Whimsical System

Chapter 895: Worsening

"Listening to you, I hope you can conduct your investigation of me earlier, and then let me integrate into your camp as soon as possible. The feeling of fighting alone like this is really uncomfortable. I really have Enough!" Feng Suo sighed, seeming to vent to Chu Feng.

"Don't worry, it won't be too long. If you are really in a hurry, I can also increase the speed appropriately, but it must be under the premise of ensuring quality!" Chu Feng said.

"Um... I understand! Then you start! Where are you going to start the investigation first?" Feng Suo asked.

"Since it's an investigation, I can't tell you naturally. You can wait patiently. When it's time to tell you, I will naturally tell you!

Okay, let's talk about it today, you can go back, and if there is any news, I will notify you again! "Chu Feng said.

"Yeah!" Feng Suo nodded, although he still had something to say, he didn't say any more.

After Fengsuo left, Chu Feng also left the prison. Today's party is still quite rewarding, but at least it can be regarded as fixing the Fengsuo. Although it has not been confirmed yet, at least for now, For Chu Feng, this is a good start.

When she returned to her residence, it was too late. The lights in the premises are still on, and the surroundings are bright, and there is no difference from usual.

Chu Feng has already issued the instruction to be responsible for the investigation. Then, he only needs to wait patiently for the result, and I don't know how many punishments are given to the work here, so it can be regarded as a familiarity!

Today there is no time to meet the captain of the alien galaxy host, but the information in Chu Feng's hand has not been able to be sent out. He doesn't know how long this situation will last, maybe it will be a long time, or tomorrow, he Then you can see the captain of the alien host again.

In short, everything is still unknown, and the real answer can only be known after the arrival of tomorrow. The young bee can wait. The long wait is more like a test for her. In most cases, his The test usually lasts a long time.

The silent night always disappears gradually in silence.

The dawn of the next day illuminates the resident again, no matter what happened yesterday, no matter how dark this territory once was, in short, it belongs to the dawn, and there is also the gentle sunshine and gentle breeze.

Chu Feng once again prepared the materials and was about to go to the residence of the captain of the alien system host.

However, just as he was about to leave the house, the captain of the alien host took the lead and came to his residence.

When entering the door, the alien host captain looked around as if he was on guard. Although he didn't hide his identity, he always gave people a bad feeling from his behavior.

"Captain, I was just about to find you, why did you come here by yourself? Yesterday I..."


"Don't say anything. The development of things is so fast that I am about to be out of control. Now we must be more vigilant. Today, neither of you nor me are very optimistic!"

The alien host captain did not listen to Chu Feng's words, but with a solemn expression, reminded Chu Feng.

"What happened?" Chu Feng realized that something was wrong when he heard it. Although he hadn't felt the dangerous aura yet, the strange behavior of the alien host captain did make him faintly "hairy".

"According to what I heard, the top may have to be changed. This time the power allocation may retain the original position without changing, and the leader will be transferred!" said the alien host captain.

"This sounds like good news!" Chu Feng said.

"You’re right, this really just sounds like good news, but in fact it’s a catastrophe for me. Think about it, our struggle with them has entered this level. If If the order above suddenly changes, then it is no different to them, it is no different from a huge blow, and under this blow, they are likely to retaliate against me, and they even It is possible to kill me, and then "force" the upper side according to my death, and reprocess the dominance!" The alien host captain analyzed.

"This kind of thing is indeed possible, but now we have no strong evidence at all!"

Chu Feng had basically understood the meaning of the host captain of the alien galaxy, and his worries were correct, and such unexpected things would indeed happen in this situation now.

However, if this is only a guess, then how to implement the next plan has become a very difficult question.

"When we have the evidence, I may be dead. Now, what we need to do is not to find evidence, but to resolve this crisis as soon as possible. It is best to contain this crisis in advance!" The captain said.

"Then what do you think we should do? Do you still follow the original plan and get rid of that person?" Chu Feng asked.

"This is the only strategy we can use at present. Haven't you already investigated the details of his followers? What are the results of the investigation now? Can it be used?" the alien host captain asked.

"But I have compiled his information, and I planned to send him there yesterday, but I was obstructed during the period. Did someone go to your place yesterday? Otherwise, this kind of thing would never happen!" Chu Feng asked.

"It's true that I was imprisoned yesterday. Although it was only a nominal imprisoned egg, its "sexuality" was still the same. This morning, when I was out of the house, someone followed me, and I didn't know it was It was not sent by our opponents. In short, I am in a very bad situation now, and it can even be said to be very bad!" The alien host captain said depressed.

"Um... Actually, when I was blocked yesterday, I had already discovered the problem. Although I don't know what happened, I can feel that the situation is really not very good recently!"

While talking, Chu Feng handed the data that had been sorted out to the captain of the alien galaxy host.

"This is the information I have obtained. Basically everyone's information is very detailed. Most of them are in a state of employment now. If we can remove this state of employment, maybe this matter will be better. There are many things to do, but this is not an easy thing to do, because this so-called employment is not about money or power!"

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