Whimsical System

Chapter 825: Accept order

Since Chu Feng didn't know the real name of the host holding the knife, he could only temporarily describe it like this.

"You mean Kerton?" the alien host captain asked.

"I don't know who your name refers to. In short, I'm talking about that guy. If his name is Keton, it's him!" Chu Feng shrugged, speaking slightly casually.

"No..." The alien host captain shook his head, "He is not a suitable choice, at least in my opinion!"

"Why? Wasn't he your most loyal subordinate before? If you let him do this, he will definitely do a great job, I believe it!" Chu Feng asked.

"Yes, he is indeed a very outstanding subordinate, but he is not suitable for this matter!" The alien host captain still shook his head, denying Chu Feng's question after question.

"What about the reason? If he is not a suitable candidate, then you have to give a reason enough to convince the public?" Chu Feng asked.

"Some things don't need a reason, just like this thing. Although I can't give a more precise reason, I can also say that this thing is not suitable for him to do!"

"Well, maybe I already know what you are worried about! Are you still doubting him?" Chu Feng asked.

"I never stop doubting this kind of thing, so there is no need for me to answer this question any more!"

"Sure enough, as I thought, the reason you didn't choose him was actually because you didn't trust him, and compared with him, I was also not worthy of your trust. It's just that my distrust was not too obvious. So in desperation, you can only choose me to abandon him, but if you let me make this choice, I would rather abandon an outsider than a subordinate! Because this is an excellent opportunity , A good time for your subordinate to change his mind, but if you miss this opportunity, then your subordinate will probably only go farther and farther and never look back!" Chu Feng said.

"You don’t know the seriousness of the matter at all. You will just stand here and talk about it, making some fundamentally unrealistic assumptions. If you can experience all the things we experienced at the beginning , Maybe you won’t say this. But it’s no wonder you, after all, not everyone can experience the unimaginable things like us, so no matter what you say, no matter how you contradict me, I won’t I will blame you, and I understand you. I understand why you did this, and understand your pure thoughts!"

The captain of the alien host smiled and uttered a profound sentence. This scene seemed to be where Chu Feng saw it, as if he had seen himself from the host captain of the alien galaxy.

It's just that he is slightly wiser than the alien host captain. If it were him, he would never say these words. Instead, he would give some explanations, some explanations that were enough to convince Chu Feng himself.

So he can get rid of these troubles, and also make Chu Feng completely give up the matter.

However, he didn't do that. Not only that, he also said words that were enough to arouse Chu Feng's interest.


Unless he did it deliberately, otherwise, it was really too stupid!

"Okay! It may really be as you said, I have experienced too little, so I will say these silly things! But these do not mean that my problems are worthless, and you still have no Give me a specific answer, which makes me very dissatisfied. Your answer did not make me give up this idea!

Maybe I need to recommend to you again until you fully accept it! "Chu Feng said.

"Give up! These meaningless words, why should they last so long! If I were you, I would give up all these things without hesitation, after all, this has nothing to do with you, if you insist on it , Even though I have nothing to do, I won't listen to you saying these nonsense "gibberish" here!" The attitude of the captain of the alien system host gradually became a little unreasonable.

Perhaps it was because of Chu Feng's unreasonable prior, but this was not a reason to excuse the captain of the alien host.

"In my opinion, what you said is more like a threat. Could it be that you have identified me and then stopped considering anyone?" Chu Feng looked like he had no love, and went to receive someone who had never met before. The guy who has never been good at him, not to mention this guy will become his confidant in the future...

"If you can give me appropriate advice, I can abandon you at any time, but if you can't, then I have only you to choose!" The alien host captain also showed helplessness, as if he did so. , Is also "forced" by others.

"Okay! Since there is no other way, then I can only promise you! This matter may not be too painful and difficult. It should be possible for other team members to handle such problems? Do I just need to show up?"

When the interpretation reached a certain level, Chu Feng also tried to "expose" his true state.

In fact, he gradually figured out this matter. If this matter had to be done by him, it would be a little good for him, at least he could get to know the mysterious guy in advance.

If you can take the opportunity to establish trust with him at this time, then it is naturally the best.

Although this is not a very realistic idea, it is not impossible.

In addition, Chu Feng could also take this opportunity to understand the true strength of this mysterious man, and then make the next plan.

"I knew you would agree to it. In fact, if you think about it carefully, this is not a very difficult thing. In addition, your appearance will definitely surprise him! Perhaps with his assistance, you can also not You can be promoted to this assessment by passing any assessment!"

When Chu Feng agreed to himself, the alien host captain started immediately, describing the various benefits of this trip, even though Chu Feng didn't want to listen to his words, he still kept talking.

"I hope all this can be like what you said, although I don't have too much illusions about this, but if it can really become a reality, this is a relatively good thing for me!" Chu Feng casually talked about it, but in fact his mind was already planning the next step!

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