Whimsical System

Chapter 2118: Trust action

"In addition, from the current point of view, the loss for you is actually not very large. It was not that it was underestimating the enemy or the gap in ability. It was nothing more than improper command. So the current situation is just From this perspective, just make some appropriate judgments. If you think it is possible, you only need to encourage the fighters a little, then this matter can be implemented, and you exist, are you still worried about them? Will there be any worries? If the failure falls on you again, not only you, I am afraid I am also guilty of guilt. This time I can give you the greatest protection, just like before, every sentence I say My honesty is mixed in all words. You only need to make this decision yourself. I will not urge you or force you to consider these. I only hope you understand what you are going to do, and then you need to pass it. What kind of method to achieve!"

The problem that Chu Feng is considering is still that simple. He doesn't want this matter to be completely related to him, nor does he want this matter to end here. He needs to use some methods to carry out some special treatments so that he can lead The elder brother made this decision on his own, making him feel that this matter is indeed feasible, and as long as he himself agrees, then this matter will naturally come to a result.

"It sounds reasonable to hear what you said, but who knows what is hidden behind this? To be honest, I just don't trust you so much, so I have so much worry. If you Enough to trust me, then I can confirm this matter!"

"Then what do you need me to do to gain your trust? I just can't find such an opportunity now, and there is no such way to inform me!"

The commander's brother was straightforward. This was also a way for Chu Feng to ask questions. At this moment, Chu Feng asked this question to wait for the answer. If there is really nothing wrong, it seems that there is not much to communicate.

"If you want to gain my trust, it’s also simple. It’s nothing more than doing something that can please me. Now that you are running from him, your identity is really worrying. If you can take your identity If it can be determined, there is basically no problem. I have been thinking just now, what kind of method can be used to achieve this. In the end, I came up with a result. I can now call some of you. You don’t need too many people, but you can just do something, and as long as you can do it, then we basically have some cooperation between us, and when you finish this thing , I will also spread the news, let him know that you did this thing, then the relationship between you and him will naturally break down, so you will have no retreat, so that between us Naturally, trust can be built. Do you think this is okay?"

I have to say that this is indeed a very appropriate method, but at this time, Chu Feng is really unwilling to try this method, because once such a thing is done, then no matter what aspect it is afterwards , It seems that he can’t turn his head back, but at this time this matter is in front of him, the choice is naturally made by him, but if he does not make such a choice, maybe the last chance will be lost. He is unwilling to watch what he has lost. As for doing that, there may be some problems, and he didn’t notify anyone when he came here. If he did that thing, Then the news spread out like this. I'm afraid it will be troublesome, especially at this time, he has never done it. What kind of purpose should he help the leader to achieve, because he feels that the leader is not easy to handle. people.

auzw.com If it weren’t for his judgment, then he wouldn’t have cooperated with his younger brothers of the same age before, so at this time, he felt that his plan’s goals were still not There can be any changes, but how can they be realized? Can you do this without arousing an opinion from the leader's brother on this matter?

So he felt that he might have to take time to discuss this matter, and he can naturally agree to it. No matter what method is used, as long as the goal can be achieved, that is enough. As for other things, it seems that it is not necessary now. Do any consideration.

On the other hand, when some key factors are mentioned and some preparations are made, some other contradictions may arise in the process, including some influences on this matter, which will actually change. It’s very serious, but in any case, similar to the current situation is actually acceptable, including some problems that exist at the moment, in fact, you can continue to make some judgments, no one will be because of this incident. , Resulting in some different results, and will not suffer much loss under the current situation. At this time, the punishment can control the direction of this event. As long as he is willing to let this happen, then he will This goal can be achieved, but at this time there will be occasional situations that will exceed some of his expectations for this matter, but he feels that he can control it is just a matter of time!

"I can accept this, but I think the manpower should be as few as possible, otherwise he will attract attention, which may cause a real battle between the two sides. At that time, you will be a little bit difficult to ride a tiger. I don't want to do it. You have to make yourself agree with things that are difficult for a strong man, otherwise you will definitely be held accountable afterwards!"

Although I don't know what this matter is, Chu Feng has indeed made preparations for these aspects in advance. Naturally, anyone can say beautiful words, but it is sometimes a bonus to say this sentence at the right opportunity!

The commander's brother heard that he slightly nodded and said: "That is natural. Since I have considered this matter, it must be very small, and then it can play some role. As for the manpower, even if you don't say it, I won't give you too much. Many, otherwise I am really worried that you have the ability to gather people's hearts and turn all the people I gave you into your personal guards. At that time, I still don't know who to cry and complain about, this depression Yeah!"

Although it is a joke, it does not mean that it is impossible to take it seriously. At this time, there are many things that need to be guarded. Two people are in a state of mutual guarding. Even if this should not be the case, some things need to be advanced. Good implementation!


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