Whimsical System

Chapter 979: A letter with hard to discern content

"But I am not the same as you. I don't have the same mentality as you. If I had my arms broken, I'm afraid I would have already abandoned myself because of my frustration!" Feng Suo was very calm. Acknowledging his shortcomings, he also praised Chu Feng for this matter.

As for Feng Suo's praise, Chu Feng didn't have much feeling. Other people's praise and praise were just a kind of spiritual encouragement after all!

What Chu Feng needs now is true victory, the hope of living forever and never disappearing.

And like Chu Feng, he is also working hard for this aspect. Although he doesn't know what the final result will be, at this time he is more confident than ever.

Half an hour later, the long journey made the two feel a little tired, but after being exhausted, they also ushered in the joy of leaving the mountains.

"Finally left here, where shall we go next?"

Chu Feng asked Fengsuo casually, but Fengsuo was thinking about it at this time, and he couldn't answer Chu Feng's question.

"Feng Suo, what are you thinking about? Why can't you even hear my voice?" Chu Feng asked again, a little helpless in his tone.

"It's nothing, I'm just thinking about how to explain this to the captain after I go back!" Feng Suo stretched out his hand and "rubbed" his cheeks. At this time, he looked a little tired.

"You don't need to explain this matter. If he asks me about it, then I will give him an answer! In fact, he should have been mentally prepared for this kind of thing to happen, so even if we tell the truth, I guess he should not embarrass us!"

The calmness that Chu Feng showed was always the envy of Feng Suo. The reason why he couldn't do like Chu Feng was because his consideration of things was too cumbersome.

In fact, it is obviously a simple matter, but he always likes to analyze the origin and ending of the matter from various angles.

As a result, after several thoughts, he locked himself in a passage with no exit. With continuous exploration, he is getting further and further away from the truth.

"If you can solve this matter well, it is naturally the best, but I also have to figure out a way out for you. If you can't answer the question he asked, then I have to help you too! "Wind ropeway.

Chu Feng disapproved and said, "Is this really necessary? Maybe you worry too much, but I feel that the captain is not like a caregiver!

Not to mention that we have lost half of the manpower now, even if we lose all the manpower we brought out, as long as we can successfully complete the task. I guess he will not blame us! "

"I admit that you have some truth in what you said, but there will be some unpredictable situations in all things. If we deal with this unforeseen situation, then I am afraid that we will pay for these in the end!"

Although Chu Feng had tried every means to persuade Fengsuo, he still failed to convert Fengsuo's concept, so in the end he gave up halfway.

"Okay! It seems that my advice does not have much effect on you. In fact, it is quite normal. After all, everyone’s mind is different. I can’t force you to follow mine. Think about things, so if you feel that doing so makes you feel a little more comfortable.

Then you continue to think, I will not disturb you, but you must not force me to have this kind of thinking like you, after all, I don't have so many worrying things to consider! "

"Relax, although I like people to think about problems with my own mind, if it is you, then I would rather not make this choice!" Feng Rope said.

"It sounds like you have already understood my "sex" personality. Yes, I really hate others "fuck" my thoughts! Thank you for not having such thoughts, otherwise, I will definitely label you as me Opponent!" Chu Feng responded with a smile.


"According to you, I would be thankful that I didn't make that choice!"

"Yes, you should be thankful! Okay, let's stop chatting here, have you decided where to go next?"

After a lot of laughter, Chu Feng brought the topic back on track.

"Let's go back to the terminal first! We have to pick up those few people first, otherwise we really can't explain to the captain when we go back!" Feng Rope said.

"Okay! I don't know the way, you can show me the way, let's go together!" Chu Feng responded happily.


Feng Suo nodded, and then walked in front of Chu Feng, leading Chu Feng along the top of the mountain to the direction of the transit station.

The next day, the two people who successfully completed the task, and the few who led them, waited for a long time at the transfer station, and returned to the station with a great deal of "dangling" and "dangling".

As soon as the two of them returned to the station, they were called by the captain of the alien host.

Resident meeting room.

The alien host captain was sitting in the center of the team, holding a document in his hand, while Chu Feng and Feng Suo were sitting on both sides of the table.

"This is the letter I just intercepted some time ago. Looking at the format of the letter should be above, I sent it over!

If you guessed it correctly, this should be the reply letter from the above to the head of the ministry. I also glanced at the content of this letter, and suddenly I found that I couldn’t understand what was written in the letter at all!

No way, the only thing I trust in this station right now is the two of you, so I can only ask you to help me and identify the content of this letter! "

The alien host captain divided the letter into two and handed them to Chu Feng and Feng Suo respectively.

"You let me look at this thing, you are basically looking for the wrong person, although I can communicate with you, but I don't know anything about your writing!" After receiving the letter, Chu Feng didn't even read it, and just went straight A conclusion was reached.

"Let’s take a look first, maybe you know it!" The alien host captain did not comment on Chu Feng’s words. At this time, he just hoped that Chu Feng could calm down and help him check the text on the letter. .

When the two were talking, Feng Suo had already read the letter from beginning to end.

However, the result he got was no different from the captain of the alien host.

"I don't know either, this text doesn't seem to belong to our galaxy!"

Compared with the host captain of the alien galaxy, Feng Suo seemed to have a deeper understanding.

At least he could see from it that this text does not belong to their galaxy, although it does not have much effect.

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