Whimsical System

Chapter 861: Missing beggar

The iron prison is a landmark building of the resident, and it is also one of the most clearly classified prisons in the resident.

The prison as a whole is divided into three parts, namely, A, B, and C.

Among these three categories, A is the highest end, B is the second, and C is the last.

With the continuous improvement of the classification intensity, the firmness and defensiveness of the prison will also be strengthened.

At this time, the place where the beggars are being held is precisely the most closely guarded category in this prison, Class A!

Dive all the way down the indicated passage in the prison, about 10 meters deep underground, which is the entrance to the Class A prison.

There is a guard room at the entrance, where there are a total of four guards who take turns on duty.

When Feng Suo and Chu Feng appeared here, that Dang Even "showed" a vigilant look.

It was not until Feng Suo handed the pass that had been prepared in advance to the guards that the four guards gradually relaxed their vigilance towards the two of them.

After passing through the entrance, the two of them walked along the steps and went deep into the fourth floor again, until the surrounding air gradually thinned and the temperature dropped to freezing point, they two saw the true face of the Class A prison!

Standing on the steps opposite to the bottom floor, looking at the countless lamps, they are all messed up all over the prison.

Each lamp exudes a faint green "color" light, like a ghost fire.

With the light of the people in the lantern show, the two can clearly see the prisons like crystal casting.

The uneven surface directly prevents the light from being reflected, and even the reflection is so fuzzy.

And looking inward through this surface, it is also a vast expanse of whiteness, which is not clear at all.

"I checked it for you just now. Your friend should be in jail number 12. The environment there is relatively good!"

After walking down the bottom steps, Feng Suo said while handing a key with the serial number 12 to Chu Feng.

"Aren't you coming with me?" Chu Feng asked Feng Suo with a glance.

"No, I'll wait for you here!" Feng Suo waved his hand and said.

"Okay, I'll be back in a while!" Chu Feng took the key and walked directly into the passage to find the No. 12 jail where the beggar was held.

After a while, under the faint green light, Chu Feng's figure appeared again at the edge of the passage.

"Are you done?" Feng Suo looked at Chu Feng from a distance and asked.

Chu Feng shook his head blankly: "He is not there, it seems that your news is not accurate!"

"Is he not there? That's how the criminal record is written! Is it because there was an error in the record?" Feng Suo didn't know the reason for the matter. After all, he just came here, so many things he didn't know it well!

"This is indeed a mistake, but it is estimated that a large part of this mistake is caused by man-made!" Chu Feng smiled, and at this moment he had guessed the matter.

This incident is almost impossible, it was deliberately arranged by the captain of the alien system host.

The purpose is probably to "confuse" Chu Feng and prevent him from meeting with beggars in private.

Sure enough, Chu Feng just followed his way at this moment.

Today, the prisoner's record is no longer reliable, and Chu Feng is equivalent to completely losing the information about the location of the beggar.

If he really wants to find a beggar, he must check all the cells in this prison one by one!

"Now, what do you want to do?" Feng Suo asked.

"I don't know!" Chu Feng shook his head, and did not give Feng Suo a clear answer.

auzw.com "Then... are you planning to go back?" Feng Suo asked tentatively.

"Apart from this, do you have any other good suggestions?" Chu Feng frowned, waiting for Feng Suo's answer.

Feng Suo blinked, but in the end he didn't say a single reason.

"It seems that you don't have any good ideas! Forget it, since they don't want me to see him, then I will simply follow their wishes! I don't want to cause any trouble!"

Chu Feng sighed, and after returning the key to the wind rope, he left the Class A prison directly along the steps.

Feng Suo turned his head and glanced at Chu Feng, and then followed suit.

"If you want me to say, you might as well go and say hello to the resident captain first. Are you not good friends? I believe that through your relationship, he will definitely not hide this matter from you on purpose!

In addition, I still believe that there was an error when recording the prisoner's information, rather than intentionally! "

After catching up with Chu Feng, Feng Suo began to persuade Chu Feng in a peaceful and friendly manner.

In the face of Fengsuo's advice, Chu Fengdian did not show obvious resistance.

At this moment, he just kept walking silently, with neither a verbal answer nor a deceptive response.

When the two of them walked out of the Class A entrance in tandem, Chu Feng suddenly stopped and asked Xiang Fengsuo, "Do you think I should believe you?"


When Chu Feng asked, Dang Even stunned the Fengsuo!

"What you said, I don't quite understand!"

"You shouldn't lie to me?" Chu Feng asked with a smile.

Feng Suo smiled and shook his head: "Heh...no!"

"Oh, I know you won't, I can trust you, even though we just met together!" Chu Feng's smile grew a little bit more, it was just false, and it also added a little bit.


At the exit of the prison, several guards who had previously hovered on the hot air balloon had all returned to the ground at this time.

After Chu Feng's troubles, they learned a lot better, but this was only for a few people!

Soon after, Chu Feng walked out of the prison alone.

Because Feng Suo still had to visit his friends, after leaving the Class A prison, the two of them parted ways.

Therefore, when he left the prison, there was only Chu Feng alone!

"Mr. Chu Feng, why did you come out so quickly?"

When the young guard saw Chu Feng again, he took the initiative to speak up.

And, it still looks flattering.

"Unlucky, I didn't find my friend!" Chu Feng raised his eyebrows and glanced at him, and replied lukewarmly.

"Really? Then this is a happy event!"

"What kind of happy event is this?" Chu Feng sullen his face, his expression extremely serious.

When the young guard saw Chu Feng's "color", he couldn't help swallowing secretly. He didn't dare to explain, "Mr. Chu Feng, don't get me wrong! I mean, since you didn't find it." Your friend, that means that your friend has been released, so this should be considered a happy event!"

"Are you sure, that friend of mine was released, not killed?"

Chu Feng's words were originally intended to make things difficult for the young guards, but when he said these words, he actually had this kind of suspicion!

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