“Did she call you? Is it a boy or a girl? ”

Yang Yi asked.

“Girl, mother and daughter are safe.”

He replied.

“Very good.”

Yang Yi said lightly.

Then I walked forward.

That’s it?

Ting Hao couldn’t feel a little of his joy, but in fact, his heart was indeed more complicated.

When passing by him, Ting Hao stretched out his hand and blocked Yang Yi’s way: “Let’s make it clear today, do you want Tingyi, or Baicao, or even Guangya.” ”

Finally, wait for this moment.

In fact, Yang Yi’s heart was actually more tired than any of them.

Baicao Guangya looked at Yang Yi expectantly.

He looked at Ting Hao, his eyes were sharp, and spat out three words, “I want both.” ”

“Drain and drain.”

Hundred Grass and Guangya’s mood was like this, first the heavy rain was watering, a rapid continuity, after Yang Yi spit out those three words, a shocking thunder, as if to explode the entire space.

If it weren’t for Yang Yi’s words word by word, they would definitely think that they had heard it wrong.

And now they are in a trance, feeling that they were born in the wrong era, which is.

In the exclusive hospital of the Fengyun Daokan.

Shen Zhou’s head was wrapped in bandages, and he looked resentful.

“Our Daoist Hall with such a mysterious situation should have created unprecedented great achievements as soon as it appeared, but now it is good, it is all destroyed on Yang Yi’s boy.”

Shen Zhou said angrily.

Yin Xiu on the side was also quite helpless.

Originally, she also thought that Shen Zhou would win this game.

Unexpectedly, but it was still such a result, Yang Yi, is too strong.

Strong enough to make them feel desperate.

Even directly shattered the mystery of Fengyun, no one will say in the future, Fengyun randomly picked out one is the world champion.

Because their strongest were knocked out in the first game, what else is mysterious.

“Mr. Shen Zhou, you better take a good rest recently, don’t think about so many stimulant side effects, you must take good care.”

Yin Xiu said lightly.


Anabolic steroids can increase strength by an average of 30 pounds, but may disrupt the body’s endocrine system, leading to male infertility consequences.

Erythropoietin plays a key role in improving athletes’ endurance, improving their own oxygen supply and material resistance, pain will be reduced, and can increase people’s endurance by about 34% of the original physical fitness.

However, it can induce cerebrovascular accidents or seizures.

Therefore, whether it is speed and strength endurance, or even material resistance, Shen Zhou during the competition has almost reached the level of a Yang Yi.

After all, 34 percent is quite impressive.

It’s really in response to that sentence, willing to pay any price.

Captain Shen exhaled and said resolutely, “I will not give up and will find a way to bring him down, this is my shame and the shame of Fengyun.” ”

Yin Xiu looked at Shen Zhou’s angry eyes, but at the same time saw the powerlessness in his eyes.

Powerlessness over power, honor, success or failure, but it makes him feel unwilling.

Now that the wind has come to this point, she doesn’t have a sense of frustration

When they reacted from the shock, they found that Yang Yi’s two hands grabbed their hands and walked forward.

Guangya shook off Yang Yi’s hand first, turned around and ran away directly.

Hundred grass is also close behind.

None of them spoke, because they couldn’t find an adjective for Yang Yi.

To say that he is indecent, he has been on his own initiative for so long.

To say that he is greedy is a little not heavy enough.

Only silence can represent the great dissatisfaction and incredulity in their hearts

At this moment, Yang Yi was also at a loss.

Actually, he was really tired.

Cover up non-stop every day.

Unknowingly, he went to the Fang family.

Tingyi seemed to see him at home, because Yang Yi didn’t stand long before he received a text message, one word, “Get out.” ”

At this moment, Yang Yi felt unprecedented loneliness.

It was the first time he came here and felt so lonely.

He found that he had nowhere to go?


A few days later.

“Grandmaster Yang Yi, why are you going abroad again, we are also preparing to make a ceremony for you.”

Indong Nian called and said.

“I’m not in the mood, let’s talk about it later.”

Yang Yi said.

After winning the world championship and not in the mood, Qiu Dongnian felt particularly interesting.

Could it be that the kind of life that has reached the human Dai Feng feels is meaningless? No pursuit?

Is this a realm?

Qiu Dongnian couldn’t figure it out, so he didn’t want to, after all, he hadn’t even entered the National Yuanwudao Neighborhood Committee yet, and the difference was a little far.

“Well, then your Taoist hall is now beginning to take shape, you don’t look at what is almost there, such as extending the land area, which merchant to talk to or something.”

Speaking of this, Yang Yi remembered, “By the way, there is an old house over there that no one lives, do you think you can contact it?” If they can’t be contacted, I’ll let them just push it off. ”

“Okay, then I’ll help you find out.”

Greeted by Jin Yishan as the first class disciple, Yang Yi walked into the Changhai Dao Hall

Yang Yi looked at this neat team and really felt troublesome.

Originally, he didn’t want to tell Jin Yishan that he was coming, but it was not good to appear suddenly, after all, it was someone else’s Taoist hall.

As soon as the result is said, it will be such a show.

“Don’t be so grand, I’m here to see Grandmaster Yunyue, not to observe the exchange of Yuan Martial Dao.”

Jin Yishan smiled and walked up to Yang Yi, “Grandmaster Yang Yi, if you can, communicate with them, although you represent Ji Yang in this World Youth Championship.” ”

But from our Changhai, there are many new disciples who admire you and hope to meet you and say a few words to them.

Seeing that he was so sincere, Yang Yi did not refuse, “Okay, then wait a few days.” ”

Jin Yishan agreed, turned around and shouted to the disciples to disperse, and went back to the other side of the practice lake, all this still did not change.

I don’t know why, Yang Yi walked on this road, and suddenly felt a sense of relief.

Maybe in Kishiyang, the sense of oppression is too heavy.

Outside the pavilion, in that courtyard, there was an additional Han woman, who said in Korean: “May I ask you?” ”

“Hello, my name is Yang Yi, and I came to see Grandmaster Yunyue.”


The woman suddenly realized and said with a smile: “World Champion Art Grandmaster, hello, I am Li Yunyue’s insider.” ”

Grandmaster Yunyue’s insider, listening to her directly call Li Yunyue’s name, it really felt strange, after all, Grandmaster Yunyue was Grandmaster Yunyue all day long.

However, in this way, Eun-so is really a little like her.

“Hello, isn’t Grandmaster Yunyue here?”

Yang Yi looked at the empty pavilion, and Eunxiu was not there.


The woman sighed, “You don’t know, that day he watched a four-kick in the air, and that night, he went into retreat.” ”

What an obsession!!

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