Whimsical System

Chapter 847: Persuade six personality

"Heh... this is indeed not a particularly difficult thing for me, but if I put this thing on my friend, it might be a little difficult!

After all, I have also experienced that kind of unbearable pain. If I were to persuade them to make this choice, it would be tantamount to deliberately cheating him.

For this approach, I have never recognized it! "

Chu Feng said this sentence as a clear expression of his attitude, although this is not a good answer, but at least there is a meaning he covers.

"Then you mean you can't do this, right?" The alien host captain is unwilling to talk too much nonsense with Chu Feng. What he needs at the moment is Chu Feng's answer. If Chu Feng gives If he had an exact answer, then he could make a decision based on the answer that Chu Feng provided him.

"This is not absolute. If I can, I would like to try it first. If you are willing to follow my persuasion, then there will be no problem naturally!"

Chu Feng had long seen through the mind of the alien host captain, so when the alien host captain sent him this question.

Almost without thinking, he made such an answer. Although this is also an uncertain answer, at least it is better than direct rejection!

"Okay! If you have this idea, then I can give you this opportunity, but you'd better cherish your time. After all, the time is relatively tight now, so I hope you'd better try this now. , And then try to give me a definite answer in the shortest time!"

When Chu Feng answered, the alien host captain Dang even urged Chu Feng to make his own decision quickly.

"My plan hasn't been finished yet, don't you plan to listen to it anymore?" Chu Feng wanted to buy more time for himself, so he took the plan out to talk about it.

"In the future, there will be time to listen to the plan. Even if I don't listen, it doesn't matter. After all, what I am worried about now is no longer the plan!"

Perhaps from beginning to end, the alien host captain did not regard the plan as an important matter, and the reason why he spent so much time on Chu Feng telling the plan was probably just to satisfy his own curiosity.

However, right now, when the problem he really expected came up, he didn't hesitate to abandon this important plan.

"Okay! Now that you have decided, then I will give you an answer! But if you go now, you may get only a part of the answer. After all, my friend has not regained consciousness yet, so I can’t He asks for advice!"

What Chu Feng refers to is naturally a beggar. Because the personality of the beggar has been fused with the personality of Chu Feng, the beggar is still in a state of sleep at this moment.

"It doesn't matter. Since that friend of yours is already in a coma, then there is no need for you to seek his opinion anymore, because I think you might as well make a decision directly for him!" The idea of ​​the Captain of the Galactic Host was quite direct enough, and he made this decision without even consulting Chu Feng!

"Captain, if this is the case, it would be a bit unreasonable. At this moment, she has been in a coma, so this also means that in the subsequent cooperation, you do not need to He let it out, so as for this virus, it might not be that important to him, so I hope it's best to exclude him!" Chu Feng suggested.

auzw.com "Oh? Don't you plan to let him come forward?" The alien host captain asked with a smile.

"Captain, I don't know that he is still in a coma. What is the use of letting him come forward? Could you let a comatose person do any harm to this station?" Chu Fengxian Tao.

"Haha...that's true, but I believe you should be able to see it too, I'm just joking!"

"Yes, it's just a joke, of course I can see it! So is there no need to plant the virus for him?"

Although Chu Feng responded to the words of the alien host captain, in fact his thoughts had always been on the beggar, but in fact his thoughts had always been on the beggar.

"Well! Since you don't plan to let him out, naturally there is no need to plant a virus!" The alien host captain nodded and agreed.

"Okay, then I will ask for their opinions now for the rest. You can wait here for a while. I will be back in at most half an hour!"

Chu Feng was about to leave while talking, but at this time, the captain of the alien galaxy host had been sitting in his seat without moving a bit.

After Chu Feng left the accommodation, he went straight to the prison. Since he had visited the beggars several times before, Chu Feng still remembered the location of those people at this moment.

Relying on his identity, he successfully opened the prison door, and under the leadership of the administrator, he successfully met his six personalities.

Perhaps it is because the prison is "tide" and wet, this is the spirit of these six people, and they are not particularly good.

And when they saw Chu Feng, although they had subconsciously greeted him, it was only a perfunctory act after all!

"You have suffered here, I believe it won't take long for you to leave here smoothly!" Chu Feng's first sentence was to give six people a guarantee.

"Have you thought of a way?" Although the six of them were convinced of Chu Feng's words, sometimes they needed to inquire about the details of the matter.

"I have already thought of the way, but now I am in a little trouble and need your help. And this is the reason why I came to you specially!" Without saying much, Chu Feng went straight to the topic. It's all his own personality, so he has nothing to tell.

"What problem do you need us to do?"

"Now I have a plan that needs your cooperation! I will tell you the details of this plan later!

At present, everything has been prepared, but there is still a lack of guarantee to implement this plan! So, I hope you can do me a favor! "Chu Feng said these words more tactfully. In fact, he did this in order to make this matter easier.

Then take the first step to lower the vigilance of these six personalities, so that they can agree to their requests without hesitation.

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