In the bedroom, Xiaoying saw Baicao come in and greeted her.

“He’s leaving?”

Xiaoying asked.


“I haven’t honestly explained yet.”

Xiaoying said lightly, like a judge.

“Explain what?”

Hundred grass is still that silly white sweet face.

“Of course, when you were in Japan, before you came back from Japan, I asked you, are you alone men and widows in the same room, the sky is thunder and fire, and the long drought and Ganlin are now showing stuffing.”

Xiaoying asked.

Don’t say, this idiom works well.

“What fire, what drought, I don’t even know what you’re talking about.”

Bai Cao blushed, and turned his back directly, wanting to go to bed to suffocate himself.

But Xiaoying did not hesitate and pulled her quilt, “I heard it all just now, you still don’t tell me, the most precious thing for a girl, alas, what can it be?” ”

“Although I didn’t hear the latter sentence, Grandmaster Yang Yi said that you gave it to him for the first time, right?”

Xiaoying added.

“Tell me what it’s like, hey, roar.”

Xiaoying sat on her bed, changed from a judgmental appearance to an extremely draped appearance in an instant, covering her mouth and laughing.

I’m afraid that when I watched Ruobai take a bath before, I don’t know how many times I fantasized about it.


Hundred herb milk voice is extremely shy to speak.

Because it was too late, Yang Yi was not happy to run to Quansheng, after all, he was still quite tired of running around this day.

However, Guangya has been waiting for him, and is still standing under the big locust tree in the Quansheng courtyard, this tree seems to have become her spiritual sustenance, as long as she thinks about him, she will stand under the tree, as if he is by her side to talk to her.

Perhaps because of the autumn and standing outside for too long, she woke up the next day to find herself cold, not only sneezing continuously, but also some runny nose, she directly took leave, and did not even go to school.

And called Yang Yi directly.

She was also blunt, clearly saying that because she waited for him yesterday, the result has not arrived

Yang Yi expressed guilt and bought her some cold medicine.

When he appeared at the door of Quan Sheng, Guangya ran over happily with a spring breeze on his face, grinning with a grin.

What I never expected was that when I was in front of Yang Yi on the runway, I was probably too happy.

So much so, a snot bubble burst out of her nose with a sudden laugh.

The two stood there dumbfounded.

The girl’s smile instantly froze, her steps and body were stiff, and the whole person seemed to be petrified.

But in my head, there was a roar of lightning??!!

Can anyone tell me which immortal I have offended?

Why did such an embarrassing thing happen in front of me in front of him!! Reason told Yang Yi that he couldn’t laugh at this time.

But, I’m sorry, he really couldn’t hold back.

Seeing the corners of his uncontrollable curved mouth, Guangya had an expression of collapse.

It’s over, the image is completely ruined.

Heaven, you send down a heavenly thunder and chop me to death.

Yang Yi himself is also trying to restrain himself, can’t laugh, but fortunately his concentration is enough.

He took out a tissue and handed it to her, “It’s okay, wipe it.” ”

Guangya’s self-defeating result of the tissue, blowing hard, the sound of blowing his nose, long out.

Then she glanced at Yang Yi sadly, with an expression of wanting to cry.

It’s too miserable, it’s really too miserable, blowing such a snot bubble in front of the ultimate male god will definitely make him remember for a lifetime.

Seeing that she was about to close herself, Yang Yi was about to cry, scratched her little nose forward, and said seriously: “It’s okay, it’s not a big problem, I forgot in the next second.” ”

“I don’t believe it.”

Guangya skimmed his face.

“Really, when you were at the Han training camp, you slept and drooled.”

He said.

Guangya’s eyes widened at him, “You also said that you forgot in the next second, and you still remember everything from a few months ago.” ”

“Uh… Actually, I mean, I wouldn’t care. ”


“Then you close your eyes.”

Every time Guangya wanted to kiss him, she always didn’t want him to see, and she was shy and scared.


As soon as Guangya touched her lips on his, she actually scoffed herself, amused by the snot bubbles she had just had.

Due to the cold, the snot gathered very quickly and sprayed on his face like this.


Guangya laughed loudly, she really couldn’t help it, she didn’t know if she was laughing at herself, or at the snot on Yang Yi’s face.

This time, it was Yang Yi who petrified.

This feeling reminded him that when he was in the second or third grade of elementary school, a child was chased and beaten by three children, and in the end, the child who was chased had no way and could not run, and as a result, he blew his nose and threw it out at random at the three children who were chasing him, and directly stuck to the face of one of the children.


She laughed and already squatted down with her stomach covered.

Yang Yi was already speechless to the extreme.

In the end, Guangya was directly arrested by Yang Yi and taken into the hospital, which was a symptom that took medicine no longer worked.

She leaned on the hospital bed to hang water, looking at Yang Yi who was accompanying him with weak eyes, “I’m sorry, when I kissed you, I also thought about whether snot would flow directly to your face, so I couldn’t hold back my laughter.” ”

As soon as Guangya finished speaking, she seemed to poke the laughing point again, and immediately wanted to laugh, but was forced back by Yang Yi’s serious expression.

He said solemnly, “In the afternoon, I will pick up Bai Cao, and the family will have a meal.” ”


Guangya didn’t understand a little, what kind of family is this family, is it a boyfriend, two girlfriends, or the kind of family that added Qu Xiangnan to take family photos…

The reason why Yang Yi is so serious is to make Guangya feel that he is angry, and he wants to ask at this time but does not dare to ask.

At the same time, she began to guide Guangya, letting her think for herself about what kind of family they belonged to.

When Yang Yi came to Kianyang University, the picture in front of him was also quite familiar.

Because Tingyi also attended college here for a few days, Ting Hao was originally waiting for Tingyi to leave school here, but waited for Baicao…

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