Whimsical System

Chapter 958: Win in stalemate

"I will try my best to do it, although I know it is not easy to do, but closing the blood is the only thing I can do at the moment!

I'm just worried that the monster will hurt me a second time. If that's the case, it won't work even if I close it a few times. After all, my body can no longer withstand such great pressure! Since I got rid of you, my period of weakness will last about ten minutes, and within these ten minutes, the monster will attack me at least twenty times.

If I can withstand it by luck, maybe I can still have a ray of life. If not, I am afraid that there will only be a pile of lifeless flesh and blood lying here! "

Chu Feng exhausted his last breath and said these words. After these words, apart from the heavy breath, there was no more sound.

As Lao Chu said earlier, now that Chu Feng knows Chu Feng's body best, Chu Feng himself.

But now there is no way to help him except himself.

On the other side, after I hurt Chu Feng, I fell into silence. At this time, he seemed to have realized the pain Chu Feng is currently experiencing, so he was not in a hurry to launch the next stage of attack.

However, this is only the current guess made by Old Chu.

However, in fact, what really caused the monster to regress was not Chu Feng's injury, but the monster's two successive attacks, which had greatly consumed its energy.

And now he was in a state of rest, and it seemed that it would take a certain amount of time to accumulate such vigor, and this was a good thing for Chu Feng.

After all, what he lacks most now is time, and the monster just provided him with enough time to save his life.

While Chu Feng was repairing his body, Old Chu looked around and noticed the changes around him.

Almost all his eyes are now on the monster, and the monster is still sitting on the ground, his closed eyes seem to be adjusting something.

Since Lao Chu didn't know the purpose of the monster, he didn't dare to relax his vigilance at all.

And precisely because of this vigilance, this also gave Lao Chu a sense of mission.

Five minutes later, the ribs on Chu Feng's chest had completed the first stage of repair, and the blood "liquid" had also been completely blocked.

But Chu Feng's face gradually became ruddy, the blood began to spread everywhere, and everything gradually became normal.

And the monster on the other side had already recovered good vigor at this time, and I don't know what happened by accident. In short, the time spent by the two of them was so similar.

However, when the monster was ready, Chu Feng was still busy repairing his body.

The body of the monster in the distance gradually changed from being entangled to being stretched. His eyes had been slowly opened, but in his gaze, there was nothing else but Chu Feng lying on the ground.

It seemed that he was about to launch the next stage of offense, and this period of offense was already close at hand.

"Chu Feng, it's coming, Chu Feng!"

Looking at this scene, Lao Chu immediately called Chu Feng madly, but he did not receive the slightest response from Chu Feng, and it was obvious that Chu Feng had lost his mind all the time.

The monster gradually "approached", its speed is extremely astonishing, and it has even reached the point where it is in line with Lao Chu.

And at the moment when the monster was after all, the feeling of despair gradually spread from the bottom of Old Chu's heart.


auzw.com was another sturdy attack, and after the attack, the monster also wrapped Chu Feng's body.

It can be seen from its movements that it seems that it is no longer just satisfied with the tail attack, it is ready to use its own teeth to start biting Chu Feng.

Perhaps in the process of accumulating vigor, it already had such an idea in its mind.

When it discovered that Chu Feng could not resist himself, his thoughts directly climbed to an unprecedented height.

So here is the situation that is currently happening.

"Chu Feng..."

Old Chu approached and shouted hoarsely, and he hoped that Chu Feng could give him a little response.

At least he had to let Chu Feng make a little resistance, no matter whether this resistance would work, at least Chu Feng had to give the monster this action, and then let the monster understand that Chu Feng was alive and not a corpse.

However, all these efforts were destined to be in vain. The monster gradually "approached" Chu Feng in its teeth, and Chu Feng still did not respond at all.

At the moment all this seems to be a foregone conclusion, and no one can prevent this from happening.

And just when the despair had completely enveloped Old Chu, the Chu Feng, who had fallen into absentia, suddenly woke up at this moment.

This feeling is as if a person is on the verge of death and suddenly reborn again.

At this moment, Chu Feng's eyes were filled with tenacity, which was an irreplaceable look.

Immediately afterwards, Chu Feng made another order, and Lao Chu acted completely unexpectedly.

Just as the monster's teeth were about to clasp Chu Feng's head, Chu Feng waved his fist.

This is the only weapon he has now, and the only place where he can move.


Unsurprisingly, with a heavy punch, Chu Feng hit the monster's teeth. His strength was great, and he almost tried his best.

But he still didn't break the monster's teeth, but he did successfully stop the monster's bite.

The extremely intense pain made the monster fearful. At this time it seemed to have realized Chu Feng's troubles, so it did not continue its current actions.

It's just that its tail is still entwined with Chu Feng's body, and under its entanglement. Chu Feng's body also changed shape from time to time. It was a strong squeeze, which was hard to stop and irreversible.

Chu Feng's forehead gradually began to show sweat. Although he could block blood vessels and seal nerves, he could not spread this ability all over the body.

So the pain is hard to resist after all. And in this pain, the center is restoring his body while rebelling.

The stalemate is always long. It seems that a rally has been launched between the two. If the time is long enough, they can really tell the winner in this entanglement.

However, the monster does not seem to have this patience.

As a result, when Chu Feng's body gradually recovered, and its resistance gradually became effective, the monster escaped.

When escaping, the monster hardly hesitated. On the spot, it threw Chu Feng to the ground, and then quickly withdrew, disappearing into the endless darkness in a blink of an eye.

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