Whimsical System

Chapter 998: Permanent debt

Chu Feng faintly finished this sentence. He didn't intend to get a response from the weird person. In fact, this sentence was just to express his thoughts to the weird person, and then proceed to do what he wanted to do. .

So when he finished saying this, he immediately took out a dagger and handed it to the weirdo.

"Now you can take it and choose to escape, or kill me, everything is in your decision. If you want to kill me. Then I advise you to do it as soon as possible, because if you react slowly , It will be you who die, but even if you pierce this knife into my chest, then I will still not die, and the end result will also be that you will die!

So now is the time for you to make a decision. I can give you enough time. One minute is not enough for two minutes, and two minutes is not enough for one hour. But one thing to note is that the one hour I am talking about is not like you. , So long in cognition! "

After saying these words, Chu Feng began to wait for the response from the weird person. This was the time for the weird person, and during this time, the weird person did something that ordinary people could not understand.

I saw the weirdo raise the dagger high, and then forcefully "plug" it into his chest. The blood instantly sprayed on Chu Feng's body. The hot blood was like a pot of hot oil boiling, Chu Feng was quiet Waiting for the result, he was also murmuring in his heart at this time, why the bad guy would do this, this is not a response that a normal person can make.

However, it didn't take long for Chu Feng to get the answer.

Just as the weird man was lying on the ground and his body was shaking, the beard and hair of the weird man did begin to gradually fall off.

Immediately afterwards, the appearance of the weird person appeared from the beard and hair.

He was an extremely fair-looking person, and he did not seem to be too old, and the previous beard and hair seemed to be a disguise for him, and when the hair was said to be short but the appropriate length, the weird person was again Suddenly stood up from the ground.

As if nothing had happened, the previous blood still remained on Chu Feng's body, but the blood was no longer hot, and even dried out.

Chu Feng quietly waited for the weird person's answer, still maintaining the previous state, without the slightest emotional fluctuation.

"You are the only person who has seen me do this without any changes. I don’t even know how to describe you. If you and I are the same kind of person, then I might praise you, but it’s a pity. There seems to be a big difference between us, so this compliment of mine may not be for you!"

The weird man said with a smile that his chest was gradually healing at this time, and the blood that had lingered around the wound gradually penetrated into the skin, and finally disappeared without a trace.

"I don't want to hear you say these things. What I need is your answer. Now if you are ready, please answer me. If you are not ready, I can still wait, or you can continue to do this Surprised, but useless trick to me!"

Chu Feng's composure at this time was hardly even thought of punishing himself. In fact, Chu Feng was not a very calm person, and everything he did at the moment was deliberately deduced to strangers.

Maybe it’s because Chu Feng’s acting skills are so superb, and as a result, the monsters have not been able to see it until now. This was performed by Chu Feng himself, and when Chu Feng finished saying these words, the weird man also quickly made it He answered, as if his answer had already been prepared.


"I can agree, and I am very interested in what you have proposed! Besides, it is you who are most interested in me!"

"This is exactly the answer I want to hear. It seems that you should have guessed what I think. It is very good. Your answer makes me very satisfied. In return, my dagger will be given forever. you!"

Chu Feng gradually began to "show" a smile, and by this time his performance was nearing the end.

"Actually, you don't have to judge what I have done, because when I say this, I already know the result is like this!" The weirdo does not seem to like others and judges himself, whether it is good or bad. , All the same makes him unacceptable.

"Perhaps if I do this, it will make you a little unhappy! But after all, the evaluation should be done, just like your praise. Although I did not get your praise, you still said it after all... and At this time you should get my evaluation, and it is not a bad thing!"

The attitudes of Chu Feng and the weird people are completely on two opposite sides.

Regarding what Chu Feng said just now, although the weirdo did not agree with it, he did not express any different opinions.

Perhaps because of the influence of mutual exchanges, they both have such a little bit of compromise on each other.

"Okay! Although I don't agree with your statement, since you have done this, it doesn't matter. Anyway, it doesn't hurt me. Besides, I still have to remember your kindness. , After all, you rescued me from here!

Tell me, what do you want me to do for you? If it is very simple, then I can help you complete it now. As for whether you need my help in the future, it is up to you to decide! "

Although Chu Feng didn't know his purpose at this time, the eccentric was preemptive and brought up this topic.

In fact, weird people have a feeling of wanting to be debt-free as soon as possible!

After all, he now owes Chu Feng something, and the current debt makes him feel a little unhappy.

So in order to eliminate this debt, the one thing he most wants to do right now is to help Chu Feng realize his wish.

"Now I don’t have any specific plans, and I don’t have anything too eager to do. In fact, what I want most now is to keep this kind of thinking for you, and only in this way can you use it for me and I will save you Coming out is definitely not for good deeds, even you can understand it as a kind of revenge, or punishment!"

Chu Feng's words are indeed a bit unsound! Obviously, this is a good thing to report, but it is exactly this kind of thing that suddenly changed the taste in Chu Feng's mouth, and even had such a slight change in the fundamental sense.

"What you said makes me distressed. Although I know your purpose, I can't find a reason to refute you! Because I have thoughts like this before, but I didn't do it. You are so pure, and what I say to you right now, I have nothing but admiration!"

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