Whimsical System

Chapter 931: Monster

When the number of deaths of the monsters climbed straight to the sixth one, the monsters fighting with each other gradually began to turn their attention towards Chu Feng.

Obviously, in this dark space, they discovered the existence of Chu Feng, this person.

Maybe they don't have a sharp mind to think about the ins and outs of this matter.

But the appearance of Chu Feng is like the birth of prey or food to them.

As a result, the battle between the monsters had already progressed to an extremely crazy state, but when Chu Feng appeared in their sight.

The struggle for food has suddenly become what they must do. Even for a certain period of time, this has become more important than biting each other and releasing anger.

"No, they don't seem to be right!"

On the other side, just as Old Chu was appreciating the scene in front of him with great relish, the monster war.

The strange gazes of those monsters instantly caused Lao Chu to have such a sense of uncertainty.

"what happened?"

Since Chu Feng could not see the changes in the surrounding situation, he could only understand what was happening at present by asking Old Chu!

"These monsters seem to have discovered your existence, and their eyes are a little weird!" Lao Chu's answer was extremely calm, but his calmness also revealed the unconcealable worry!

"What does it mean to look weird? Are they trying to target me?" Chu Feng frowned.

"They should regard you as their target, although I don't know what they want to do next, but the result will definitely not be any better!" Old Chu said.

"If this is the case, it seems that I have no time to rest!

Forget it, they cannibalized each other and have solved a lot of trouble for me. Now, their lives should be ended by me! "

Chu Feng said with a smile, and then subconsciously moved his hands and feet.

"I think it's better for me to resist for a while. You should deal with one first, and after you deal with the one in your hand, you can deal with the others!

Save them all rushing towards you, you can't help it! "Old Chu suggested.

"If that's the case, then naturally it couldn't be better, but...can you?" Chu Feng said with some worry.

"Don't worry, I'm just interfering with their actions. As long as I don't have direct contact with them, there will be no problem!" Old Chu said vowedly.

"Okay! Let you stop them first! I'll get rid of the strongest one first. As for the rest, it will be much simpler!" Chu Feng nodded, here as Lao Chu mentioned earlier. At the position, he rushed straight towards the monster with the largest stature.

At the same time, Lao Chu also launched an action at the same time, leaving Chu Feng's body in an instant, and then besieged the remaining monsters.


In the darkness, the sound of the viscous "liquid" flowing is particularly clear here.

Although Lao Chu was in a state of personality, he possessed extremely powerful external interference capabilities.

auzw.com And since entering the realm of fire, his ability has been greatly improved.

Perhaps this had something to do with what Chu Feng had experienced before. After all, Chu Feng's body had already changed at this time, and the personality of Old Chu had naturally been improved accordingly.

Currently in this dark environment, the old Chu in personality form stands alone in the air.

The whole person instantly turned into a mist of "mis".

At this time, Lao Chu no longer possesses any form, and the "mist" mist gradually began to spread, just like the previous mysterious gas, which filled the space without end.

But just as the "mist" mist gradually diffused to a certain degree, those irritable monsters suddenly became quiet at this moment.

This "mist" mist is like a tranquilizer, instantly destroying the violent elements in the monster's body.

At the same time, Chu Feng on the other side fought fiercely with the biggest monster.

Currently, if he wants to deal with monsters, Chu Feng has only one way, and that is to remove its scales, then completely incapacitate him, and finally let him die gradually.

However, although the plan was considered in this way, when Chu Feng really came into contact with the monster, he suddenly realized that the strength of this monster is indeed not to be underestimated, because even in such a chaotic and intense bite. In the middle, the scales on its body have not been damaged at all, and even the broken parts have not existed.

On the contrary, other monsters were bruised by it and were dying.

It can also be seen from this that it seems that since this monster, the monster's rank has undergone extremely obvious changes, and the gap between each rank is also expanding.

According to Lao Chu's previous description, the current size of this monster is not enough, half of the monster encountered in the passage.

And just such a monster that has not yet completed its evolution, but already possesses such terrifying strength.

Imagine what a terrifying scene if such monsters were allowed to evolve completely.

Chu Feng climbed to the back of the monster, his arms stubbornly grabbed the monster's scales, and because of the monster's huge body, the cracks in its scales also increased.

At this time, a certain part of its body's scales can already "plug" into an arm.

However, although the gaps are easier to find, but in places with relatively large gaps, under normal circumstances, the hardness and firmness of the scales will far exceed those of ordinary scales.

And this also meant that if Chu Feng wanted to start with such scales.

Then he had to resort to powers that surpassed the usual several times or even dozens of times.

For this condition, these are currently unavailable, so he can only temporarily give up this kind of scales, and then look for some weaker places to start.

As time passed, Chu Feng, who was on the back of the monster, had already found a suitable target at this time, but his display process was extremely difficult.

The location he chose at this moment was the middle area of ​​the monster's body.

In that position, the scales are densely covered, but the gap is still moderate. In addition, the monsters in that position have more developed muscles. If the monster's struggling movements are stronger, it can help Chu Feng speed up the removal of the scales.


On the back of the monster, Chu Feng pressed his body tightly on the monster's scales, and then his two arms, like pliers, stuck one of the scales firmly.

Immediately, Chu Feng tried his best to uproot it, but with a crisp sound, the scale that was pinched tightly in his hand by Chu Feng was actually abrupt at this moment and was broken by Chu Feng. It became two paragraphs.

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