basic result.

"I have some considerations that are not quite clear about your idea, but I can hear your purpose. Now you want me to tell everything I know, so that you can implement it according to your ideas. This matter, even during this process, your mind has been fully expressed, but I still feel that a process similar to this must be resolved in some precise way. I don’t think How wonderful this incident is, and I have never thought about what kind of accidents this incident might cause. I just made some judgments in accordance with some of my own reasonable methods. Maybe this incident did not in itself. What is useful, but it is not important, because I have considered the result and made this determination. If all the problems can only be studied in this way, then some simple situations may be There is no need for discussion, but the facts will still lead to some results!

In addition, the show-offs you mentioned just now, in fact, I never want to do such things, but I think it is necessary for me to mention such a thing at this time, because I think that since this thing has reached this point, Well, it doesn’t make any sense for me to hide it, because even if you guess your head, you don’t know what my thoughts are, so this is not destructive to you at all, so what you said at this time It may also be correct. I do need to show off, but this show off is not to make me feel excited, but to make you get a specific result, because only in this way can this matter be bigger I can tell you directly, what my purpose is, it’s actually very simple. I don’t want to reach any conclusions, and I don’t want this matter to become too exaggerated. I just want to delay you here. It’s only time, delay as much as possible, no matter what you do, as long as you don’t do that action that has an impact on the war, that’s enough! "

:. : M.x


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