Whimsical System

Chapter 2069: Can be accepted

"Your guess is basically the same as the current situation. Since you left, this battle has indeed undergone some changes. Although it is not as perfect as you imagined, it has indeed changed. In the whole process, there have been problems that can be dealt with. Nowadays, no one will make some unsolvable ideas based on this matter, or put forward some unsolvable plans based on the current situation. , No matter the changes that occurred during the whole process or the thinking about the current situation, they did not seem to have much impact, and the whole thing basically showed a The possibility of resolving, even when the whole situation changes, will not cause too much contradiction, because some changes in the whole process are actually just a consideration for the matter itself!

Maybe the situation will not change much, and even some special solutions can be found at this time, but after you leave, this matter has indeed changed. Sometimes there is no way to describe this change. Yes, because you don’t even know who played a role in this process. Anyway, I think this should be some of your influence. Even in the process, there may be some situations, not only It can only be determined in this way, but the final result does not seem to change much! "

"It's relatively simple to consider one thing and make a plan. No matter what method is used to plan, the final result is the same.

Now listening to you describe it this way, I can get a result, that is, in the process, some relatively good changes have indeed occurred, but now you don’t know who is the reason for this change, maybe In this process, it is indeed full of some simple questions that need to be reminded or considered, but no matter what, this matter will change sooner or later. Now the work I am doing is basically at an end. , I cannot guarantee that it will continue to develop, and there may even be some special situations. These special situations are not something I can control, or even what I can consider now, because this is inherently It’s not within my control, but no matter what, I think I have almost done everything I should do. No one will make some considerations based on some of my circumstances, or just for this matter. Put forward some other plans, even if everyone has made some considerations at this time, it is only based on some analysis of this matter. If these analyses have changed, it seems that they can still be resolved, but Similar to the current situation, it seems that there will be no other changes! "

Almost all the problems have now been solved. No matter whether these problems are still important, in fact, there is no need to consider this aspect anymore, because everyone can make some preparations according to the current situation and try their best To avoid some situations, or even get some solutions, so in the whole process, it doesn’t matter what kind of impact this matter will bring, and no matter what changes it will produce, as long as it can be solved in the process. Some issues that are accepted can be considered, and then some related plans can be drawn. If everyone prepares at this time and then allows one thing to be resolved, then it can be considered, but That's just some thoughts on the matter itself!

Anyway, currently Chu Feng doesn't want to express too much, this matter is only a part of his ability to him, even if this part may not be particularly outstanding, it will not cause much impact!

auzw.com "Maybe the current situation can indeed be resolved, and even some analysis can be directly based on the current situation. If the various changes that occur at this time will not If it has some influence, including some attitude changes in this matter, it is completely acceptable!

I may carry out some analysis based on the current situation. Anyway, all the things you are doing are meaningful. No matter whether this meaning can be highlighted under the current situation, this is not true. It’s not important. What’s important is that many situations we are doing now can actually be solved, and this solution is also exaggerated. I don’t even know who can implement it, but it’s not important because these things are from Can be accepted from the start! "

This is a very simple question, especially since the various results presented at this moment can also be fully understood by people, even if some changes have occurred in the whole process, or it is necessary to pass various results. All kinds of methods are used to determine, and then the result can be obtained. This can be accepted by people, and then processed slowly. Nowadays, all situations seem to be biased in one aspect.

That is, the battle is actually over. No matter whether there are other people involved, this will not affect the reality that the battle is over, even if there are other people who want to make different suggestions in this matter. That has no effect, because this matter will not be changed because of such suggestions or ideas. Everyone will find a way to solve the problem and get a result. Some changes presented at this time, In fact, it is just some considerations made for this matter, and does not mean anything else.

"Your efforts are obvious to all. Now this battle is indeed due to some changes in your efforts. Of course, this does not represent too much. Although I have made some plans, I will still accept it. A process, all the current problems will be presented at this time. No matter what you consider, you can actually be accepted, but I think based on the current situation, we can make some plans, but this plan But there is not much to be gained at all, and the results similar to this aspect may be acceptable, and similar to some changes in the strategy, basically a definite conclusion can be drawn , Because the situation at this time is basically acceptable, and even understandable, but that is only for the consideration of the matter itself!"



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