Whimsical System

Chapter 2104: Support and disagree

This is a problem that is not easy to make a choice. In fact, in front of this matter, some completely different ideas were put forward. At this moment, Chu Feng has sorted this matter into the list of things that he must do. He can’t escape from this thing, and he doesn’t know whether he can succeed in doing it, but he knows that he has to do it. This may be his obsession with this thing. People are related, but he has to make a decision about this matter. If he can't have any influence on this matter at this time, then it means that any efforts he has made before are for him. There is no practical result at all. He is unwilling to let such things happen, so he has to let himself make some decisions, and then make things change, even if there is a possibility that in the process There are some other situations, but it is not the consideration he needs to do now!

And when this question appears in front of the mouse, the mouse actually knows what kind of decision he should make. If he chooses to support the punishment under the current circumstances, he must agree to this matter, but if he depends on If he makes a judgment with his own reason, he feels that such a thing has no meaning at all. But in the face of such a problem, if he really chooses to refuse, what about the next discussion? In fact, the end result was nothing more than Chu Feng persuading him to choose to agree. Even if he didn’t agree with this idea, he didn’t have any choice. So instead of continuing to discuss it here, it’s better to let this matter directly. , To get a positive result directly, so that some people can feel more comfortable, and there will be no problems. But similar to the current situation, there will be some accidents more or less, no one knows what kind of result this accident will produce, but similar to the current situation seems to have been determined!

"I don't know how to make a judgment for such a question. In fact, I already know the answer in my own heart, but these are just some ideas for the matter itself. If it is true If you make a judgment based on the current situation, but don’t know how to conduct this research, the situation may be completely different, especially the results that will be produced in the process, in fact, no matter which types are passed The way, the final special situation is relatively certain, especially in the impact of this incident, in fact, it is only some plans for the matter itself, I don’t know that such a situation might What kind of changes will occur, and I cannot even consider the changes that this event will bring about. If I had already prepared for these aspects, I even understood that this matter might have some changes, Then I will definitely make this thing completely different, but similar to the current situation, who can really get a result? So there are many things that cannot be restrained at this time!"

Although Lao Chu did not answer this question directly, the words he said at this moment have already made this matter completely different. Although the idea he proposed from the beginning, it only caused something to the matter itself. Change, but it can directly make things get a completely different result!

Especially when some of the problems arising from the decision he made, he has actually thought about what is the most important in this process. If all the situations happen, then he must let himself do it. This research, but he has no way to make this thing completely different, because many problems will pile up at this time, making it impossible for people to make a proper judgment, so it cannot be analyzed based on the current situation. No results can be obtained. If there is a real possibility of some special circumstances, then this matter must be resolved!


"I understand what you think, you still want to persuade me, but you know that even persuading me is of no use at all, so it is better to just choose to agree, even if you don’t think so in your heart, but you But you are willing to accept such a result, because you understand that in such a situation, you can only make a determination in this way. In fact, no matter which method is used to conduct the research, you cannot find a way to solve the problem. , If there is really a way to solve it, but it cannot be dealt with, then you are naturally willing to use this method to carry out research and processing, so the final result you get is agreement, but you don’t Think I did it right!"

Of course Chu Feng understood everything. After all, Old Chu also belonged to his own thoughts, so in this process, the conflicts between them were actually not that important at all.

Including some situations that may occur during the entire process, the result is actually relatively certain, because no matter what special changes there are between them, in fact, it is only a plan for the matter itself. If they have already thought about it, this event has really brought about some changes, it may make things a little different, but it is just a relatively simple aspect and nothing else. Existence, if they have already made plans for these aspects, and even know that this event will bring about some fundamental changes, it may have some distinctive effects, but anyway, the relationship between them Ideas can actually be based on an absolutely mature perspective. They can put forward some ideas based on this matter, they can make some plans based on the current situation, and they can even imagine this matter in the current transformation. What kind of method will they use to conduct research? If they have no way to get a certainty at this time, then there is a possibility that there will be some accidents in the current matter, and they don’t even know how to solve it. No one can understand. What kind of situation is this? If some changes have really occurred, this may only be some assumptions about the matter itself, but similar to the current situation, no one can conduct research in this area because of the situation. It's too confusing.

"I don't have to say too much, you can understand, but you can do what you think, because I support it, even if I don't agree with it!"


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