Whimsical System

Chapter 981: What the captain covets

"Although your statement sounds reasonable, why do I always feel a little uneasy?

Is this because I think too much? "

After listening to Chu Feng's analysis, Feng Suo also directly expressed his inner thoughts.

"How do you say this! The uneasy thoughts in your heart show that you have not considered what I said, and you will naturally feel a little vague about some aspects that you have not touched on. And in this vague process, you There will definitely be uneasy thoughts. In fact, this is very normal. After all, you don't understand some of the things I have said, so naturally there is no way to prevent such uneasy situations!"

For Feng Suo's "confusion", Chu Feng's answer seemed a bit too stiff after all.

Although he is deliberately making his answer more perfect, sometimes the outcome of things is often not as in line with his imagination.

And just after Chu Feng finished the explanation, the alien host captain also hurriedly expressed his position: "I think what Chu Feng said is very reasonable. Although I don't understand some places, it is still more realistic. Yes, it's just that this doomed destruction is still somewhat difficult for me to accept after all!

As for the thoughts in my heart at the moment, I am afraid that none of you can understand it. After all, you have not been the master of the resident!

Chu Feng, you are now the district captain. It sounds like you have a lot of power, but in fact it hasn't been long since you arrived at your residence! So what I can basically be sure of is that you basically don't have much feelings for this station!

That’s why you have said these words so thoroughly and decisively, but if it is me, I am afraid I will have a long time, and this hesitation is just like making you give up to your team. You can change Think about it, will you hesitate! "The alien host captain said.

"What you said is quite reasonable. If it is to let me give up my team, then I will definitely hesitate, and I will never say this decisively, but it is worth noting that now I The team did not suffer from the current situation, but is in such an awkward situation at the station, so you have to make this choice, whether you like it or not, this choice is something you cannot avoid!"

Chu Feng did not refute the statement of the alien host captain, even he chose to agree, but after agreeing, he let the alien host captain see the reality clearly.

As a result, the statement of the host captain of the alien galaxy turned into a nonsense sentence under Chu Feng's words.

As a spectator of the conversation between the two, Feng Suo also had some ideas of his own.

"Captain, if this matter allows you to make this decision, do you think you might choose to follow Chu Feng's suggestion and give up this resident?" Feng Suo asked.

"I don’t know, because I don’t have an over-deterministic "characteristic" of this station. Perhaps what I like is really this station, but sometimes I feel that the station is for me, maybe It’s not that important either!"

The alien host captain looked hesitant, especially when the matter was about to come to fruition, his inner entanglement was the most serious.

"Okay! I have basically guessed what you think. In my opinion, what you value most now is just your official position. If the school can arrange a new station for you, then let you continue to be the captain. , Maybe you can give up this resident without hesitation!

In fact, to put it simply, what you are afraid of is not the demise of this station, but what should you do after the demise of this station! "

auzw.com Sometimes, Feng Suo's speech is indeed more realistic, and even in the face of reality, when it is straight to the heart, it will feel a little hard to admit.

However, at this time, these words directly touched the soul of the captain of the alien system host.

After Feng Suo said these words, it took a long time before the captain of the alien galaxy host slowly broke away from that thought.

After he was completely separated, he said something that was enough to make Chu Feng and the two of them remember deeply.

"Although I am very reluctant to admit this, I have no way to refute your statement. You are right. This is indeed what I worry about. In fact, I have always been very clear about what I need. .It's just that I haven't said it!

But now, you are saying this for me. For some reason, I suddenly felt an unpleasant feeling, as if the secret of my heart was suddenly peeped.

But you don’t have to be nervous, you are my current partner just like Chu Feng, so no matter what happens, I will treat it with sex! Even deep inside me now, uncontrollable emotions have emerged! "

Although the words of the captain of the alien galaxy host were mainly aimed at Fengsuo, Chu Feng always felt that he was also included in these words.

After all, not long ago, he had also persuaded the captain of the alien host to give him up.

But now the captain of the alien system host connects this station with that power.

In fact, as early as when the leader of the alien system host took Chu Feng's team, Chu Feng should have realized it.

Because as early as that time, the captain of the alien system host had already linked this resident with power.

In the question he asked Chu Feng, what the team represented was also the right of his team leader.

"Okay! I admit that there are some words that I lost in expressing, but please believe that every word I say is to help you, not to slander you, so..."

"There is no reason, although this sentence of yours is an explanation in your opinion, it is the most standard explanation for me!

Therefore, I don't want you to continue to say this sentence, because when you say the rest of the sentence, then this explanation may have to change the "sexuality" quality! "

Just as Fengsuo was preparing to defend what was said just now, the alien host captain did not give him this opportunity.

And the response he made at this time was enough to make Feng Suo tangled.

"Okay, okay... We have always been discussing issues, and since it is discussing issues, there must be differences. Everything that happened just now is normal, but I hope you two, don’t Disagreements turned into quarrels!"

In order to prevent the situation from becoming serious, Chu Feng, who had never spoken out, finally stood up at this time.

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