Whimsical System

Chapter 853: Forced to change plan

"You are here, let me introduce to you, this is Mr. Chu Feng! Let him lead you in this action. No matter what you think, you must report to Mr. Chu Feng first. Only get his You can do it only after you agree, do you know?" The alien host captain asked.

"Yes, Captain!" The host members of the alien system responded in unison.

"Well! Okay, time is almost up, you can set off right away!" The alien host captain ordered.


"Mr. Chu Feng, please!"

Ten members of the alien host system formed two teams, and immediately gave Chu Feng a way for him to act.

"You are welcome, we are just cooperating. Although I order you, we can discuss with each other if there is any dispute!" Chu Feng nodded with a smile on his face, and said something polite before leaving.

At 7:45 in the morning, under the leadership of ten alien host team members, Chu Feng came to a mountain road surrounded by dense forest.

According to them, this is the only way for the guest to get to the station.

Chu Feng looked left and right, the surrounding dense forest was almost endless, but these three paths seemed to have been suddenly cut across the dense forest.

The fallen leaves in the forest almost cover the entire mountain road, which shows that there should not be many people here on weekdays.

The waiting time was boring and long, a group of eleven people, ha ha, almost all immersed in that, boring situation.

Relatively speaking, Chu Feng is better, at least in his heart, there is always something bothering him, so there won't be too many complicated emotions to breed.

And the ten members of the alien host team are going to be a little irritable, and the alien host captain didn't explain the specific plan before leaving.

Even up to this point, they didn't know what the real purpose of their trip was.

So it is no wonder that they will be troubled and irritable.

After about an hour, several figures gradually appeared in the distance of the mountain road.

Looking from a distance, because of the shadow of the tree, it is not very clear.

However, Chu Feng's instinct told him that those figures should be the target of his trip.

"Is it them?" Chu Feng asked an alien host member beside him casually.

The alien host member who was questioned subconsciously glanced into the distance, then nodded heavily.

"Yes, it's them!"

The host member of the alien system answered very positively, perhaps because of his superior vision, so the scene in his eyes was clearer than what Chu Feng saw.

"Okay, then you tell me to prepare first! Since your captain has entrusted this task to us, then we must not let him down!"

Chu Feng said a polite remark that he didn't even believe, then he arranged his appearance, and then he was ready for everything.

The figures in the distance gradually approached, and their appearance was gradually seen by Chu Feng.

There are a total of four people in the group, three of them are walking behind, and the head of the group is a very tall giant.

That's right, it's a giant!

There is no exaggeration, because his height has far exceeded the scope that Chu Feng recognized.

auzw.com According to Chu Feng’s visual observation, this person’s height has reached at least three meters, and this is still a conservative estimate.

"He's really tall enough!"

Just when Chu Feng was surprised by the height of this giant.

The alien host teammates on the side also let out a sigh involuntarily.

Chu Feng followed his reputation, and then asked the sighing alien host member: "Aren't you from the same galaxy? Could this surprise you too?"

"Mr. Chu Feng, you don't know. Although the size of our galaxy host is generally huge, we have never seen it as huge as him!" the alien host team member replied.

"Oh... let's put it this way, we are almost done!" Chu Feng smiled, and at this moment he suddenly felt that he didn't seem so special anymore!

When they were talking, the figure in the distance was already in front of him.

In the face of these four uninvited guests coming from thousands of miles away, Chu Feng smiled and stepped forward to greet them.

From the outside, Chu Feng really looks like a greeter with good etiquette!

"Who is he?"

The moment he first saw Chu Feng, the "color" of the giant's face seemed a little weird. After all, Chu Feng's appearance and figure were very different from the host of the c2 galaxy.

So this is no wonder, it will arouse his doubts.

"Hello, my name is Chu Feng! I don't belong to your galaxy, but I am friends with the captain of this station.

And the reason why I came here is to replace, the captain of this resident, came to greet you! "

Chu Feng made a brief introduction to the giant. He didn't use too much words to express his identity, anyway, it was not necessary!

"You, an alien host, can actually understand the language of our galaxy?"

When Chu Feng was able to speak his own galactic language, the giant's face suddenly became a little surprised.

At this time, rather than saying that he was surprised, it would be better to say that he was worried about something.

Although Chu Feng did not "expose" any threat to him, he was already prepared for Chu Feng.

After all, Chu Feng and him are not the hosts of the same galaxy, let alone Chu Feng can communicate with them in the same state.

And no matter which of these two points, this is enough to worry him.

"I know, this matter is indeed very difficult to understand! In fact, I have encountered this situation more than once, but I believe that after my explanation, you will naturally choose to accept it!

After all, we will become friends one day, and you will benefit greatly from me! "

Chu Feng's words were said without any thought. Moreover, this is still a Xu Ye who has almost no guarantee.

However, right now, Chu Feng, along with the development of things, gradually changed the plan he had made before.

Originally, he planned that when this group of people appeared, he would immediately look for opportunities to do it.

But when he saw the giant, he completely dispelled this idea.

Because he knew that with his current ability, there was absolutely no way to resist the giant, so this plan, naturally, had no value for existence.

And right now, since he couldn't do it in the middle, he had no choice but to bring these people back to the station. Although doing so would cause some inconvenience, it was also a last resort.

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