Second floor, her bedroom.

The desk lamp turned on, and in the darkness of the curtains closed, his handsomeness and her beauty were reflected.

“You… When did you start being attracted to me? ”

He asked, looking at her flushed cheeks that hadn’t receded.


Ting Yi thought for a while, “Actually, I don’t know much, anyway, your figure is slowly lingering in my mind.” What about you? ”

He had an urge at the moment, and even wanted to have a showdown and say, I have several people in my heart.

But he forcibly suppressed it, because even if a girl likes someone again, she will never want to hear such words, and wait until she gives birth.

Procrastination officially begins…

“Me? You guess! ”

Tingyi was silent, she seemed to have become extremely experienced this time.

No longer using the necessary language to threaten him with the words he had to say in his heart, or maybe she felt that she had his child, and he could not run away in a thousand strands.

She suddenly picked up his palm and looked at it.

“What are you looking at?”

Yang Yi asked.

Ting Yi didn’t answer, looked at it very seriously, and then stretched out her other hand and walked with her fingers on the lines in his palm.

A gentle, tingling itch traveled from his palm to his brain nerves, giving him a feeling of enjoyment and wanting to take his hand back.

But Tingyi’s expression became more and more solemn.

“Three prongs of the same length appear at the end of the emotional line…”

She muttered, and thought, “If you have this pattern in your hand, most of the peach blossoms are more prosperous, and your emotional life will be more chaotic in your youth or a certain period of time, and it belongs to a more emotional person, easy to be emotional.” ”


Yang Yi was stunned.

“Hmph, I knew it would be like this.”

Tingyi threw his hand back.

I’ll go…… It’s the same as the truth.

“What about your palm lines?”

Yang Yi asked curiously.


Tingyi suddenly lay on his chest and cried.

Yang Yi patted her shoulder and comforted, “What’s wrong?” Do your lines symbolize…”

“yes, look.”

Tingyi put her palm in front of his eyes, “Bilateral bifurcation at the end of the emotional line… If there is such a line of affection in the hand, it means that the relationship that you are more unforgettable will have a sign of not going to the end, and there will be a situation of separation in the middle… Whoops. ”

Ting Yi just threw herself into his arms and cried after speaking.

No wonder she believed it so much, it is estimated that the god operator she met suddenly said that her heart was troubled.

“I suddenly want to sing you a song.”

He said.

“I’m so sad, you don’t comfort me, you still want to sing?”

Ting Yi looked up at him and said.

In fact, she didn’t shed any tears.

“This song of mine is to comfort you.”

“Then you sing.”

“Cough, this song is called “Constellation Book”… On the horoscope book, say that we are not compatible, Taurus I am not worthy of your good, sad to think about maybe it is a coincidence, how our story writer understands. ”

The singing voice flowed, his voice was very thin and soft, and his singing skills were slightly immature, but it still made Tingyi stare at him like a fool, and it felt like he was going to eat him, although he had already eaten him…

“Why are you looking at me like that.”

Yang Yi stopped.

Tingyi’s head fiddled left and right, selling cuteness, and said coquettishly, “Because you are handsome, I can’t help but want to see you.” ”

Yang Yi was stunned, “What a big truth.” ”

Tingyi sat up, crossed her waist, and slipped down, “If you don’t let others say, don’t look so handsome, you are originally the first handsome in the world… Handsome, handsome. ”

Yang Yi covered her with a quilt, “Really, you are in a critical period now, too often is not good…”

“You dislike me.”

She looked unhappy, “Hmph, the book is right, men don’t have a good thing, they want to run when they’re done.” ”

…… Hyun Budokan.

Ting Hao received a call from Yin Xiu.

When she said those words, Ting Hao was like a thunderbolt on a sunny day, and he was furious, and directly dropped the mobile phone in his hand to the ground…


With a bang, the mobile phone that fell on the ground was directly shattered.

He hovered back and forth around the room with his waist plugged in.

He suddenly felt that this Yang Yi was too not a thing, and he really wanted to burst into rudeness, do you want anything?

