Whimsical System

Chapter 645: Punish the host

E Duolong frowned and looked at Chu Feng. After a few seconds of silence, he asked, "Are you also the kind of person who is afraid of killing innocent people?"

Chu Feng did not reply, and E Duolong was right. In order to achieve the goal, Chu Feng would do whatever it takes.

Maybe it's because of the empathy just now, of course, it should be the agreement that is at work.

E Duolong waited for a while, but Chu Feng still did not respond.


Afterwards, E Duolong thought he had understood Chu Feng's meaning. After turning and leaving, he went straight to the previous dry well.

Chu Feng watched E Duolong leave, but he never stopped him.


He pulled out the Sun Sword and looked up and down. Chu Feng was still right. The host who had just fled was a little uneasy. After weighing it left and right, he still chased it.

On the other side, Eduron and the h3 host met in the space below the dry well.

The h3 host has not avoided it, perhaps as he said, life and death have long been ignored.

"I thought it would be Chu Feng who came to me, but I never thought it was you!" Host h3 smiled and said calmly.

"If I said I was here to save you, would you believe it?" Eduron asked.

"To say something that is not very respectful, in my opinion, you should not be the kind of person who is willing to save people from fire and water!" The h3 host's vision is still correct, Er Duo Long is a man, even more unscrupulous than Chu Feng. Guy.

"You're right, I won't save you for nothing!"

"What do you like about me, you might as well just say it!" Host h3 opened his arms, glanced left and right, and asked Eduron.

"As you show, your body!"

"Heh... you want to seize the house?" The h3 host couldn't help feeling a little funny when he heard what E Duolong said.

"This time I need you to volunteer!"

"Do you also need a body?" The h3 host stopped laughing and asked Eduron.

"As you can see, I can'fuck' any body, including those that came from the house. I also need a body, and it is an urgent need."

"You should be just a personality? As a personality, you also want to have a body?"

"This is my business, you only need to give me your body, as long as I exist, then I can keep you alive!" E Duolong's promise will always be like a joke, he said casually.

"I remember Chu Feng once said to me that I might also be his mission target. This means that I have a part of the chance that I will be killed! If I am unlucky and I hit that part of the chance, then Can you keep me?"

This question of the h3 host is actually something E Duolong cannot answer.

"The probability of this kind of thing happening is actually very low, so..."

"You just need to answer me directly!"

"I can't promise you this, because I can't restrain Chu Feng!" Since the h3 host wanted to hear the truth, Er Duolong simply told him the truth.

"If this is the case, what is the point of your promise?"

"If you have to die, naturally I can't save you, but if you die or not, then I can save you!" Erdoron corrected his promise again to make it even more Be clearer.

"To be honest, I am not very interested in your promise!" The h3 host shook his head and rejected Eduron's suggestion.

"You can think about it again, I'll give you five minutes!" E Duolong put the Ghost Dragon Knife on the shoulder of the h3 host, with the blade facing his neck.

"Kill me, and use my corpse as your containment place!" The h3 host closed his eyes and let E Duolong deal with it.

"Do you really don't want to live?" The h3 host did this, and Eduron really had no good way to deal with him.

"It's not that I don't want to live, but that you don't give me a chance to live. If you want to "force" a living person to hang himself, then I can't help it!"

"I have given you a chance, after all, you are not at a disadvantage in this cooperation!"

"Occupied body becomes a puppet at the mercy of others. This seems not much different from death, right?" the h3 host questioned.

"If you say this, it's not right! Can you come back to life after death? Just cooperate with me!"

"You are a fallacy. If my death is doomed, you also said that you can't change it. And when I don't have to die, why don't I need your help!" The h3 host is naturally not confused. Those who came around did not stun him after all.

"Forget it, I can't discuss it with you! This matter should have been resolved quickly!" Er Duolong was a little irritable, he didn't like to be wordy, the more h3 host talked with him, the more unhappy he was.

"What do you want to do?"

"Follow your opinion, how happy I am to take the house directly!"

E Duolong didn't have much patience, even though Chu Feng persuaded him to seize the house and the effect was not good, he still couldn't control that much.

The h3 host is waiting to be cut, and has no resistance at all.

The so-called seizure of homes is to compete for tough speed. Eduron has most of the conditions, so seizing the host of h3 is also easy.

auzw.com In the h3 host, Eduron did not erase the h3 host’s consciousness. At this time, he only has one personality, and strictly speaking, he is no longer a host.

