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But there was really an urge to go up and beat him.
But if he really went up and beat him, it was good that he had beaten him, at most he would be scolded and bullied, at least he had been beaten.
Jin Yishan’s fists were also clenched to death, and if he stood beside him, the air was not so noisy, and the “clucking” of his clenched fists could almost be heard.
He really wanted to teach Yang Yi a good lesson, but he never stood up, and there was still the last trace of the arrogance of a Yuan Martial Arts Master in his bones.
“Hey.” Yang Yi looked at this girl who was “half” shorter than himself and couldn’t help but sneer.
Not only him, but also the campers from all over the world laughed and gathered together, their voices extremely loud and ironic.
There is a feeling that the Changhai Road Hall is really empty.
Actually let a little girl fight.
Undoubtedly, this is self-inflicted.
“Do you dare to compare with me?” Jin Minzhu crossed his waist with one hand, pointed at Yang Yi with the other, and said unconvinced.
“I wouldn’t dare.” Yang Yi said with a smile.
But anyone could see how deep his three words and his smile were.
Yang Yi’s humor once again aroused the laughter of campers from all over the world.
“Minzhu.” Jin Yishan shouted in a deep voice, he really can’t stand it, this is already very humiliating, and if it goes on like this, it will be worth it.
Because he’s so outrageous.
Jin Yishan said and returned to the stage again, picking up his microphone, “Why did Jin Minzhu go to Quan Sheng’s trouble, you named Yang Yi said.” ”
When the voice came, Bai Cao Guangya’s heart exploded like thunder, a cold breath came out of his body, and his face turned white, and they knew that the old things had to be pulled out again.
The former looked up at Jin Yishan with a slight anger, and the latter lowered his head with shame, which can be described as obvious.
Yang Yi didn’t say anything like Jin Minzhu, because that explanation was just superfluous.
And the campers from various countries seemed to be very interested in this kind of gossip, looking at Jin Yishan expectantly one by one.
“You don’t say? Let me say. Jin Yishan moved away from Yang Yi’s face and said to the campers of various countries: “Many years ago, a scandal happened in the Yuan Martial Arts world, and there was a player from Jiyang, his name was Qu Xiangnan, in a World Youth Championship…”
Xiao Ying was shocked, and she hurriedly went to look at the hundred grass beside her.
She had never seen such a fierce look of grass.
Baicao trembled and restrained herself, telling herself that she was used to it, and she had long been numb to hearing such an insult and attack on the master.
Unconsciously, Yang Yi’s fists had already clenched.
Perhaps after living in Shore Yang for a long time, he didn’t know from what, he had been connected with Shore Yang’s honor and disgrace, so that his emotions could not stay out of the matter.
Or perhaps, he knows the truth, so he cannot allow the Koreans to reverse black and white and bring insults to the countrymen.
“…… After being found to have taken doping, Qu Xiangnan was not only revoked from the title of champion, but the World Yuan Martial Arts Association also made an exception to severely punish him, announcing that he was disqualified from practicing Yuan Wudo, and he was not allowed to participate in any more competitions for life, and such a shameful person was not qualified to teach Yuan Wu Dao to anyone. ”
His eyes swept over those young and immature faces with anger and majesty, and finally fixed on Yang Yi’s face, and sneered twice, “Hehe, however, such scum as Qu Xiangnan not only continues to teach people to practice Yuan Wu Dao in the Quansheng Taoist Hall, but also shamelessly accepts apprentices, which is simply extremely shameful.” ”
“Shameful”, “scum”, one after another unbearable words poked at the bottom of Bai Cao’s heart like a knife quenched with blood! The bones of her hands were about to be shattered, she endured and endured, endured and endured, the blood was churning so much that it was about to rush out of her chest, but the insulting words that came from the stage seemed to be endless!
“Therefore, his daughter, his apprentice, and his Quansheng Daoist Hall are not eligible for the selection of the best campers…”
“Master Jin Yishan!” The sharp voice mixed with the slightly fierce voice suddenly sounded, interrupting Jin Yishan’s reprimand abruptly!
They are from Yang Yi and Bai Cao, respectively.
“How?” Jin Yishan glanced at the hundred herbs and fixed on Yang Yi’s face again, “Did I say that it hurts?” But this is a fact, you can’t change it. ”
Yang Yi’s face was indeed full of anger, and those eyes were dark and blazing.
But hearing Jin Yishan ridicule himself like this, he actually said that he had said that he had reached a sore spot, and immediately controlled his emotions, and the corners of his mouth shook.
He did not look back at Bai Cao, and said lightly with Jin Yishan directly: “You fought the final with Qu Xiangnan, lost the first round, and lost face, so you hated Qu Xiangnan since then, and I have hated it until now, is this also a fact?” ”
Oh, my God! Master Jin Yishan lost?
And, lost in the first round?
Although Yang Yi’s words were brief, they let the campers from all over the world know that the battle was a championship battle between Jin Yishan and Qu Xiangnan. And there is a great possibility that Jin Yishan is narrow-minded to attack Qu Xiangnan … After all, it can be seen from Jin Yishan’s joint responsibility for this matter.

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