Whimsical System

Chapter 984: Master Hunter Plan

"Chu Feng, although I am willing to believe what you have said, when you say these things, I still feel a little unsure, but you don't need to worry, because this is just my subjective consciousness.

And, I believe that no matter who you are, when someone says something like you, someone will doubt it. After all, these things sound too absurd, and there are no examples. Come as a basis. So, I hope you can understand! "

Feng Suo's response can be regarded as one of Chu Feng's guesses. In fact, when Chu Feng said this, he made a lot of guesses about Feng Suo's answer.

One of his firmest answers was that Feng Suo would trust him without hesitation, and everything would be based on him.

Of course, this kind of speculation sounds a bit too confident, and the reality also gave Chu Feng a blow.

Feng Suo didn't make an overly sure answer as he expected, and even now he somewhat doubted what Feng Feng said.

Although Chu Feng said so seriously and sincerely, he still had doubts. In fact, if he thought about it from another place, Chu Feng would be able to figure it out. After all, their understanding is not comprehensive enough, and what he said at this time is indeed a bit absurd, so it is quite normal for Feng Suo to have this idea, but it is the guess made by Chu Feng. , Some are not practical.

Therefore, when Chu Feng figured this out, he was relieved.

"It's okay, in fact, you can have this kind of thought, it is also in my expectation, after all, if it is me, I might also make this answer.

After all, what I said is indeed a bit unrealistic, and your ideas are more practical, so when our two views collide, you can have this kind of consideration, that is the most normal!

But this is not important, because what I am giving you now is just a promise. This is just a plan. Before the plan is actually implemented, including the results, the plan is only a plan after all, like a paragraph written on paper. Text, it will never be reality, unless this thing really happens, then this text will become history.

So, let's not discuss this matter at all, you just treat it as a joke, and then you listen to it as a joke.

When the time is really ripe, this joke will gradually become less ridiculous, and you will take it seriously! "

When Chu Feng talked about this, he always maintained a very solemn and serious state. Although his "sex" personality is not suitable for such a posture, when facing these problems, he still "shows" this kind of expression, which makes people feel a little abnormal.

"Perhaps what you said is true, but I am not ready to accept all of this, but I believe that everything you say will eventually become a reality. Even if I can’t make myself believe it now, I I will still say this, because this is my affirmation of you, and at the same time I am waiting for you and give me corresponding feedback!"

auzw.com Driven by Chu Feng, Fengsuo has also become extremely serious. In fact, what they are talking about now is a solemn and serious matter, but the two of them have never Paying attention to this, that's why I said it was a joke or a plan.

But when the atmosphere gradually reflected the two of them, when the matter was as it was, they had already said all these words.

"For me, if you can have this idea, it is a lucky comparison. It shows that you have begun to contact my plan! Even now in your subjective consciousness, you are still not affected by my plan, but it is undeniable Yes, you are already in this plan at this time, so this is a good thing, I have to say that this is indeed a good thing!"

Chu Feng repeated this sentence twice to emphasize it, but after repeating it, he suddenly felt that he had nothing to say.

In fact, this topic itself has nothing to extend. He just said what he thought in his heart, and then based on Fengsuo's response, he made the next stage of consideration and improvement.

And when Fengsuo no longer responds, or Fengsuo has accepted himself, then his views on this aspect will also come to an end!

"I don't know why I have this idea, maybe it is out of trust in you. After all, I have endured too much betrayal. Therefore, when trust appears in my life, I will be jailed. Grab it firmly, and then protect it like a treasure!"

Feng Suo couldn't understand why he had such an impulse, and when Chu Feng mentioned this matter, he could only make some guesses based on his own ideas. In fact, the hardest guess in the world is everyone's Emotion, even the origin of this emotion, is not clear about where this emotion comes from.

"Perhaps! By the way, besides this matter, do you have anything else to tell me today? After all, we have already made an appointment with the captain to help him get rid of his opponent!

Although this matter has just passed one day, it seems that the eradication of this opponent is not too easy. So, have you considered this issue more or whether we should do it? Thinking? "

Chu Feng spoke slowly. In fact, what he values ​​now is this matter. As for what he just discussed, it is just the plan in his heart. Compared with the plan, this matter is obviously more important. Be more practical and more urgent!

"Since I left there yesterday, I have been thinking about this issue. In fact, it is not as difficult as I imagined to get rid of him. After all, I also have a certain understanding of him, but I turned against him later. What he did before and his "sex" personality are hard to forget!

In fact, if you want to get rid of him, no matter who you or I are to do these things, you can do it easily. The most troublesome thing now is his followers!

Based on what I know about them, my current strength may be able to compete with them.

And if there is one more, it may be more difficult for me, so this means that in this process, I may only help you share the trouble of two people, and other than that, you may need to solve it alone!

Of course, if you think this is more troublesome, then we can also take a step-by-step approach to solve this matter. For example, they can solve their entourage first, and then look for opportunities to kill the tribe leader! "

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