Whimsical System

Chapter 960: Feng Suo comes forward


Hearing the sound, Chu Feng's shout almost blurted out!

"Chu Feng, what are you doing? I almost died below!"

The wind cable bent his body, climbed up from the rock wall, and sat leaning on a corner of the rock wall in an extremely exaggerated posture.

"Fengsuo, how did you come up? Do you know how high this distance is!"

Chu Feng's eyes widened. At this time, Fengsuo was shining brightly all over his body, like a neon light.

Feng Suo smiled and said: "Of course I know this distance, but I fly up little by little. Although the process is relatively difficult, but fortunately it is not futile!"

"You flew up, how did you do it?" Chu Feng asked.

"Didn't I go down to the bottom of the pool just now! It's a coincidence that I actually found a cave underneath, in which a monster lived, not big, but with a fierce temper!

I fought with it for a while, then killed it, and when he died, it turned into a pill!

Then I got a prompt from the system, saying what kind of hidden object it was. I didn't know what it was. Anyway, it should be harmless to the body, so I ate it!

After eating it, I couldn't help but float up under the pool! After going ashore, I found that I could still continue to float up. It’s just that although this kind of float is not much different from being in the water, it is more difficult. Therefore, it took me a long time to reach this height. I thought I was already Reached the hole!

But I want to meet you suddenly and just happen to see you under attack! So, I helped you handily, but don’t tell me, that “medicine” has already made a lot of changes to my body, and in the process of ascending, I gained my strength and speed. Very powerful boost!

Without the aid of this pill "medicine", I am afraid that I had absolutely no way to rescue you just now! "

Feng Suo narrated his own experience in a longer space, but this is still his focus on selecting the key points. If he tells his story from beginning to end, it will probably take more time.

"I didn't expect you to have such an adventure at the bottom of the pool! That's really enviable to me. If I had gone down earlier, I would have nothing to do with you!" Chu Feng half-joked Said.

Feng Suo smiled and said, "How do you say this! Actually, this is all an opportunity. Maybe you can't find this hole yet. Actually, there is nothing to envy, and there are advantages. Cons!

Although I haven't found out what the drawbacks are, I think he must be very big, but I haven't found it yet! "

"Okay, don't comfort me! I was just joking, how could I be jealous of you? But if it wasn't for you, I'm afraid I would have died in the hands of the monster just now!" Chu Feng said.

"Um...oh, yes! What happened to you just now? What exactly is that monster? Why did you get involved with it?" Feng Suo asked.

auzw.com"This is a long story. In fact, the monster is not a monster, and he is helpful to us. At least he can help us get out of here. However, he has one condition, that is, we must defeat him before we can leave from here, and I just officially duel with him, but unfortunately, my ability is slightly lacking, and the result is this one. Looks like, if I can be stronger, maybe I have defeated him now!" Chu Feng explained.

"Hmm..." Feng Suo nodded thoughtfully, "Then I helped you just now, will it affect the fairness of this duel?"

"What are you doing with this? If you didn't save me just now, I would have died in his hands. What kind of safety, "sex" and "sex" are there, as long as I can live, even if I violate the rules, what will I do? No matter that!" Chu Feng said nonchalantly.

"Haha... Although it is said that, but after all you are in a duel, in case he decides you with this reason, if the challenge fails! Then your efforts just now were all in vain!" Feng Sudao said .

Chu Feng shook his head: "I don't care about those now. I just want to live now. Just now because I couldn't help it, I was forced to accept his duel!

And now that you are here, I have nothing to fear about him. If he really wants to kill me, then let's join hands and deal with him. I don't believe that we can't solve it with the ability of the two of us. A guy! "

Chu Feng said it was righteous and bold, and it was obvious that Fengsuo's sudden appearance gave him a bit of courage in an instant, and under the urging of this short-term, he has gradually become arrogant.

"Hey...you can't say that! Although the two of us will work together to achieve great results, if we really kill him, how can he take them out of here, so I think we should follow the normal channels. Better, at least you have to finish the duel with him first!

If you can win, then naturally the best! If you can't win, then let's think of a way, and in the course of this duel, I will also protect your safety, as long as it kills you, then I will definitely take action! "

Compared to Chu Feng at this time, Feng Suo "revealed" an extremely calm calmness.

Under Feng Suo's suggestion, Chu Feng also listened to his opinions, and he also decided to take the initiative to attack the monster and strive to take the initiative.

As a result, a few minutes later. For the time being, Chu Feng, who believed that his body had returned to a stable state, directly launched a retaliatory counterattack against the monster that was being repaired.

There are only two ways of Chu Feng's attack, but there are indeed many ways of his attack.

That dazzling "chaotic" posture makes people unable to understand what he wants to do.

Therefore, just as he "approached" the monster, the monster who was entrenched in the same place and was recuperating, it was no surprise that he endured several fists.

A few seconds later, the attacked monster forcibly terminated its recuperation state, and then launched a Jedi counterattack against Chu Feng.

At this time both are in a state of high excitement.

Face-to-face entanglement began to fight.

As before, the tail of the monster entangled Chu Feng, and Chu Feng also waved his fist, leaving traces on the monster's body.

This entanglement lasted for about two minutes, and the monster gradually began to fall into a disadvantage in this battle, because he had no place to accumulate energy and display his power, so it could only rely on its head and teeth to entangle with Chu Feng.

As a result, its disadvantages gradually became apparent.

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