Whimsical System

Chapter 945: Explore the monster egg area

"How did you know? Oh... I forgot, you can see the situation there!" Chu Feng muttered to himself, and currently his questions are answered by himself.

"Yes, I can see the situation there. In fact, as early as when we were fighting the monsters, I had already discovered the existence of those monster eggs!

If I think it may take a long time for them to hatch, I didn't tell you, but now, you are going back there again. If I don't tell you, I am worried that you will be in danger! "Lao Chu explained.

"Could it be that those monster eggs will still hatch?" Jing Lao Chu said so, Chu Feng couldn't help but feel a little worried.

"No one can say exactly the time of incubation, and I'm just guessing! Although in my calculations, their incubation time has not yet arrived, but everything happens by chance, so I can't beat this for you. Guarantee!" Old Chu said hesitantly.

Chu Feng frowned and thought for a while, then gently nodded: "It's okay, since the hatching time has not arrived, there shouldn't be any problems.

What's more, you are here to assist me, I believe there will be no problems! "

"This is not a question of what you believe or my assistance, but how do you deal with those emergencies, in case they really hatch, and then use the previous'liquid' bodies to complete the evolution.

I guess the opponent you will face next is probably us, no one can surrender it! "

Lao Chu bluntly mentioned the key points of this matter. In his opinion, all understanding is not as good as prevention. If there is no way to respond to an emergency, all will be in vain.

"I have this idea, but I don't know what to do to achieve that goal! If it is possible, I am willing to try, but I also need your help!"

Chu Feng was silent for a while, and then answered faintly.

"Do you have any way, now as long as you can come up with a way to deal with this kind of incident, regardless of whether you need my assistance, I can allow you to do this!"

Old Chu also relaxed restrictions on Chu Feng. Of course, a large part of this was because he had no way to restrain Chu Feng.

So in the end, he can only choose this way to seek psychological comfort.

"I try not to touch them, although I know that this will not necessarily completely contain them, or the possibility of hatching, but at least I can guarantee that their incubation has absolutely nothing to do with me!

In addition, even if they have hatched, it is also a matter of relative pros and cons for us!

First of all, if we can detect their incubation in time, that means they can stop their growth in time! And for us, this is also a way to eliminate hidden dangers!

In addition, if in the process, I can find a way to solve these monster eggs, then it is possible for me to make these monsters disappear under the ground forever! "

Chu Feng's conclusion, however, did not go through too many thoughts. He was only interested for a while, and then said some broad-minded words.

Although some of his conclusions are in line with reality, this does not mean that this matter will definitely proceed according to the process he considered.

In fact, he had no idea about this matter, and he didn't even know whether this matter could be solved completely.

Regarding the monster eggs, it is not that he has never been in contact with them. Since this matter is worthy of Old Chu's reminder, it means that this number is definitely not a minority.


Incubation is generally carried out in large quantities, so if this process really occurs, it may be difficult for him to solve it!

However, even though he said that, when he showed it, he deliberately showed a confident look.

At least he has to convince Lao Chu that he is confident and capable of solving the current changes that may occur.

And just after he finished saying these words, Old Chu fell into silence. At this moment, he was considering what Chu Feng said just now.

If he were to make a decision, he would never believe every word that Chu Feng said.

However, Old Chu also had his own worries, and he was only suspicious of what Chu Feng said.

As for the others, there is no clue at all.

Therefore, after Lao Chu's thoughts, he finally chose to agree with Chu Feng's decision.

Regarding this matter, there was no reason, just because Lao Chu did not have a specific attitude, and Chu Feng was so steady.

So, after getting Old Chu's permission, Chu Feng, who was uneasy in his heart, gradually set foot on the ending that made it difficult for him to figure out.

Holding the rock wall with his hand, he moved forward inch by inch. At this time, Chu Feng was more cautious than before, and he moved more slowly.

At this time, Chu Feng had gradually felt the existence of the "liquid" body, but he hadn't touched it so far.

"Old Chu, you help me stare, if there are monster eggs around here, you must remember to remind me!"

As the distance drew closer, Chu Feng's mood gradually became tense.

If he kept it in peacetime, Lao Chu should have said these words to him, but at this time it has indeed changed.

However, Lao Chu didn't feel any surprise for Chu Feng's words. After all, this was also his duty.

Although no one imposes this responsibility on him, under the current circumstances, he himself should shoulder this responsibility.

"Don't worry, I will definitely survey the surrounding situation carefully. It is about 200 meters away from the monster egg position. Depending on your speed, it may take a minute or so. You can control it yourself and approach it. I will remind you again when the monster eggs!"

Old Chu answered this question very solemnly, and as soon as he finished answering, he fell silent.


Chu Feng responded in a low voice, and then continued to "feel" the rock wall.

About forty seconds later, Lao Chu's voice sounded again: "Go further fifty meters, and there will be a large number of monster eggs. The monster eggs are relatively densely covered. About ten meters, now you have to slow down, and when you are ten meters away from the monster egg, I will remind you again.

At that time, you can no longer walk on the rock wall! "

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