Whimsical System

Chapter 471: Dez (sixth)

"What else do you have?" the villager hurriedly stopped, and asked with an uneasy expression.

"Leave the torch for me, there is hay everywhere here. If you are asked to hold the torch, you will get into trouble sooner or later!" the person commanded.

"Yes, here you are!" The villagers did not hesitate to face the orders from the people.

"Okay, let's go!" The visitor took the torch, and the bright fire light instantly illuminated his face.

The age of the visitor should not exceed 30 years old. Because in his eyebrows, there was still a bit of childishness faintly revealed.

But this is just a superficial phenomenon. Putting aside his childishness, just talking about his words and deeds, it is quite capable!

After the villagers left, they gave a glimpse. The weeds that the villagers wanted to survey before did not stay long before they left.

Among the weeds, Chu Feng looked out through the gap. He could not help but breathe a sigh of relief as he watched the torch shine further and further away.


"Huh?" But just when the light gradually left Chu Feng's sight. There was a sudden sound of trembling grass behind Chu Feng.

"Hello, friend!" The next moment, an unfamiliar palm suddenly landed on Chu Feng's left shoulder, and Chu Feng was shocked in a cold sweat.

"You can see me..." Chu Feng kept his previous posture and didn't look back. While he was sadly frightened, he couldn't help but feel a little confused.

Under normal circumstances, even if Chu Feng hides in the grass without wearing a cloak, it is not easy to be noticed by others at night, but what's more, he still has a cloak to cover. Is the person behind him discovering himself? Chu Feng was quite puzzled about this.

"I know what you are thinking right now, you must be thinking, how did I find you, right?" Chu Feng felt very familiar when the people behind him heard it, as if he had heard it somewhere.

"Didn't you already leave?" Chu Feng calmly asked, pretending to be calm.

"If you leave with a torch, it means that I am leaving, then I can show you thousands of times to show it to you. If you want me to say, you are too innocent? I really can't imagine, like you How does this kind of host survive in this world!"

From the conversation between the two, we learned that the person behind Chu Feng at this time was the young man who had just reprimanded the villagers. As for his departure just now, it was just a deception to deceive Chu Feng. In fact, it was as early as the villagers. Before the investigation, he had already discovered the existence of Chu Feng, but for no reason, he did not tell the other companions.

"Well, I'm in your hands if I'm not as skilled as a person, let's talk, what do you want to do with me?" Chu Feng asked.

"You should be very clear. If I really want to catch you, then I won't stop him just now!" The young man smiled, and did not answer Chu Feng's question.

"Don't you want to catch me, oh, I understand! Could it be that you have something and want to ask me for help?" After experiencing more things, Chu Feng naturally understood the rules, in fact, whether it is the host or Ordinary people, but when they have something to ask for help, or when they want to use someone, they usually give a gift first, and then make them feel that they are owed to him. Of course, there is no shortage of some, and the other way around A good example, such as "forcing" the target into desperate situation, leaving it no choice.

"You are half right. I do need your help with something, but I don't want to ask you!" The young man’s approach is somewhat similar to those of the people who do the opposite, but He is a little more polite than those people.

"It's okay, I don't care about the "sex" things in these rituals! Just talk about business, what do you want me to do for you?" Chu Feng asked.

auzw.com "This is not a place to talk. Close your eyes and I will take you to a good place!" the young man motioned.

"Do you close your eyes?" The young man's request was more or less strange.

"Yes, close your eyes, now!" The young man almost spoke to Chu Feng in a commanding tone!

"Okay!" At the request of the young man, Chu Feng had to do so.

"Huhuhu~~" However, the moment Chu Feng closed his eyes, Chu Feng suddenly felt the sound of the wind in his ears, which was quite shocking.

"Okay, open your eyes!" After about a few dozen seconds, the young man's voice sounded again.

"Uh... please dim the light and write!" Chu Feng slowly opened his eyes when he heard the words, but even so, the light in front of him still pierced his eyes.

"The lights are not very bright, you just need to get used to it!" the young man reminded.

"So tossing, I'm really afraid of something wrong with my eyes!" After a few minutes, Chu Feng finally got used to the lights here.

In fact, the young man didn't lie to Chu Feng. At this time, the light where Chu Feng was was really not too bright.

"Don't worry, the host's eyes are not that fragile, otherwise, don't you know how many hosts need to change their eyes!" Perhaps the young man thought he was familiar with Chu Feng, and he actually took the initiative to joking with Chu Feng.

"How did you bring me here? As far as I know, the host in the realm of fire doesn't have the ability to transfer time and space?" Chu Feng looked around, and the strange environment in front of him made him quite uncomfortable. .

"Have anyone told you that I am the host?" The young man stared at Chu Feng intently, with a smile on his lips.

"If you are not the host, who are you?" Chu Feng asked back.

"It's too early for you to understand my identity. Now your primary purpose is to understand clearly what I want you to do, instead of endless inquiries about my origins!" The young man taught Chu Feng. .

"Well, you don't have to say it, but you should always tell me your name!" Chu Feng retreated and said second.

"I don't even know my name, but I have a code name, you can call me Dez in the future!"

"Dezi! Heh, it sounds like a personal name!" Chu Feng called out in a low voice, but it was quite smooth.

"Okay, about my topic, I don't want to mention it at the beginning! Let's discuss your question next!" Dez emphasized.

"What topic can I have that is worthy of your discussion?"

"Of course you don't have a topic, but the next thing I want you to do is worth discussing!" Dez responded.

"Well, please tell me what I need to do for you. I am very busy tonight, and I still have a lot of things to do!" Chu Feng said depressed.

"Your friend, I have sent someone to pick him up. I believe it will not be long before he can meet you here! As for the thing I asked you to do for me, it is actually not the same as what you want to do at this time. There is no difference. Simply put, when you help your friends, you are also helping me, and I asked you to get up just to make a plan for you!" Dez explained.

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