Whimsical System

Chapter 880: The ferocious desire in my heart

After the alien host captain and Chu Feng rushed out of the secret passage one after another, the alien host captain Dang even placed the beggar on his bed.

In addition, he hurriedly boiled hot water again, trying to warm up the beggar's body.

And while he was doing this series of work, Chu Feng still stayed in the abyss unable to extricate himself.

At this moment, the beggar is lying beside him, as long as he wants, then he can take the life of the beggar at any time.

And he can also shirk all this guilt on the captain of the alien host.

Such a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, if Chu Feng can firmly grasp it, it will directly achieve the effect of killing two birds with one stone.

However, he was not sure that he could really do this kind of thing. Although he had a strong desire in his heart, his reason reminded him over and over again that he could not do it.

As time passed, evil thoughts were gradually growing in his mind.

Even at a certain moment, he has reached a level beyond his control.

But at that moment, the captain of the alien host suddenly appeared, and he was still urgently helping the beggar.

And with his help, the beggar's body gradually began to improve, and gradually the beggar's body temperature had returned to normal levels.

"Huh...Chu Feng, come and take a look. Has he recovered?"

The temperature of the beggar was tested again. When the temperature returned to normal, the captain of the alien host could not help but breathe a sigh of relief, and then greeted Chu Feng to pass!

Under the cry of the captain of the alien host, Chu Feng suddenly recalled from his "fascinated" thoughts.

Then, he stood up in a daze, came to the bed step by step, staring at the beggar on the bed blankly.

Fists with both hands, as if ready to go.

"Chu Feng's current temperature has returned to normal levels. Does this mean that he has no problems?" The alien host captain lowered his voice and asked Chu Feng.


Chu Feng looked at the alien host captain blankly. In fact, he didn't hear what the alien host captain said just now.

"What did you say?" Chu Feng asked dumbly, whether it was from his attitude or language, it seemed a bit abnormal.

"What's the matter with you?" The alien host captain frowned, somewhat confused!

It stands to reason that the voice he made just now should be audible, but Chu Feng seemed to be suddenly deaf, and his demeanor was so strange.

"Oh... I'm fine! Just now, I was thinking about something, maybe I was not very focused, you just said that his body temperature has recovered, right?"

auzw.com When the captain of the alien system host asked Chu Feng the second question, Chu Feng came back to his senses, and when even taking advantage of this short time, he set out for himself , Can be used to explain the words of everyday behavior just now.

"Yes, his body temperature has now returned to normal levels. Does this mean that he has recovered?" The alien host captain asked hesitantly.

"Let me see!" Chu Feng stepped to the side of the beggar, then stretched out his hand and tried it on the beggar's forehead.

At this time, the beggar's forehead is indeed at a constant temperature. Although it is not as good as usual, at least it is not below the bottom line.

"There should be no problem! His temperature is currently at a normal level. If the body has not recovered, he should be able to show it from his body temperature!"

In fact, Chu Feng didn't know if there was any problem. After all, the beggar didn't have any consciousness at this time, and the only way to judge his physical condition was his heartbeat, body temperature, and breathing!

But now these three aspects are in a normal state, so Chu Feng can only guess roughly that the beggar has no problem now.

"It's okay!" After listening to Chu Feng's analysis, the overhanging heart of the alien host captain finally let go.

"In a moment, I will find someone to help him take a look! Try to give him some "medicine", I hope he can recover better!" said the alien host captain.

"You don't need to take the "medicine". He has basically returned to normal now, and you don't need to do anything else. If your amount of "medicine" is wrong, it might harm him!

When the alien host captain proposed to give the beggar "medicine", Chu Fengdang even rejected the alien host leader's suggestion.

He did this for the benefit of beggars. After all, they are two kinds of creatures in different galaxies, like this kind of cross-galaxy "medicine".

Chu Feng was really unsure whether he was good or bad. Therefore, to be on the safe side, it is better not to try it lightly. Anyway, now that the beggar has returned to normal, taking things like "medicine" is indeed unnecessary!

"Well, well, since you don't recommend taking "medicine", then I will add some nutrition to his diet!" The alien host captain retreated and said second.

"Just do whatever you want, in fact, you don't need to do this, after all, there is not much problem with his body!" Chu Feng persuaded.

"No! It's all my fault for him to become like this. Besides, he is still your friend, so I must be responsible for this matter. Even if they are not partners, I will do the same. After all, I have to Be responsible for what you do!" The alien host captain said righteously.

"Okay, if you want, then just do it with you, and I don't care! As long as you don't make too much movement, there will be nothing else!" Seeing the host captain of the alien galaxy insisted so persistently, Chu Feng stopped. He didn't say much, anyway, he didn't need to "intervene", so he didn't bother to worry about this nosy!

"Well, as long as you agree! As for your friend, I don't have to follow his advice! After all, he has no way to express his own ideas!" The alien host captain said half-jokingly, this There is nothing funny about the sentence.

At best, this is just a lame joke used by the captain of the alien host to adjust the atmosphere!

"Relax! I can completely represent him now, as long as I agree, then he won't refuse! After all, I can say yes now, can fully control his life!" Chu Feng smiled, and then he also catered to the alien host The captain, said something unnutritious.

"Yeah! Let's go, let him rest here for a while!"

After arranging the beggars, the alien host captain didn't want to plan, and left the bedroom with Chu Feng.

However, at this time Chu Feng did not intend to leave.

"You go out first, I'll stay here with him for a while, if something goes wrong, you will come to me again!" Chu Feng sat down on the edge of the bed and said to the captain of the alien host.

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