Whimsical System

Chapter 871: Time discussion

"If you can't do both of these, then your goal may be difficult to achieve!" The host holding the knife shook his head and said.

"Don't you just have this one idea? Don't you have any other way to tell me after giving up this?" The giant obviously has some illusions about this, even though the host holding the knife can make this sentence clear enough , But he still has no mercy on this matter.

"I'm sorry, although I want to help you, but if these two aspects are not available, it will be a very troublesome thing. After all, what the players want is these two points, including me. These two points are also needed now!

If you can't satisfy my two points, maybe even I will choose to betray you! "The host with the knife explained.

"No, no, no... this is not the main question! Is there any other way I am asking you? I don't want you to struggle with this question!

Now I can tell you very clearly that this is absolutely not the case! I don’t agree with your method, and I have no way to do it, so you have to come up with a one-size-fits-all solution to prevent me from suffering, but also to achieve what I need! "

At this time, the giant seemed to be deliberately making things difficult for the host holding the knife. As a result, he didn't have this idea, but his words did contain this meaning.

In fact, the giant just wants to take over the station as soon as possible, and his stinginess is also very real!

"Motor, I understand what you mean! Believe me, I absolutely understand what you mean! Although I want to help you, reality doesn't allow us to do that!" The host holding the knife explained with embarrassment.

"Is this the answer you gave me? Is this what you promised me before?" The giant's face "color" fell in an instant, and the haze was like a thick fog, which usually filled his face. .

And soon, it has covered all.

"President, please don't be angry, although I have no other way to help you solve this matter, I can assist you to complete the two conditions, no matter how difficult it is, I am willing to help you do this!"

Perhaps because of fear, the host holding the knife bit the bullet and made this promise like a giant.

Although he also knew that it was difficult to do so, he still said this sentence without thinking.

Maybe, this is his own way of life-saving!

"You can help me solve it, are you sure you didn't lie to me?" The giant stretched out a finger and pointed it straight at the host holding the knife.

In his action, there is both surprise and threat.

Since the host holding the knife just said that powerless sentence, the giant has begun to doubt the host holding the knife.

He thought that the host holding the knife might still deceive himself, even in the process of threatening, he would still not stop doing this.

Obviously, the giant's guess is correct this time, and the host holding the knife is indeed pretending to be a lie in order to get rid of the current danger.

But the giant was also confused, because since he had doubts about it, he still forced himself to believe in the promise of the host holding the knife.

Even if he knew it might be risky, he still wanted to do it.

However, this is not all blame, the giant is confused.

After all, in this case, the Giant has no other person to send, so he can only persuade himself to believe in the host holding the knife, even if he will take some risks, he is willing to do so.

After all, this is a more critical moment. The urgent needs and the reflection of reality are telling the giant that he must do this, he has no choice!


"Please rest assured, even if I fight for this "life", I will fulfill my promise!"

With that, the host holding the knife grabbed the giant's finger, as if grabbing a wooden stick.

The giant once again brightened the host with the knife, and then slowly pulled his finger out.

At this moment, he was slightly uncertain. He didn't know what to do, and even he didn't know what he was going to do next.

Because all this was arranged for him by the host holding the knife, he is now like a machine running according to the program, if no one "fuck" him, then he would completely lose his mind!

"Okay! I believe you, even if this thing is so absurd, I believe you, but you have to give me a plan! At least you have to let me know what you want to do? How do you do it!" Giant Demanded.

"Okay, please rest assured, I will definitely give you this plan! You only need to give me three days, and after three days, I will put the complete planning process in your hands!" The Sword Master said.

"No, three days are too long, I can't wait so long!" The giant shook his head and refused.

"Then how long do you think it will take?" the host holding the knife tentatively asked.

"At most one day, this is my bottom line!"

"One day?" The host with the knife looked surprised.

"Why, can't it?"

The giant glanced casually at the host holding the knife, and asked slowly.

"Minister, if it's an empty talk, I would even dare to give it to you now! But if it is the actual situation, the time of the day is indeed a bit nervous. After all, I have to go back to the deployment plan, but just this On the one hand, I have to spend half a day.

Therefore, the time may have to be postponed slightly! "The host holding the knife carefully explained.

"Oh... if that's the case, it's not impossible, but it's really impossible for three days!

How about this, two days! I will give you two days, two days later, still here, you give me your plan! "After a brief thought, the giant said.


The host holding the knife still hesitated a bit, but compared to just now, it was a lot lighter.

"What? Two days are not enough for you?"

The giant couldn't help but feel angry at the reaction of the host holding the knife. At this time, he thought he had made a big concession, but the host holding the knife still refused to relax, which made him difficult endure!

"President, it's not that I deliberately refuted your face, but the situation is indeed special!

When talking about time just now, I was afraid to talk too long and annoy you, so I compressed time on purpose!

In fact, under normal circumstances, it will take at least five days for a plan like this to achieve a perfect deployment!

And when I said that in three days, that was already compressing this plan to the extreme. If you want to shorten it further, then the deployment of this plan may really be impossible to complete! "The host with the knife explained.

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