
With a straight kick, the other party launched an attack first, kicking Bai Cao’s abdomen towards the kick Bai Cao’s eyes flashed, as if he could see that she was just attacking in a false way, and a kick also greeted her.


The forces collided, the other party took three steps back, and Bai Cao took two steps back, after all, she was not a false attack.

The girl suffered a small loss and seemed a little unconvinced, “Drink.” ”

She drank lightly, her left foot was a little, and her right leg went to Baicao’s chest, and when Baicao dodged back, the other party penetrated the whole body, spun and kicked back, sweeping towards Baicao’s head!

Paraherb reacts extremely quickly.

At the moment when the other party spun around, it had already flashed to her left side, and a half-side spin kick shot back towards her left rib, “Bang——”

Hundred grass is very calm, and the steady one gets a point.

In front of the live screen, Xiaoying rubbed her eyes and noticed the change in Hundred Grass.

It’s hard to put it in words, but the grass seemed to suddenly calm down, as if… It’s like a doctor who is doing surgery with a scalpel…

After the situation was opened, Bai Cao’s attack was very fast, and it felt like Yang Yi’s crushing feeling when attacking his opponent.

Although said, there are some elements in it that the opponent is too weak.

However, what can make the friendly troops look comfortable is that the thunderous legs with the whistling wind are powerful as if they are whirlpooling.

Directly broke the opponent’s psychological defense.

In a live video.

The referee suddenly pauses the game and makes a warning gesture to this old player! Passive defense, warning once!


The live video was heard in amazement from Japanese viewers.

“Haha, look! Shame is not shame! At his own doorstep, he was warned by the referee for fear of fighting! If you are passive and defensive, you will be penalized! ”

Looking at the opponent who was warned once in the video and was still retreating, dodging, and did not dare to hit hard, Xiaoying raised her eyebrows very much.

“I didn’t expect that Hundred Grass would have such a day.”

“Yes, in the past, hundred grass was beaten by others as a passive defense.”

Pingping Xiuda echoed.

“Grandmaster Yang Yi.”

Another one who came up to sign? Yang Yi turned his head to look at it, it turned out to be Min Shenghao.

He walked up to Yang Yi and bowed respectfully to him.

There was also a Jin Minzhu who was still looking at Yang Yi very unhappy, but under Min Shenghao’s obscene threat, she could only bow and casually shouted, “Grandmaster Yang Yi.” ”

Yang Yi nodded, not very concerned, and smiled at Jin Minzhu: “This son has grown taller and has a bigger temper.” ”

“Grandmaster Yang Yi smiled.”

Min Shenghao said with a smile.

“Is this bringing Junior Sister to meet the world?”

“Well, Junior Sister Minzhu is also competing abroad for the first time.”

“Yes, with a character like her, it is likely that someone else will suffer.”

“Grandmaster Yang Yi praised.”

Jin Minzhu was not interested in Yang Yi, and had already looked at the hundred grasses on the battlefield.

After exchanging a few pleasantries, Min Shenghao asked Yang Yi where he lived and wanted to book a room there.

Although he knew that he wanted to be close to the water platform, he might ask for some Yuan Wudao techniques, but Yang Yi did not refuse, after all, he was also an old acquaintance.

Night, resort.

The Taoist suit was drenched with sweat, and Jin Minzhu screamed sharply and kicked sideways at the foot target in Min Shenghao’s hand! She has been training for three hours, twice as much as usual.

The body was already tired and shaky, and Jin Minzhu’s eyes still seemed to have a volcano erupting, continuing to kick straight, kick back, kick obliquely, and roar and chase and kick towards the target!

Yang Yi was really annoyed at this time, it was already 11 o’clock at night.

He had asked the waiter to take care of the child twice, and it was too skinny, but the effect was not great, and he could only go by himself.

“Drink ——!!!!”

Jumping high, that power wants to kick the target to pieces!


The doorbell rang out of place.

Min Shenghao opened the door.

“Did you mean to take revenge on me?”

Yang Yi said lightly.

