Whimsical System

Chapter 850: Late night forest

"Regarding the transition of power, it usually lasts for five to seven days. Generally, it will be maintained for about five days. Unless something unexpected happens, it will be extended to seven days!" said the alien host captain. .

"Is the power changed so many times and there has never been an overdue situation?" Chu Feng still wanted to know more. So he asked some of his own thoughts!

"There are relatively few cases of overdue, but it did happen. For example, there was a relatively long overdue a few years ago, but after the overdue, the handover was over, and there was still no one. The transfer of changes!" the alien host captain replied.

"No change? Is it because this handover did not really start? Or is it because of an overdue relationship?" Chu Feng asked.

"Well... Since I didn't directly participate in this matter, I don't know much about it, but according to the official statement, there should be some conflicts of rights, so this has led to this handover. The main reason for this overdue period should be the violent conflict between the two parties, but this is just a rumor, so we can't be too sure!" The alien host captain recalled.

"Oh! It's just a rumor, but it's not impossible to learn from it! Do you think that after this incident, this handover will also cause overdue?" Chu Feng asked with a smile.

"If one of the power transfers between the two parties is missing, then the transfer must be a failure, and the overdue event will only occur when both parties still exist! So if this thing can be done then This junction will only become a failed handover, not an overdue handover!" The alien host captain explained.

"Oh, it turns out there is such a saying! Oh, it doesn't really matter, anyway, the result is the same!"

Chu Feng showed a nonchalant look, anyway, the plan has been set now, so no matter what its final result, this plan will not change as a result.

Therefore, Chu Feng understood these things only to increase his knowledge, and he had no other ideas besides that.

"That said, in fact, there is nothing to care about. As long as your plan can proceed smoothly, the consequences should not fall on them in the end, but I also know that this process is more difficult!

Although you did not "expose" too complicated emotions, I can also see that a good plan has actually brought you a lot of pressure! "

Chu Feng couldn't help but feel a little surprised by the empathy of the alien host captain.

"It’s okay. After all, this is something I have to do, so I don’t have to complain about anything. What’s more, what I’m doing now will provide me with some convenience, so even if there is no such pressure, then I I will choose to do this too!"

Chu Feng tried his best to make his performance more relaxed. Although he was under pressure now, he was unwilling to transfer this pressure to the alien host captain.

Because he knows that if he presses on himself, he can overcome it by walking. If this pressure is transferred to the captain of the alien system host, he may give up lightly because of this pressure.

Therefore, in the face of this choice, he could only choose to push all this pressure on himself, and then exchange for a relaxed process for the alien host captain.

"Yes, this is indeed your style!" The alien host captain smiled. At this moment, the two seemed to have nothing else to say.

"Let's go, you still have things to do, I won't keep you anymore!"

Chu Feng also felt that he had nothing to say, so he directly asked the alien host captain to leave!

auzw.com"Well, you can do it first, tomorrow I will send someone to meet you, and he will take you to meet this guest!"

The captain of the alien host commanded another word before leaving, and then turned and left!

After bidding farewell to the captain of the alien host, Chu Feng lay on the bed alone, carefully reviewing the flow of the entire plan.

At the moment, time is tight and there is no way to carefully sort out my plan. All I can do now is to roughly analyze the planning process and then select some unreasonable steps from it to correct it.

As time passed, Chu Feng suddenly raised his head, and it was already pitch black outside the window.

The night came again, and on the eve of this heavy rain, Chu Feng's mood was unable to calm down for a long time.

Moreover, tonight is not a peaceful night.

Chu Feng put on a coat and walked out of the room, facing the night and quietly leaving the station.

Finally he came, a forest outside the resident.

The forest is extremely silent, there is no sound of insects or wind.

Chu Feng stood in the forest and waited patiently for ten minutes, when suddenly a rustling sound rang out in the forest.

It sounds like the wind blows fallen leaves, but Chu Feng knows that this is not a fallen leaf.

Chu Feng suddenly turned his head. At this moment, there was a person standing behind him, and that person was Suzi.

"Host, you have always been so punctual!" In the dark night, Suzi grinned, but Chu Feng didn't see his expression very clearly, but he saw the row of teeth, but it was exceptionally bright.

"Now is a critical period, I must control the time, otherwise, there may be changes!" Chu Feng's expression is very calm, after Suzi stood in front of him, his anxiety instantly It disappeared without a trace.

"Yes, it is indeed an extraordinary time now!" Suzi nodded in agreement.

"Well! How's going on your side, is the plan still so tight?" Chu Feng asked.

"I don't have any problems here, don't be too wide, and no one is going to'force' me, so I can say that I live very easily every day, except for no freedom!" He smiled, his tone was indeed very relaxed, but his heart was not as his tone showed.

"Come on! Why do you act in front of me! I know you are not feeling well, don't worry, since I have promised to save you, then I will definitely fulfill my promise!

Now the plan on my side has basically been processed. If this plan can be successfully completed, then your tasks can be immediately connected and implemented after this plan!

Although I am still not at ease in some places now, at least this sense of crisis is not as strong as before! "

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