If this personality is also wiped out, then the h3 host will only have an empty shell.

In fact, the reason Eduron did this is because he still has illusions in his heart.

After all, only when the original personality voluntarily contributed to the body, E Duolong can justifiably occupy this body, and only so, his personality will not be damaged.

And Eduron hopes that as time goes on, he can make the h3 host change his mind and truly willing to hand over the body to Eduron. If this becomes a reality, then Eduron will have the opportunity to leave Chu Feng and become An independent host.

It's just that from the current point of view, this kind of thinking is still too vague. After all, it is not so easy from the perspective of the h3 host alone, let alone the later Chu Feng.

A few hours later, Chu Feng drew the Sun Sword from the back of the host in the second stage.

The last potential host had also been killed, but Chu Feng's mission still showed no signs of completion.

"It's a waste of effort, the target is indeed him!" Chu Feng wiped off the blood stains on the Sun Magic Sword, and then rushed to the dry well, killing the h3 host is currently the one thing he wants to do most.

A moment later, E Duolong and Chu Feng met at the mouth of the dry well.

"Do you want to escape?"

Seeing E Duolong, Chu Feng stabbed with his sword. As everyone knows, in his eyes, Eduron has always been the host of h3.

"Chu Feng, it's me!" E Duolong waved the Ghost Dragon Blade to block Chu Feng's offensive.


"it's me!"

"Why did you run into his body again?" Chu Feng asked.

"To restrain him!" E Duolong had to find an excuse to deceive Chu Feng, even though this excuse was not very subtle.

"Come out, he is my mission target, I have to kill him!" Chu Feng didn't care about E Duolong's reasons, anyway, don't stop him from killing the h3 host.

"Now?" Er Duo Longming knew that everything was irreversible, but he still didn't want to see this moment come.


Chu Feng's Sun Magic Sword was already impatient, but E Duolong was still reluctant to let go.

"Come out quickly and don't delay time!"

Chu Feng's Magic Sun Sword was already waving, as if it would suddenly fall anytime and anywhere.

"Got it!" Eduron thought over and over again, and finally gave up this body.


The moment E Duolong was separated, Chu Feng pierced his heart with a sword, directly ending the life of the h3 host.

"It's done, the task is complete!" Chu Feng stepped on the body of the h3 host and pulled out the Sun Sword.

E Duolong didn't say anything, and silently returned to the Ghost Dragon Blade, everything was the same.

The system assessment of the hunting host has come to an end, and all the time and space shuttle functions will be fully opened without time limit.

In this way, the previously looted airship has no meaning to exist.

At first, Chu Feng planned to abandon the airship, but this idea was stopped by Old Chu.

Then, after consultation and decision, Chu Feng failed to lose the airship after all.

Carrying the airship with you will take up a lot of storage space, but it can help Chu Feng at a critical moment.

Things in the h3 space have been determined, and there is no point in staying.

At present, the task notification has not been issued, and Chu Feng is not willing to return to the real world. Chu Feng went around and decided to go to Xiao Xiaoxiao’s time and space. He had previously obtained a structural diagram of the mission airship for that time and space. . With Chu Feng's curiosity "nature", if he didn't look at what happened, he would never let go of this matter.

Old Chu couldn't object to Chu Feng's plan, but E Duolong simply didn't want to say anything.

In h3 space, to travel to Xiao Xiaoxiao’s hometown, time and space, one needs to pass through two tunnels, one is the tunnel between planes, and the other is the distance channel between galaxies.

These two channels are estimated to be unable to be achieved by any one of them if we use the real-world technology level.

But if it relies on system capabilities, this is nothing more than a few minutes.

The two tunnels crossed each other, and Chu Feng swept into the tunnel vortex, and successfully reached the Yinsi Time and Space that Xiao Xiaoxiao had mentioned before.

Yinsi Time and Space, this is Chu Feng's name for this time and space, and the source of this name comes from that Yinsi identity.

When he first arrived at Yinsi Time and Space, Chu Feng suddenly felt like he was in the kingdom of science and technology.

The most mature technology of Yinsi's time and space is the suspension technology. The speed of the star-chilling speed has always been the common purpose of this time and space.

As in the real world, there are special personnel directing traffic in various streets, and these personnel are the legendary Yin Division.

Under the scorching sun, there is no difference between the Yin Division and ordinary people. In fact, there is no difference between all Yin Division and ordinary people. At best, it's just a different lifestyle.

In addition, the Yinsi is just a special group of people with higher rights than humans!

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