“However, you don’t have to worry, you can’t understand Japanese anyway.”

Yang Yi smiled and continued.

Hundred grass was stunned.

At this time, Xiang Jing also stood up and said to Baicao: “がんばれ (Come on), Qi Baicao.” ”


Hundred Grass replied in English.

“You understand?”

Yang Yi looked a little surprised and looked at Baicao Dao.


Hyakusa learned what Xiang Jing just said, “Didn’t the audience keep shouting がんばれ, Kato?” ”


Yang Yi deeply felt that he had lowered his IQ, “That’s not the meaning of refueling, that’s the meaning of oil leakage.” ”


As soon as he finished speaking, he couldn’t help but be amused by himself.

Baicao also laughed, it was quite fun to think about it.

With a few minutes to go, the live video camera switches back and forth between Hyakusa and Kato.

At this time, Yang Yi was helping her put on protective gear and helmets.


When the video finally appeared in the scene of the Yuan martial arts arena, Xiaoying jumped up excitedly and cheered: “Yes, it’s Baicao and Yang Yi.” ”

“Wow!! Grandmaster Yang Yi actually helped Bai Cao wear protective gear, which is so enviable. ”

“The most important thing is that Grandmaster Yang Yi reveals gentleness towards Hundred Herbs between his eyebrows.”

“Hey!! When will I also have such a male god. ”

Chang’an glanced at Yin Yinping, who was a nymphomaniac on the side, “What for?” Do? You don’t need to train anymore, do you? ”

“But… But Coach Chang’an, we have to cheer for Hundred Grass! ”

Xiaoying stood up and said.

“Come on?”

Chang’an said lightly with a little coldness: “How did you hear her shouting to come on?” Hurry up and train, don’t let me say a third time. ”

Everyone stood up reluctantly, and Xiuda and the others complained that Chang’an was not close to people.

And Chang’an himself sat there and watched.

Perhaps at this time, his liking for hundred herbs was not particularly obvious, so everyone did not think of it.

Fang Group, Ting Hao also watched the live broadcast in his notebook, and his whole face could no longer describe his unhappiness in words.

“Mr. Fang, this plan…”


Fang Tinghao interrupted the secretary’s words with a light drink.

After she withdrew, he threw all the planning documents on the table forward and spilled them to the ground.

It was because of these things that I didn’t have more time to spend with her.

He had already decided to go to Japan.

The center of the gymnasium.

Clear lighting.

On the dark blue mat, Kato, wearing blue protective gear, and Hyakusa, wearing red protective gear, walked to the center of the mat under the referee’s instructions.



Like boiling waves, the audience raised banners that read “Kato will win”.



Amid a wave of cheers, the game began!

Xiao Ying Yinyin deliberately practiced behind Chang’an, you came and went, secretly looking at the notebook.

“What’s the score now? I just didn’t see clearly. ”

Xiaoying asked.

“…… I also didn’t see it very clearly, and the score screen just seemed to flash on the screen, 2:0. ”


Xiaoying snickered, “It’s only a little time to start, my family’s hundred grass will be 2:0!” Too powerful! Hahahaha! This is strength! This is the strength ahhhhhh ”

“…… It seems to be Kato 2, Hundred Grass 0. ”

Yin Yin added, but she was a little hesitant and couldn’t believe it, “I’ll take a look later, maybe I saw it wrong just now.” ”

“How can it be! You must have read it wrong! ”

Xiao Ying was anxious, and the practice hall, which originally only had the sound of practice, roared out directly, “Kato, that subordinate was defeated, was beaten by a hundred grasses, how can he score two points first?” ”

Everyone looked at her in shock.

Chang’an glanced at her and said coldly, “You go handstand for thirty minutes.” ”

Match scene.

“Qi Baicao, it’s really good, no wonder my junior brother wants her to join the Taoist Hall.”

Xiang Jing glanced tentatively at Yang Yi and said.

Yes, he was right, it wasn’t Kato who scored two points, it was Hyakusa who scored two points, and he easily scored two points.

But perhaps because it is very relaxed, Baicao is somewhat underestimated by the enemy, and the fight is quite casual.

Therefore, Yang Yi did not answer his words, because he felt that Kato’s state this time was completely different from when he was in Kishiyang.


Hyakusa shouted again, soared into the air, and headed towards Kato’s chest.

Taking a slight step, Kato had already prepared, a spinning body, also soaring high, at the moment when the hundred grass was about to land, he was about to kick.

Hundred grass spun around again in mid-air.

But Kato seems to have studied Hundred Herbs very thoroughly, and knows that he can’t kick her so easily.

Even Fang Cai’s foot is a pretense.

This is Sakura’s move, but she seems to have learned smarter this time, and in order to retain her physical strength, she only played halfway.


The second foot was struck.

Hyakusa’s body trembled, but Kato’s movements were not finished.

The slash is just to borrow power, and the body that has not begun to fall in the first place is even higher.

Immediately afterwards, he kicked out his left foot.


As if in slow motion, Bai Kusa’s body threw back as hard as possible, trying to dodge, but Kato’s heavy blow was like lightning, and the side flying kick kicked her head fiercely, and Bai Kusa’s whole person was kicked like a broken kite and flew out to the right!


The sound of falling heavily on the mat.


In two places in Kishiyang, there was a violent slapping sound on the table at the same time.

One is Chang’an, and the other is Ting Hao.

They almost said the same thing, “What about Grandmaster Yang Yi, what kind of thing is this guidance, can you still stand up with this foot?” ”

Yang Yi naturally stood up suddenly.

Maybe he underestimated these people who were linked to the storm too much.

Full of routines, finding opportunities is to leave no room.

The scene was full of birds at first.

The Japanese audience was stunned.

One second.

Two seconds.


Earth-shattering cheers rang out, and the Japanese audience stood up excitedly, emitting terrifying cheers and shouts.



In previous matches, Kato also belonged to the technical school and won by kicking the opponent’s points.

And today, Kato showed her power! Kato also has a shame before a snow!

Such a defeat of the Celestial Empire player who had defeated her before, this kick is enough to prove that Kato is the overlord of the new generation of Yuan Budo level!


Xiaoying heard Chang’an patting the table, but hurriedly ran over, in the camera, Baicao was lying on the ground dying, but in less than a second, he moved away.

Tears circled under her eyes, and Xiaoying covered her mouth deadly.

She hated why the camera only knew Kato on the mat waving to the Japanese audience.

But he refused to let her see what the situation was now with the hundred grass that fell on the mat

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