“Huh? Grandmaster Yang Yi, we definitely don’t mean this, it’s just that Junior Sister Minzhu went abroad to participate in a competition for the first time, so I was too nervous. ”

Min Shenghao said and bowed.

“Then now, immediately, stop.”

Yang Yi said in a commanding tone, “Yes.” ”

“It’s ridiculous to go to bed at 11 o’clock.”

Quan Minzhu shouted angrily: “You all wear earplugs.” ”

Yang Yi’s face turned cold when he heard this.

Seeing his expression, Min Shenghao hurriedly raised his head, “Grandmaster Yang Yi rest assured, absolutely stop immediately.” ”

After watching Yang Yi disappear at the end, he closed the door.

“Ignore them! Let’s continue! ”

With a wave of his hand and two breaths, Kim Minzhu was ready to continue practicing again.

She didn’t believe that this time she would lose to Qi Baicao again!


Min Shenghao stared at Jin Minzhu, who was covered in sweat, and said in a deep voice: “You are too nervous. ”

“Nervous, ha, I’ll be nervous?”

As if greatly insulted, Jin Minzhu’s eyes widened, “I will definitely defeat Qi Baicao this time!” I know I can beat her this time! ”

Min Shenghao stretched out his hand, put her left shoulder, and squeezed it hard.


Kim Min-joo screamed in pain!

“Your muscles have become tense into pieces of iron, and your legs have become stiff.”

Min Shenghao said solemnly, “Don’t you notice it yourself…”

Flattening his mouth, Jin Minzhu was a little gloomy.

“What are you worried about?”

Min Shenghao asked very directly, “It’s not just because of Qi Baicao, right?” When you decided to participate in this business competition, you didn’t know that Qi Baicao would also sign up, and you were already nervous, why? ”

The night breeze gently blows the curtains.

The sweat gradually cooled on his body, and Jin Minzhu was stunned for a while, sat down on the ground in a slump, and said, “I’m a little scared. ”

“Afraid of what?”


Clenching her mouth, Jin Minzhu shook her head glumly, “I’m just scared.” Senior Brother Shenghao, when you went abroad to play for the first time, were you afraid? ”

“Don’t be afraid.”

Answering, Min Shenghao remembered that his first time playing abroad was four years ago.

At that time, Fang Tinghao was still in the storm, and easily won the championship of that international competition, and he lost the semifinals.

And then three years ago…

“Why not be afraid?”

Before he could finish recalling, Jin Minzhu asked in amazement.

“I’m a fledgling and no one knows who I am.”

Min Shenghao said calmly, “Even if you lose the preliminary round, there is nothing to be ashamed of. ”

“How can it not be shamed?!”

Jin Minzhu’s emotions became excited, she clenched her hands, very angry, “If you can’t win the championship, if you lose, it’s a shame!” It’s a shame that can never be forgiven! Either don’t go out and play, or, you must win the championship! ”

“That way, all competitions can only be played by one person, because there will always be only one champion.”

Min Shenghao answered her.

Kim Min-joo glared at him angrily!

Her chest rose and fell hard, clenched her teeth, and for a long time, she said hatefully: “Everyone else can lose, I can’t!” Although no one said it, I knew that everyone in the Han Kunigen martial arts world still remembered my father’s match! At that time, my father bore the expectations of all the people, but he lost the first game… Tomorrow’s game is also my first official match! If I don’t win the championship, if I have been in the first game of the preliminary round…”

Teeth crunch.

Jin Minzhu suddenly lowered her head and kept her head down, not letting Min Shenghao see his suddenly red eyes! She doesn’t want to lose, she wants her first battle to shine brightly and stand on the podium of the champions! She wants the world to see that she is Jin Yishan’s daughter, she is a strong person, she is a natural champion!

The night breeze blows the curtains.

Yang Yi returned to the room, pushed the window up, came to the head of Baicao’s bed, there was an even breathing sound, presumably quite tired, Jin Minzhu’s voice just stopped, she went to sleep.

After leaving a kiss on her forehead, he got up and pulled the door…

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