Whimsical System

Chapter 2053: look forward to

Judging from the current situation, many things have actually become very complicated. It is just that some people have not found a certain way to solve the problem in this process, so they think that there may be some problems in this process. A more certain method, but if you really want to solve this problem, it is not that simple. There may even be a lot of accidents. A situation similar to this will more or less cause some uncertainty. In fact, even if a change like this occurs, it is reasonable, and it will not even lead to any uncertain factors. In fact, the specific situation has been manifested from the beginning, but Some people did not intentionally reflect these ideas in this place.

When the war is going on, many people will take advantage of this opportunity to play some clever, no matter whether the clever can achieve the goal, they will think about it anyway, and then try to imagine the existence of some possibilities, and then let this matter It becomes more realistic, but if there are some changes in the process, it may just have some impact on the problem, including they themselves know what this situation is.

In fact, some changes in some special processes will actually bring some fundamental impacts. As for the final result, in fact, this will not cause some changes and attitudes to specific ideas. It’s just that there are some definite ideas in the process. If anyone really brings some special processes in this matter, it’s just that there is no overall generalization of the matter, and in some In a relatively special state, in fact, no matter what kind of change has occurred, it can be understood. It is nothing more than some special errors have occurred. This does not represent anything at all, and it cannot even be allowed. This incident caused the slightest impact.

But there are some special factors in this matter, in fact, it will also affect some things, because everyone is making a reasonable judgment at this time, and then making a determination about this matter, if All the problems appear at this time, and then slowly mediating in this area may solve one of the problems, but this is not all or even may bring some different troubles, so in order to avoid The best way to cause these problems is to find some ways that can really solve them. Only in this way can a large part of the problems be avoided.

The various ideas that the leader brother put forward at this time are actually quite specific. He has some of his own settings, and he also understands the way this matter can be achieved. So in the process, he didn't think about how complicated the matter was to make it, and he didn't guess what the reason was after all.

Regarding this matter, he just made some judgments according to his own ideas, but at the end of the judgment, nothing useful appeared. This may be because he himself has some problems in these aspects, or he did some things. Decision does not represent too much content. Anyway, no matter what kind of error there is in this matter, the end result is to make this matter a little complicated, and he also hopes that he can really solve this matter, but he knows that he Not necessarily able to achieve such a goal.

The current situation is actually quite messy, and in many of these processes, he can't make decisions in this area. He can't make a judgment on the whole thing, and even he can't make this thing change. It has to be related to oneself. At most, it will only do some analysis based on this matter, and then let this matter reach a specific result. As for whether there will be different conclusions in the process, in fact, this is fundamental Is not normal.


"I actually have a solution, but I think even if you stay here, it doesn't make much sense. Whether you are willing to stay here or not, the result will basically become a definite conclusion even Some problems really occurred in this matter, but it doesn’t matter, because this is not part of any of my current considerations, so I have a comparison with the handling of this matter. Good idea, and this good idea will definitely get your support!"

Although the commanding brother did not express his inner attitude, he had already reported some good ideas for the punishment at this time, but he did not directly express these ideas because he could not make the commanding brother feel He himself is looking forward to such a possibility, and if he really says this sentence, maybe this possibility has nothing to do with him, so the best way is to remain silent, what Waiting for this result without expressing it, may be able to solve a certain problem.

"If you really have a good solution, and it satisfies me, success will naturally make everyone happy, but now I can’t guess directly, because I have never conceived anything in my head. A good way to solve this matter, unless you really have considered many aspects of the final decision, otherwise I don’t think you can think of these problems, and you never think of the expectations in my heart. What is it, because even I myself don’t know where this expectation should be embodied, and what is its use!"

Some uncertain things may become more and more complicated at this time. No matter whether some specific problems have actually arisen in the process, in fact, the final result is only those answers, including here During the process, there is no one person to consider these aspects. If there is a problem and a result is obtained, it may become very confusing.

But at this time, it doesn’t matter how this matter is handled. Even if there are some accidents in the process, it doesn’t matter at all, because no one will do it at this time. Some different plans, and then think of ways to do other expectations, after all, this is simply not realistic.

"I have never considered these issues, but it is not important. Do you have any expectations? In fact, it does not conflict with the idea I put forward!"


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