Whimsical System

Chapter 876: Reveal the truth

The captain of the alien host suddenly became silent, and when Chu Feng asked him this question, he became speechless.

At this time, he was thinking. He was considering how to answer Chu Feng's question. Although the reason for this incident is simple, the impact of this incident has affected many people.

That's why there are those weird things he talked about earlier.

But now, when Chu Feng brought up this topic again, the alien host captain didn't plan to avoid it anymore.

Anyway, sooner or later he has to make this matter clear, so he doesn't bother to make up any more lies!

After "groaning" for a moment, the alien host captain nodded slightly, and then said: "If you have to understand this way, it can't be said to be wrong! After all, I just said that as long as it is what I do. , Then it is full of the meaning of resistance!

So, if you understand this way, it can't be said to be wrong! It's just that it's a bit inappropriate! "

"Which aspect is not appropriate? Isn't this matter in line with your purpose of doing things?" Chu Feng asked.

"Conformity is conformity! It's just that this thing is not very glorious! Actually, there is a large part of the reason why I did this because I want to guard against you!"

"Are you guarding me?" Chu Feng frowned, showing an unbelievable expression.

"Yes, I have been guarded against you from beginning to end, including everything I say and everything I do!" The alien host captain said solemnly.


Chu Feng took a deep breath, and then slowly exhaled it. After doing this series of actions, he nodded heavily.

The captain of the alien host on the side was extremely puzzled by Chu Feng's actions.

He didn't know what Chu Feng meant by doing this.

Is it angry? It doesn't look like it! Is it forgiving? It seems that there is no such meaning!

"Actually, I thought about it!"

As a result, when the captain of the alien host repeatedly speculated on Chu Feng's mind, Chu Feng suddenly said something that he never expected!

"When, when did you have this idea?" the alien host captain asked.

"When we decided to cooperate, when you agreed to my request and were willing to cooperate with me, I had already expected that you would have this idea!" Chu Feng replied.

"Why? Why do you have this mindset?" The alien host captain didn't understand it very well. Although this topic is taboo, the alien host captain still wants to ask this matter clearly.

"Because I have the same idea, in fact, this is nothing strange, after all, we didn't know each other before!

What's more, we are not from the same galaxy, so it is normal to be prepared for each other! Chu Feng explained.

"You're right!" The captain of the alien host nodded in agreement, "As everyone knows, even if you are in the same galaxy, you also have their own minds! Not to mention people like us who have never known each other. !"

"Yes, so there is nothing to taboo about this topic!" Chu Feng concluded.

auzw.com "Hmm!" The host captain of the alien galaxy nodded in agreement, and he has always regarded him as the most important secret issue.

At this moment, due to the communication between the two, it gradually became a little meaningless!

And just after the alien host captain responded.

The two fell into a new round of silence again, and in this stage, they seemed to lose the topic of discussion at the same time.

After detailed understanding, Chu Feng no longer worried about the safety of beggars.

On the contrary, it was the captain of the alien host, who was worried about the safety of his plan.

Although on the surface, this expression "exposed" his attitude, wanting to tell Chu Feng about this matter.

But in fact, this is just another way of deceiving Chu Feng!

In the process of telling, he told himself over and over again not to tell the important things, no matter how much he said, he must hide the place that should be hidden completely!

As Chu Feng mentioned earlier, it was one of the topics that the captain of the alien system host wanted to hide.

Although in the end, the alien host captain achieved his goal.

But this also left a trace of thoughts for Chu Feng, and this thought was also the reason why the alien host captain was worried.

"Ah... let's continue to talk about the topic just now! It looks like your plan has not been finished yet. If possible, I really hope that I can listen to you to finish, the whole content of this plan!"

The long silence was finally broken by Du Huo. Although this was not the result expected by the alien host captain, when this happened, he also showed a relaxed look.

In his opinion, if this matter has always been hidden under a secret package, according to the temper of the prescription, then he will definitely find ways to find out the true face of this matter!

And once he does this, this will also cause a series of problems. As for what useful information he will dig out at that time, I am afraid that it is not the captain of the alien host, which can be mastered!

Therefore, from this perspective, telling Chu Feng about this matter is not a bad thing.

At least, this story can make Chu Feng completely calm down.

Although this is just wishful thinking of the alien host captain, it is undeniable that the issues he is considering at this time are indeed more in line with the reality!

Therefore, when the captain of the alien system host made up his mind, his next narration began!

"Before this incident happened, I spent a lot of time making plans, and when this incident happened, the plan I made before was also affected!

So far, although my mainstream direction has not changed, many details have already changed!

Therefore, if I want my plan to continue, then I must make a lot of backup plans to fix the current problems!

And because of this, you have become part of my backup plan! In fact, I wanted to keep this from you.

After all, you have a cooperative relationship with me. If I took the initiative to propose this matter, it would be equivalent to paying you a certain amount of remuneration. At this time, you must be able to see my ability clearly!

That's right, there is no more energy to take on this now, so I can only choose to hide from you and leave everything to luck! "

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