
There was another commotion in the hall, and Yi Feng’s game was over, and the final score was 7:4, and Yi Feng won.

Walking against the light, the beads of sweat on Yi Feng’s body seemed to be shining dazzlingly, Kou Zhen, Shen Bo rushed over and gave him a big hug.

As a fellow Songbai’s disciple, Xiaoying graciously handed him towels and water.

His opponent was a big fat man, and his legs weighed as many hundred pounds, and he was a little breathless.

“Coach, thank you for your tactics.”

Yi Feng walked up to Yang Yi and said.

Yang Yi nodded at him, “It’s good to win.” ”

With the players on the field one by one, it was finally the turn of the women’s best camper elimination, because there were many campers from all countries combined, so their own team members have not met, and Baicao and Guangya have not encountered particularly strong opponents, and successfully advanced.

It is Kim Min-joo’s performance, like the strong dazzling of the midsummer sun, which is impressive.

She Jin Minzhu’s eyes widened in anger, she roared, and kicked her flying legs at her opponent, and the campers in the audience were stunned, rarely seeing anyone directly attack without being tempted at the beginning of the game.

Her opponent, shocked, defended with a series of heels.

The campers in the audience were stunned.

They suddenly found that this childish girl laughed that day because she wanted to challenge Yang Yi, and the girl who made people remember was not only funny, but also a contestant who was very worthy of their attention.

Another round.

One more round.

Xiao Ying opened her mouth stupidly, and a cold sweat broke out on her back.

She looked at Lin Feng and Mei Ling in panic, and saw that the two of them were also confused in their eyes, and then looked at Bai Cao, and her expression became extremely solemn.

No wonder Kim Min-joo is so arrogant.

“Snap ——!”

After a series of attacks, Kim Min-joo’s right leg snapped in front of his opponent!

Xiaoying was about to feel that Jin Minzhu was still measured, and did not chase and beat the opponent who was inferior to herself, but saw that Jin Minzhu actually raised her eyebrows again, as if teasing her, and her leg that stopped in mid-air shook provocatively towards the opponent’s face, before slowly withdrawing it.

“This bastard… I have taught her a lesson, and she is still so arrogant. ”

Xiaoying’s face was full of black lines.

Suddenly, Kim Min-joo gradually retreated closer to the sideline.

The campers from all over the world in the audience were confused, and the Changhai disciples on the sidelines not only did not show worry, but looked interested, as if something interesting would happen immediately.

Jin Minzhu, who had retreated to the sideline, suddenly smiled strangely, his teeth were snow-white, like a leopard with an open mouth, burst out with a loud shout: “Huh——!!!! ”

The other day, you dared to make fun of me!

In the past few days, I want you to pay the price one by one.

From the southwest corner of the stage, Jin Minzhu soared into the air with a thunderbolt in the clear sky, with the sound of cracking wind, kicked out with his left foot, followed by his right foot, like thunder, “Snap!” ”


Kick your opponent hard in the shoulder!

Double flying kick.

Immediately after, the second.




The two kicks were still kicked in the shoulders, and the opponent was kicked so angrily that he swayed and retreated.

This is a four-fly kick…


There was no pause, no pause, as soon as his toes landed, Jin Minzhu screamed again, and it turned out to be the third double flying kick!

In the stunned eyes of the campers from various countries in the audience.

The fourth double flying kick!

The fifth double flying kick!

Like a bloodthirsty leopard, Kim Min-joo kicked her sixth double flying kick in a row! Between each foot and the next, it was as smooth as flowing clouds and water, without any breathing, and the series of foot shadows connected into a black smoke, in the air.




Blast out!

The most incredible thing

Jin Minzhu didn’t miss every kick, and hit his opponent’s shoulder hard!

The strange thing is that seeing that he has been kicked to a pale face, and has no ability to fight back, he actually did not fall for a long time, but has been swaying left and right in pain and stumbling backwards… Let’s take a closer look.

It turned out that Kim Minzhu controlled the force and angle of his feet, so that the opponent swayed from side to side after being kicked to the point that before he could fall, he was about to eat another kick.

It was Kim Min-joo who didn’t want her opponent to fall, because once she fell, Kim Min-joo’s performance couldn’t continue.

At this time, the campers of various countries saw the clue and clenched their fists one after another, and the anger in their hearts was almost uncontrollable.

Seventh double flying kick! The eighth double flying kick!

Jin Minzhu unbelievably raised the height of the air again, and his left and right feet “snapped!” ”


Hit the side of the opponent’s face and throw her head out hard! Seeing that Jin Minzhu’s sixteenth kick flew out, the opponent had been forced to the bottom line in the northeast corner, and her face was swollen from the beating, and her face was shaky there.


Bursting out with a more ferocious shout than the first eight double flying kicks, Jin Minzhu took off into the air, poured his right leg hard, and kicked his opponent’s chin, and the sound of the hit was more than several times heavier than those of Fang Cai!

Kicked out of a high parabola, her body fell from the platform, like a kite with a broken line, and flew for a distance before falling, landing exactly one meter away from the grass, as if it was Kim Minzhu who specially kicked it to show her!

Hundred grass Huoran get up!

Jin Minzhu’s opponent, his body only trembled slightly, and after spitting out two teeth, he fainted, his face was purple, and his mouth was full of blood.


The local campers rushed over in horror, squeezed through the grass, and checked on her injuries.

This kid’s tyrannical personality really doesn’t know anything about convergence.

On the stage.


Jin Minzhu put her hands on her waist, raised her head and laughed maniacally, and the piercing laughter echoed layer by layer in the valley, as if she was already a king and stood at the peak of the world’s admiration.

Approaching the meal, the Kishiyang team members walked on the way back.

The atmosphere was a little stuffy.

Although in the best camper selection competition, all the players except Xiaoying of Kishi successfully advanced, which was worth celebrating.

But watching Jin Minzhu defeat the Taiguo battalion members of the same group with a series of double flying kicks, that look of triumphant and arrogant is really unpleasant.

“Kim Min-joo is really out of the limelight…”

Mei Ling sighed listlessly, she originally planned to go to the night market to go shopping, but now she is also a little uninterested.

“Kim Min-joo is not competing at all, it is completely performing! Flaunt! Love now! ”

Xiao Ying said hatefully, “Moreover, it seems that you are giving a horse to someone, what are you doing so powerfully?” Is it trying to scare someone? ”


Mei Ling sighed again.

I have to admit, she was indeed a little intimidated.

When she first saw Kim Minzhu, she thought that Jin Minzhu was just a spoiled child who didn’t know the height of the sky

Bai Cao also did not speak in a deep voice, not to mention whether he could beat Jin Minzhu, at least the momentum emanating from Jin Minzhu was indeed terrifying.

Yang Yi, who was close to Guangya, must have been shocked. But when Yang Yi spoke to her, she only skimmed her head and ignored it.

It’s really to play the awkwardness to the fullest…

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