Yang Yi thought about the matter of Qu Xiangnan for a long time, but still did not think of a better solution.

Because the original book is a perfect ending here.

Although Ruobai is a little sadistic, it is really touching.

Including those lines of Bai Cao, master, the highest level of cultivation lies in cultivating your heart, my master, because of this incident, has ruined his best years, and you are in the position of master, but it is difficult to calm the anger in your heart.

In a large living room.

A group of boys and girls, each holding a notebook and a whole box of CDs, searched one by one, hoping to see the figure of Qu Xiangnan.

As night fell, everyone had a tired look on their faces.

Hu Yifeng, who loved to sleep, was already lying on the chair.

Bai Cao scanned everyone, “Or you guys go to rest first, I’ll just find it alone.” ”

This sentence reminded Yang Yi, “Yes, you all go to rest.” ”

“I usually sleep late, but now I’m awake, I’ll accompany you.”

Guangya is very straightforward.

“Me too, I’m a night owl.”

“I don’t like to sleep the most.”

“I’m mentally full, I’m not sleepy.”

Hu Yifeng yawned and sat up, “I’m not sleepy, it’s still very funny when I come.” ”

Time passes minute by minute, maybe at one o’clock in the morning, maybe at two o’clock in the morning, maybe later.

All the figures fell without losing their self-awareness.

I don’t know how long it took, Yang Yi stretched out his left hand by inertia, did not touch the disc, only to find that all the discs on the left had been seen and placed on the right hand.

He looked around, stood up, stretched, gathered the discs that no one had seen, and placed them on his left.

And put on the coats of Hundred Grass and Guangya.

He paused, recalled Shen Ning’s words, and handed them all over to you.

At that time, all the team members were put on their coats.

Then I went back to the video of the room.

“Hey, hey…”

In the quiet space, laughter and babbling suddenly appeared.

Yang Yi looked at Guangya lying on the table on her side, because she was held against her arm, her mouth opened a little and drooled a little.

But the smile is very sweet and cute.

“Hey, hey… Uh-huh…”

Yang Yigang turned his head to the screen, and Guangya said again.

In Guangya’s dream…

Yang Yi looked at her eyes, from indifference, to surprise, to appreciation, to enthusiasm, to piping hot.

Let Guangya feel that he can’t wait to eat himself into his stomach.

“Guangya, you are really special, be my girlfriend!”

Yang Yi walked to her side and whispered in her ear.

However, she half pushed and half pushed, but Yang Yi was very domineering and knocked her by the wall.

With his deep, dark eyes, he looked at her intently.

Her heart thumped.


This dream was so beautiful, she laughed out loud in her dreams.

But when he saw that the two were about to go further, he woke up, because Yang Yi patted her little face and screamed.

Guangya slowly opened her eyes and looked at Yang Yi, who was staring at him, and didn’t have time to wipe the saliva at the corners of her mouth, and immediately banged her head on her arms on the table.

Make a low ‘bang’ sound.

Why is all this not real, it’s just a dream!! Why can’t this dream go on for a lifetime!! Why can’t you wake up later!!

So angry!!

“Are you crazy?”

Yang Yi said softly.

“Why are you waking me up?”

Guangya complained, and her voice did not hide in the slightest, and it was particularly loud in this quiet space.

“Lighter, and let no one sleep?”

As soon as Yang Yi’s voice fell, she suddenly looked at him seriously as if she had suddenly woken up, what is the meaning of dreaming? Isn’t he right here?

Then he scanned the surroundings, stood up, and slowly walked towards him.

“Guangya, Yang Yi, you are still looking for it.”

At this moment, Baicao suddenly woke up, it seemed that she had this thing in her heart, so her sleep was relatively light, “I’m sorry, I actually fell asleep first.” ”

…… Yang Yi really didn’t close his eyes all night.

After hard work, he finally found the disc, and the evidence was there, but he did not go directly to Jin Yishan.

Instead, go to the witnesses and pounce on the TECO.

Finding a disc is like finding a needle in a haystack, and finding someone is still the same, although it locks in the fixed area of the Dongyuan, it is still like an iron tree blossoming.

This time I asked, it was another whole day, night fell again, and there were few people on the street.

On a bench, Bai Cao, Yang Yi sat on it to rest. As soon as he sat up, his body staggered a little. No matter how good his physical strength was, he couldn’t stand such tiredness.

At least it has been an hour without closing my eyes.

Unconsciously, Yang Yi, who had closed his eyes and raised his mind, suddenly leaned on Bai Cao’s shoulder and fell asleep like that.

Because of his height, his face is very close to Baicao’s face.

This made her heart beat faster instantly, her face flushed, and she didn’t dare to move, for fear that if she moved casually, he would wake up.

But he still couldn’t help but squint at his diamond horn.

It’s just that the more she looks at it, the hormones in her body seem to increase a point when he is tired.

It turns out that I can also be his dependent.

Hundred herbs are happy like flowers at this time.

Guangya, who was carrying two cups of milk tea, paused in place when he saw this scene, frowned, opened his mouth but did not speak, as if he was afraid of arguing with Yang Yi.

She stepped forward and handed two hundred milk tea to Bai Grass at the same time.

Bai Cao glanced at Guangya, carefully stretched out his hands, and stupidly took the milk tea in his hands one by one.

Then Guangya sat on the other side of Yang Yi, stretched out her hands and gently brushed his shoulders, and then gently transferred them to her own arms.

Baicao suddenly felt that the warmth on his shoulders was no longer there, and suddenly turned his head to look.

Although she didn’t speak, Guangya’s eyes widened as if she was demonstrating.

Baicao bit her lip, as if she was a little aggrieved.

Then he gave Guangya a smile.

This smile is somewhat like the smile that my sister has to my sister humbly…

Starlight, he leaned into her arms, she rested on his head, and she was still sitting beside her.

The back looks quite warm…

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