He took off his suit, changed into a Taoist suit, walked into the practice hall, looked at the sandbags in front of him, as if he saw Yang Yi, he roared, “Yang Yi… Blah blah. ”

The sandbag was bombarded and swayed by him with all his might, which frightened Shen Bo and the other virtuous disciples so much that they did not dare to step forward.

This time he was even more serious than the last time he came back from Japan.

An hour later, he was soaked and exhausted, but he still couldn’t understand it.

“Senior Brother, what happened?”

Seeing him stop, Shen Bo gasped heavily, before staggering up and asking.


Ting Hao slowly looked towards Shen Bo, “Yang… Phew—Yang Yi… Actually made Tingyi pregnant. ”


Obviously, Shen Bo’s mind didn’t turn all of a sudden, “Senior Sister Tingyi… So, what can be done about this? ”

“What to do? Phew – I also want to know what to do? ”

Ting Hao yelled at Shenbo.


Shen Bo’s eyes lit up, “Senior Brother, if that’s the case, won’t you and Baicao have a chance?” ”

After a long silence, Ting Hao’s mood stabilized slightly, it seems that love is indeed a stabilizer.

However, he also thought that Bai Cao’s words, even if he was not with Yang Yi, would not like him, which made Ting Hao a little desperate.

Anyway, though, as Shenbo said, there’s at least a chance now.

“Grandpa, I recently got a message about Tingyi, please be calm and don’t get excited.”

Ting Hao came to the old man and said.

Although Ting Hao was vaccinated, this still surprised the old man, and he stood up, “What’s wrong with Tingyi?” You say quickly. ”

“Tingyi, Tingyi she is pregnant… Pregnant. ”

Ting Hao said.

The old man exhaled a long breath and whispered to himself: “It’s not that it’s injured, it’s not some kind of vegetative person with a broken arm and leg…”

“…… What the? ”

The old man chewed the words before reacting, “Pregnant.” ”

“Yes, grandpa, it is said that it has been more than four months.”


The old man roared out, “Tingyi is not even 20 years old, how can she do such a thing as getting pregnant out of wedlock?” ”

“Who is the child’s father?”

The old man said and nodded the ground, with an expression that he wanted the child’s father to be executed on the street.

“It’s Yang Yi.”

Ting Hao said.

“Yang Yi…?”

This name is a little familiar, the old man seems to be old, and after reacting for a long time, the imperial court Hao’s eyes widened, “Grandmaster Yang Yi?” ”

“It’s him.”

Ting Hao still said indifferently.


The old man clapped his hands together, his face was embarrassed, and his heart was very complicated, is he to blame? Or should we be glad it’s him?

“This, this, this, are they true love? Are you planning to get married? ”

“Yang Yi that kid…”

“What Yang Yi that kid? It’s Grandmaster Yang Yi, I don’t understand politeness at all, right? ”

The old man interrupted Ting Hao’s casual words in his heart, the combination of strength and etiquette in the Yuan Martial Arts World is greater than everything.

Due to the strange relationship, this old man is still quite in awe, if the four words of Grandmaster Yang Yi are replaced by Grandmaster Chuyuan, because of the familiar relationship, the old man will definitely not object to Ting Hao saying that this kid in Chuyuan.

Ting Hao was stunned, “Yes, yes, Grandmaster Yang Yi, this kid…”

“Still there, boy.”

The old man immediately glared at Ting Hao again.

Ting Hao immediately felt that his mentality was a little broken, and said word by word, “Yang Yi, Grandmaster, he, is simply not a thing, eating in the bowl and looking at the pot, I really dare not guarantee that Tingyi will be happy with him.” ”

Originally, Ting Hao scolded Yang Yi for not being a thing, and the old man wanted to remind him again, but the latter sentence directly made the old man sad, and he sighed, “Hey~ Since ancient times, people like this have always been around with red faces… Like Yu Chuyuan’s life, why not like this. ”

When Ting Hao heard this, he was even more sad.

Is the red face constant?

Then why can’t I even chase Qi Baicao…

“You call them right now and ask them to come back quickly.”

The old man suddenly straightened up.

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