Whimsical System

Chapter 2102: Important loss

Lao Chu said something more thorough. What really solves this matter is not how they think about how to deal with this matter. In fact, starting from a normal angle, they have to deal with this issue. There is not any solution that can be solved properly, because even some of the methods they envisioned have reached a relatively appropriate level, but there may still be various situations that make them wonder how to proceed. To solve it, first they envisioned relying on the competition between the two forces, and then came up with a result, and finally eliminated them completely. This is a theoretical point of view, although it is very appropriate, but if it is performed in practice If they do, they will find that the situation is fundamentally different from what they imagined.

First of all, from an absolutely normal perspective, there is a problem that cannot be solved at all, because many people are making a preparation, but they don’t know how to achieve a result. The competition between the two parties is just one thing. Planting Zhu and resuming elimination. Victory, they will naturally stabilize their current victory results, and the defeated may be eliminated, but it may also continue to survive, and this kind of battle may also be in the next Appear in the time, because they all want to get what they want, and what they want can never be satisfied, so this also means that there will be various other battles.

Therefore, it is simply unrealistic to destroy them by fighting. Even this kind of speculation is not as fast as a plague. The spread of the plague is already lethal or even faster than the battle. , And even more lethality. If you want to solve it in this way, there are actually many ways, but it is more difficult to fight in practice. This is just the simplest and least controlled way, but think It was not so easy to achieve the results they hoped and saw. At this time, Chu Feng just chose a way that can save worry, but even so, he still made a lot of efforts for this matter.

However, so far this incident has not allowed him to achieve the desired result, which may make him feel a little disappointed.

So in the conversation process at this moment, it is only to put forward some different ideas about this matter. There may be some other situations in the process, and even a way to solve the problem directly, but similar to No matter what method is adopted in these aspects, it is impossible to obtain a result that can be judged, because there is no detailed communication between them.


"You are right. This matter may not necessarily achieve the results I hope, but what I am working on is actually able to make some conclusions about this matter. No matter what the current situation is, what will happen? What kind of special situation arises, I think I can prepare for this, because many problems may make the situation a little different at this time, even if it does occur in the process Some changes, in fact, have nothing to do, because no matter what kind of results this event will bring, it is only a proposal based on this event, even if it does appear in the process. In some special circumstances, how can I be prepared for this anyway?

You can even make a reasonable judgment based on the current situation. As long as we don’t have any problems, then this matter can be solved in the best and proper way, even if it has been revealed in the process. Some different results, then I will redouble my efforts to make this matter more realistic, even if there may be some special circumstances in this matter, but who can understand what I did for this matter? Work hard!

Now I am actually worried about some things. Through this time of contact, I found that there are still more smart people. Even if this kind of smartness is not so thorough and important, it can directly affect the development of a thing, and I also feel that it is similar to the current situation, and it is impossible for us to make preparations in this respect. If we have already controlled everything and then proceeded with the construction according to our vision, then this matter may be too much. It's too simple, and there is actually no way to do the changes in this matter. The assumptions in this regard, including some problems that will exist in this matter, are actually fixed, but they may appear now. Some other situations, but this will not have any impact on us at all. What I think of now may seem a bit exaggerated, but a result can be fundamentally obtained, and some research can even be carried out in this way, but in any case, it is a relatively fixed result similar to the current situation. However, the special situation presented at present will actually bring about some changes. No one knows how exaggerated this change will become, and no one can understand what the current situation will look like. If you have done all your hard work, and then let this thing come to fruition, there may be some differences in it, but that is only for the preparation of certain people! "

Chu Feng expressed his thoughts as much as possible. Maybe this matter is really important to him, but he couldn't make this matter different, because when he made these preparations, he really Just considering the current situation, maybe the matter itself is not so exaggerated, but because he is too eager to make this matter more realistic, he will make this matter unrealistic Even in this process, some uncertain results have really appeared, but they are only some considerations for the matter itself. This is nothing to exaggerate, but it can Fundamentally affect and change a thing. If anyone really makes an effort in this area and then makes the thing come to a result, it will only be caused by a suggestion made to the thing itself. It’s just a change. There is nothing special about it, but it can make a thing really change its appearance, and even make some people change a lot because of this thing. This may be a very important thing. But not many people pay attention to it at all!


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