Whimsical System

Chapter 815: Three hours chase

But Lao Chu could understand Chu Feng, even if everyone couldn't understand Chu Feng's approach, Lao Chu could see clearly.

After all, Chu Feng is the same person as himself, and he can clearly feel Chu Feng's longing, which is an obsession with life.

In the real world, Chu Feng is dissatisfied with the current life, but it is a pity that his heart is always higher than the sky, and he has no ability to reach the height he desires, so in the end he is just a multitude One of the spectators.

And now he has this ability, and has the qualifications to fight hard for himself, so he has no reason to give up, even if everyone gives up on him, he will not give up on himself.

And now he made this choice, even though Lao Chu thought it was impractical, he still wanted to do it. Maybe it seemed crazy or even stupid, but it was exactly how he proved himself.

The conversation with Lao Chu came to an end as the night approached.

Chu Feng always had a lot of words to say. Since the beggar and Suzi could not communicate with him, he has fallen into a lonely darkness like darkness.

And Lao Chu was the only bright spot in this loneliness. Chu Feng regarded him as a treasure, and he didn't even dare to do anything against Lao Chu's wishes.

But Lao Chu didn't view himself like that. Lao Chu was a wise man in his bones. Although they belonged to the same body, they were like two people. Chu Feng's preferential treatment and Chu Feng's value did not make Lao Chu. Feel too much superiority.

He is very clear about his position, even after the disappearance of the six personalities, he still abides by his duties.

Of course, if he said that he had no selfishness, it was naturally impossible, but after Chu Yuen Lang was killed, his selfishness disappeared without a trace.

Old Chu can be regarded as a relatively sad person. He has a mind that is not weaker than Chu Feng, and even has super executive power, and in the end he can only appear in front of the world as a personality.

What's more tragic is that he has given up his future, otherwise he would not choose to die when the dark side appears.

But these pains are places that Chu Feng will never see. In Chu Feng's view, Lao Chu will always be an elder full of knowledge.

Even though what he had learned at this time could no longer meet Chu Feng's requirements, Lao Chu's position in Chu Feng's heart still remained unchanged.

Perhaps, but Chu Feng looked at Lao Chu as Lao Chu, an irreplaceable identity and an indispensable friend.

Late at night often synchronizes with loneliness, and Lao Chu's escape also brings Chu Feng a loneliness that is difficult to swing.

After dawn, Chu Feng was about to investigate the identity of the intruder.

It seems that he has endless things to do every day, unable to stop for a minute and a second, and then looking back, he did not get any good results, even the gains were minimal, but even so, Chu Feng Still working hard, even if there is no gain, even in vain, he still chooses to continue his efforts.

In the long night, Chu Feng thought he should rest, but the intruders didn't think so.

In the middle of the night, the cold wind blew up and swept the entire site.


The doors and windows of Chu Feng's residence were suddenly blown open by the strong wind, and the biting cold wind poured into the room like a flood, directly awakening Chu Feng from his sleep.

Chu Feng, who was sleepy, couldn't help but want to find someone to vent, but in the end he also suppressed this idea.

After all, this was something no one had expected. Perhaps because of his negligence, he didn't close the doors and windows tightly. Chu Feng got up with his head drooping and wanted to close the windows again.

However, as soon as he walked to the window, a black shadow slipped over the eaves, and at this moment Chu Feng woke up instantly.


Chu Feng almost uttered these three words, and the strong visual impact instantly made him refreshed.

At this time, he had no sleep. I saw that he took a coat and put it on his body, then jumped out along the window.

This series of coherent actions is a habit he has always maintained.

The black shadow still flickered on the eaves, and Chu Feng followed closely behind.

In a night chase match, it seemed as if the curtain had been kicked off from this moment, and the shadow seemed to have also noticed the existence of Chu Feng, so when Chu Feng appeared, his speed also increased again.

As Sombra's escape speed continued to accelerate, Chu Feng's heartbeat also continued to rise.

This time is undoubtedly the closest to the truth. Charge will never allow himself to miss this opportunity, even if he is chasing the ends of the world, he has to take a look at the true face of this guy.

In the early hours of the morning, nearly three hours of chasing had exhausted two people.

At this time, the two of them had also completely moved away from the station, and Sombra seemed to be no longer afraid, because at this moment he had stopped, and appeared in front of Chu Feng openly.

"You are finally willing to stop, let's go, and come back with me!"

Chu Feng tried his best to make his breathing more stable, and then said a clear enough sentence.

"You chased me for so long because of this? Is it because you are bored?" The black shadow said with a smile, but it was more of Ling Li's murderousness.

"I need to know your identity, and even I need you to cooperate with my future plans. This should be the third time you have appeared at the station. I have to say that you still have some strength, otherwise it is impossible to appear frequently in the station. , Without being noticed! But at this time it was me that you met, and I offended and like to deal with capable people, so I hope we can understand each other, but understanding does not mean that I will leave you Hell, go back with me! I will give you a promise that is enough to satisfy you!"

Chu Feng seemed to want to persuade Black Hawk to relax his vigilance through words. He naturally thought that Sombra would return to the station with him obediently. The reason why he said this was only to make Sombra despise him.

"You seem to be a mindless guy, do you think what I am missing is your promise? What's more, now we two don’t know who is more capable. If I go back with you now, wouldn’t I be too Too stupid!" Sombra did exactly as Chu Feng expected. After all, there are many people like Hei Xing in this world, and there are very few people like what Xiang Chu Feng envisioned.

And when Sombra said this, Chu Feng naturally said the line he had prepared: "What you said has a little truth, if that's the case, let's be higher and lower!"

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