Whimsical System

Chapter 885: Obstruction of the host holding the knife

"If you say that, then I will envy you. I also want to live the life of a bystander, but unfortunately, reality does not allow me to do this!" The alien host captain joked.

"I don’t have anything worthy of your envy. Don’t look at me. Although I’m not involved in this matter now, I also have a bunch of difficult things to solve. In fact, everyone of us is the same. Since becoming the host After that, there will always be more trouble than luck!

Even if we keep solving and working hard, there will never be a way to solve these troubles. After all, this is the way to host. If these troubles are missing, maybe we will not be able to grow. Hosts who have lost the ability to grow are destined to be eliminated. I don’t know what elimination means to you. Anyway, I can’t be eliminated because I am afraid of death, and death is also not a relief for me! "

At the end of the conversation, Chu Feng suddenly became a little deep, as if he had found the original feeling again. In the real world, he was ineffective, yet unwilling to be ordinary, but in the end it was still an inevitable tragic fate!

As a result, here, in this completely different world, he suddenly found the feeling at the time. Although what he has experienced and faced has changed, there are still those around her that have something with him. People with the same feelings, perhaps they have never experienced the pressure of life in the real world, but in this world, they are the same painful, and they are all in the same state, but there is a feeling that they are the same as the world. It's just this feeling that only Chu Feng can evaluate!

"I suddenly found out that you are also a philosopher! I always like to say that survival **** are full of philosophy. Sometimes I really want to learn from you, Dell. Sometimes I change my mind. I don’t want to be such a person. It’s not true. I, and after studying, I can’t become the real you, so I just live my own way, do my own things, have my own plans, and occasionally need help from others, but the person who will benefit in the end is still myself !"

Unknowingly, the alien host captain Bie suddenly became deep under the lead of Chu Feng. Although what he said was somewhat lost and somewhat inconsistent with the current situation, it was indeed what he thought in his heart.

It's just that at this moment Chu Feng has also become the captain of the alien host. He doesn't understand what the alien host captain is trying to express. Maybe he is telling another story, a Chu Feng, he has never heard. The story told!

The conversation between the two people gradually became alienated from the topic between the words, and at a certain moment, suddenly returned to the topic.

Although all this is so abrupt, but for the two of them, it is so normal.

The next day, after the two slept each night, they suddenly felt energetic again.

After surveys last night, they have worked out a very detailed plan, and even who is responsible for which thing, how to do it, and when to do it, have already made the most detailed decisions.

At this time, what Chu Feng faced was how to solve the current troubles. He also said yesterday that the most important thing right now is not to solve the giant, but to solve his followers.

Although the captain of the alien host did not give him this task, he still needs to collect the information of those entourages, at least he needs to understand it first.

After getting the information, he needs to convey it to the captain of the alien host as soon as possible. Then the alien host captain will do this. As for the success or failure, they also have plans to follow, and these plans are the solutions that Chu Feng formulated at the beginning.

auzw.com In terms of investigating identity, Chu Feng has always been quite good at it. Although he does not have the assistance of those team members now, he can also do this job himself, and he can also pass Entrust Suzi to achieve this goal.

One afternoon three years later, Chu Feng, who had collected all the information, took a document and went to the residence of the captain of the alien host to discuss the next step.

Moreover, when he had just approached the residence of the host captain of the alien galaxy, he encountered the host holding the knife halfway through the road.

Since that day, after the host holding the knife chose to belong to the giant, Chu Feng has never seen him again. At this time, his sudden appearance of the host holding the knife gave Chu Feng an unspeakable feeling.

"Chu Feng, are you going to find the captain again, right?" The host holding the knife took the initiative to stop Chu Feng and spoke.

"You are no longer under the control of the captain, so you don't need to ask about these things. I advise you to go early and please your new master! It is said that he likes you very much. Don't hurt his heart!" Chu Fengyang said strangely, but in the end he didn't answer the question of the host holding the knife.

"Huh! I know you have grievances against me, but it doesn’t matter. I won’t be affected by your grievances in any way. What I am doing now is something you can never consider! Including why I am now I will suddenly ask you to say this, I'm afraid you don't know it!" The host holding the knife said those inexplicable things, and he thought that he was talking about Duhuo's heart.

"What are you doing? Pretending to be a mysterious trick? This is really boring, please let me go, I still have something to do!"

Chu Feng leaned over and walked past the host holding the knife. However, the host holding the knife suddenly stretched out his arm to stop him.

"We haven't finished talking about it yet. I'm leaving now in a hurry, isn't it a bit impolite?" The host with the knife asked.

Chu Feng glanced at the host holding the knife impatiently, and said with a grievance: "I have nothing to chat with you, and now we are different and not conspiring. As long as you don't provoke me, I can guarantee that I will not Will shoot you!

But if you have to "force" me, then I may not be able to make this guarantee! "

"It's better without this guarantee. I'm still waiting to try to fight with you. If that's the case, let's have a try. Anyway, I'm just boring now!"

While the host holding the knife said, he wanted to open his posture, wanting to fight Chu Feng!

"You have a problem! I am not so bored. I still have things to do and I don't have time to spend with you here!"

Chu Feng looked at the host holding the knife with a look of disgust. At this moment, he was blocked by the host holding the knife, so he could only stand in place, staring at the host holding the knife with an angry expression.

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