Whimsical System

Chapter 947: The disappearing figure in the dark

"Don't worry and speak slowly, what is going on?" Chu Feng asked calmly.

"I found some dark shadows when I was exploring in the front. I tried to observe them up close, but I couldn't get the results, but I am basically certain that those dark shadows should be the prototypes of some monsters!" Old Chu said.

"Are you sure you didn't read it wrong?" When Old Chu mentioned the monster, Chu Feng couldn't help but hesitated.

Yes, this is not a good thing. If Lao Chu's observation is correct, it means that a batch of monsters have appeared not far away!

And that batch of monsters is also likely to evolve into a stronger state than before.

"I have no way to determine this. After all, this is only the result of my induction, rather than observation through my eyes, so I can only guess the result roughly!" Lao Chu's answer is not entirely certain, as he said In that way, what he passed was only induction, so he had no way to add an accurate label to this induction.

"Oh...that means it is not sure yet! Otherwise, let's go and take a look, maybe, this thing is not that bad!" Chu Feng suggested.

"You have to go there at that time, but you have to be mentally prepared! If it is really a monster, do you know how to deal with it?" Old Chu asked.

"If it is a monster, it depends on its strength. If its strength does not exceed the previous ones, then I believe I should still be able to fight it!"

"What if it is stronger than the previous one?" Old Chu asked.

"If this is the case, then I may have to think about it again to see how powerful it is!" Chu Feng said with a smile on his face.

Old Chu shook his head: "You look like this really makes me feel uneasy. Although I know that you have recovered most of your body now, this does not mean that you have the ability to ignore monsters!"

"Don't worry, I still know something about my own abilities, as before, but any decision I make must have my reason. Trust me, I will never try it rashly! "Chu Feng assured.

"Even so, but..." Old Chu glanced at Chu Feng subconsciously, then sighed lightly, "You haven't even figured out the actual situation right now!"

"What does it matter? I have already decided anyway!

In short, I won't hold you back. What's more, don't you still have confidence in me? My body has recovered! "

Chu Feng deliberately patted his chest, deliberately put on a confident look, and then asked Lao Chu to respond.

Old Chu shook his head. He said that he didn't know how to make this answer. Although he was willing to believe in Chu Feng, the reality over and over again warned him that what Chu Feng said may not be true.

"It seems that you are still not convinced. It doesn't matter. I don't need your consent all the time. As it is currently, I can go by myself even without your company!"

After persuading Old Chu to fail, Chu Feng took advantage of the enthusiasm in his heart and strode over.

auzw.com But in the process of striding, his heart is also beating the drums. He doesn’t know what is in front of him. If Lao Chu is a monster, then the probability of the monster’s appearance may be It will be much bigger.

So, although he looks fearless on the surface, in fact he also has a lot of worries.

And just when he was nervous and uneasy, the old Chu who stayed in place, after all, followed.

After all, Lao Chu and Chu Feng are one body, and now Chu Feng insists on going his own way, so even if Lao Chu is unwilling, he must protect Chu Feng's safety.

Because even if he didn't think about Chu Feng, he had to think about himself. After all, Chu Feng's survival would directly affect his survival.

And the moment Old Chu followed, Chu Feng, who sensed all of this, couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief.

"You came here after all, and I knew that you would definitely not leave me alone!" Chu Feng teased half-jokingly.

"Since you know, why do you want to go your own way?" Lao Chu responded indifferently, and this response seemed to be mixed with some accusations.

"If I don't do this, then how can you follow! Haha...the world knows you best than me!

And it is precisely because I know what you are thinking, that's why I will do this. Well, don't be dissatisfied with it! Now that you are here, don't you still want to go back? "Chu Feng said with a smile.

"Don't tell me, I really have this idea, especially after I know your purpose, but I can't do it. After all, without my assistance, your situation is too dangerous!" Old Chu shook his head.

"Okay, I know you care about me! No problem, as long as you can help me and keep an eye on the surroundings, then I won't have any problems!" Chu Feng said with a relaxed expression.

"Compared to this, I hope I was wrong just now. I hope those figures are not monsters, otherwise they will eventually cause us trouble!" Lao Chu muttered in a low voice, floating slowly in the air, following Chu. The footsteps of the wind.

After dozens of seconds, the two had walked a distance of about 20 meters.

At this time, Lao Chu's field of vision can basically be said to be suddenly clear. He has basically grasped the surrounding situation, but as for the figures that he had seen before, he has disappeared at this moment.

"Have you found the monster's figure?" After stopping, Chu Feng used to look around "sexually". Although he couldn't see anything, his movements were very adequate.

"No, they seem to have disappeared suddenly, I don't know why!" Lao Chu shook his head solemnly. Although no monster was found at this time, he always felt a sense of anxiety in his heart.

"If not, is it possible that you made a mistake just now? Did you miss the shadow of the rock wall?" Chu Feng guessed.

"How is this possible! There is no light here at all, how could there be shadows on the rock wall! I can guarantee that there must be something here, but it is not here anymore, and as for what that thing is, it is the present Uncertain!"

Old Chu was very serious, refuting Chu Feng's guess, and from this it can be seen that the mouse should have been right, otherwise, he would not be so sure.

"Um... if it has left now, then... shall we still look for it?" Chu Feng asked, frowning.

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