Whimsical System

Chapter 805: Fusion invitation

"What's wrong with you? Isn't it over yet?" Chu Feng looked at the beggar blankly, and asked him foolishly.

"Of course it's not over. Why did you open your eyes? Now that we have all done our work, I have to do it again!" the beggar asked angrily.

"Just now I obviously heard you tell me that it's okay, so I opened my eyes!" Chu Feng couldn't help feeling a bit wronged. If he hadn't heard the beggar's voice just now, he would never open his eyes.

"That's an auditory hallucination, didn't I tell you, no matter what happens, you can't open your eyes? Why don't you listen to me?" the beggar asked angrily.

"Oh! Misconceptions... I didn't expect this kind of thing to happen. Maybe it happened because I knew that I couldn't doubt you. If I changed to anyone, I wouldn't open my eyes. , But if it were you, I would be a little confused!" Chu Feng sighed, although it was a bit exaggerated, it was indeed his true feelings.

"Forget it...failed once, but it's actually nothing. Let's do it again. I hope you don't make any decisions this time!

In this case, the beggar is helpless. After all, this is what he expected. The lipstick fusion is like this. Unless it is a forced "sexual" fusion, various changes may occur.

"Yes, yes... But can you tell me first, what exactly is done? If I don't have a standard, it's hard to avoid such problems!" Chu Feng asked.

"If the personality fusion is successful, your eyes will open automatically, and you will not be under your control at all. In addition, if the fusion is successful, you will not be able to see me, and you will get my abilities randomly. When the specific changes are really successful, you will naturally find out!" The beggar did not explain too much. Perhaps at this time he was planning his personality integration with one mind, so he did not want to be distracted to do more. The explanation is a waste of time.

"Okay, let's get started, I'm ready!"

After Chu Feng finished speaking, he closed his eyes.

And the moment she closed her eyes, that feeling immediately struck again, and it was more fierce than before.

Another minute passed, and this time Chu Feng did not open his eyes without authorization, and he never heard any sound again.

It seemed that everything came to pass, and Chu Feng's eyes opened inexplicably. At this time, the beggar was no longer visible, and everything that happened at this time was just as the beggar had said before.

"Is this the end?" Chu Feng subconsciously moved his hands and feet, but didn't notice any difference.

Instead, Lao Chu sighed in surprise at this moment: "Chu Feng, what have you done?"

"What's wrong? Did you notice any difference?" Chu Feng asked expectantly.

"You seem to have a strong personality, and he actually offered me an invitation just now!" Lao Chu seemed to be a little frightened, as if he had just seen something terrible.


"Invitation? What kind of invitation?" The words Lao Chu said made Chu Feng feel a little inexplicable. The beggar had never told him about the so-called invitation.

"Invite me to have a personality!" Lao Chu replied.

"Invite you to merge with personality? Did you agree?" Old Chu's words made Chu Feng a little surprised, and then Chu Feng also felt a little strange. Is this a beggar doing this deliberately?

Chu Feng couldn't figure out what was going on, so he could only ask Old Chu carefully.

"No! If I agree, I'm afraid I will be swallowed by your personality at this moment." Lao Chu replied.

"Nothing is fine, you must never agree. Now I don't know what's going on. If you can't come back after being merged, then it will be troublesome!" Hearing this, Chu Feng felt a little relieved, and immediately Also exhorted Old Chu.

"Of course I know this, but I'm a bit weird, what is going on, what have you done to your personality?" Old Chu asked.

"Just now the beggar took the initiative to merge with my personality. Although I don't know how he does it, I have the advantage in this life, and just now she asked you to invite me. I don't know, maybe he did this deliberately, or because of the system." Chu Feng analyzed.

"What does this have to do with the system?" Old Chu wondered.

"Perhaps this is an additional function of personality fusion. When it finds that the fused personality has other derived personalities, the system may inquire whether the derived personality is willing to merge, and if so, it will merge together. So as to make the integrated personality stronger!"

Chu Feng didn't know the real reason for this incident, so what he said was just a blind analysis, but it sounded a little bit like it was true.

"I feel that this possibility of'sex' is not very big. If the system is really making trouble, then he shouldn't ask me such a question. I'm afraid it will melt me ​​directly! Of course this is only It's just my guess, maybe the military system might be too!" Lao Chu didn't quite figure this out, so he could only follow Chu Feng to analyze it blindly.

"If it is a system, there is no problem. Now I am most worried about the beggar. He took the initiative to do so, perhaps because of his ability. He can't achieve the fusion of forced sex, so he can only issue an invitation. I hope I can deceive you! If this is really what he did, this matter will probably be a little troublesome!" Chu Feng said solemnly.

"Do you think he intends to seek you?" Old Chu asked.

"It's not that there is no such possibility. He is now feeling distressed because of the fact that I saved his "life". If this can relieve him of these distresses, then this matter may be clear! "

"He shouldn't do it for revenge. If he is troubled because you saved him, it means that his psychological endurance is relatively poor! If he does this kind of thing, wouldn't it? It's easier to let yourself fall into the abyss of thinking that is difficult to break free?" Old Chu analyzed.

"There is a certain truth to what you said, but who knows, maybe he is just a dead brain! He would rather kill chickens and get eggs than find a more convenient solution.

Ugh! It’s useless to say anything right now. Anyway, you have not been forced to "sex" by him. Moreover, we are not sure if this is his subjective consciousness, so we should put this matter aside for a while, and wait for me to solve it. After personal matters, I will focus on this matter! "

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