After this incident, Yang Yi’s reputation in Changhai became higher.

From top to bottom, he felt a sense of compliance.

Even Kim Min-joo, who came home from school at noon, changed differently.

At dinner that day, Jin Yishan said that he would assign a house to Yang Yi on the other side of the lake, and be a guest secretary in Changhai, which is the current honorary dean, that is, to hang a name, which is used to improve his reputation and produce deterrence.

For this matter, Yang Yi’s answer was if Grandmaster Yun Yue allowed it.

In the afternoon, Yang Yi gave lectures and guidance to some half-old disciples.

Strange to say, Eun-so was stunned that he did not appear when he ate at night.

Jin Yishan appeared instead, and he could only eat with him.

At eight o’clock in the evening, Eun-so called him and asked him to go to the entrance of the Changhaedo Hall.

“Where did you run this afternoon?”

Sitting on the co-pilot, Yang Yi asked.

“What for? Did you miss me? ”

Eun-so said mysteriously.


Seeing that Yang Yi’s expression was a little cute, Eunxiu immediately laughed, “It seems that I have used this trick not badly, it’s only been an afternoon of indifference, you don’t fit in, hahaha.” ”

Yang Yi nodded her silently and extended her thumb.

“So where are we going? Didn’t you go shopping to buy you a gift? ”

He looked at the dazzling neon lights on the streets, but the crowds seemed sparse and it didn’t feel like a way to the city.

I thought I was going shopping for gifts.

“Instead of going shopping, my mother and I have been shopping for an afternoon, tired.”

Eun-so said.

“Isn’t shopping your girl’s strong suit? Tired too? ”

“That’s not all girls’ strong point.”

It is also said that Eun-so is really not wearing a famous brand, it is estimated that there is something to wear.

On that almost perfect face, I couldn’t find any makeup at all.

Still those words, she is the freshest girl Yang Yi has ever seen.

The vehicle stopped on the side of the road, and the XX Hotel appeared in front of Yang Yi’s eyes! It is the most eye-catching building here.

No way!!

“What are you doing, let’s go.”

Eun-so urged as he walked ahead.

To say that strange places are not good, as boys do not have a kind of sovereignty that feeling is quite like when eating together, girls pull chairs for boys.

However, it’s good to have a face-to-face once in a while.

That’s it…

“Eun-so, are you sure we’re not in the wrong place?”

“Nope! Just come to the hotel. ”

Eunxiu said, taking Yang Yi’s arm and speeding up his originally slow steps.

“No, Eun-so, why are we here at the hotel?”

Yang Yi’s mouth kept supporting, but her body was very honest and she was dragged by her.

After all, if he really doesn’t want to come, can Eun-so drag him.

“Of course, I came to the hotel to open a room, and it is difficult to come as a guest.”

Eun-so seems to be deliberately teasing him.

Open house!!

Seeing her like this, it seems to be serious, Yang Yi is a little happy and a little worried, after all, the three over there have not compromised.

And although he also likes Eun-so, after all, the two can only be regarded as friends now, and they are not even on second base.

“But wouldn’t that be good?”

Yang Yi continued to pretend.

If there was a man next to him who knew that he was pretending to be like this, he would definitely not be able to hammer him.

Suddenly, Eun-so stopped, his face flushed, “What do you think…”

“You see, this girl brought a boy to open a house, this is the first time I have seen it.”

“However, that boy is really handsome, like the male protagonist in the TV series.”

“To be honest, I’m a little envious.”

“Haha, you have a husband what do you envy, go back and let your husband serve you well.”

“Hey, you don’t understand this, my family’s one, can’t compare with the one in front of me, just thinking about it makes my saliva.”


“Okay, don’t say it, they’re in.”

In the eyes of several women at the front desk, Eunxiu loosened Yang Yi’s arm and handed out the ID card, “A standard room.” ”

Standard room?! Two beds in one room?!

Yang Yi deeply felt that this Eunxiu was playing with himself and testing his stamina.

Or come first, now the standard room is booked in the tourist season, and only the god plot such as the king bed room is left?

It’s a pity that Yang Yi was disappointed.

The front desk quickly gave the key card to Eun-so, and the two continued to walk towards the elevator one after another.

Several women behind him kept looking at the two, and when they entered the elevator, they began to talk again.

“It’s a pity, it’s not the ID card of the handsome guy used.”

“You’re just stupid, you can’t say that both people have to register their identities.”

“Huh? Yes…”

“But how do you feel, they don’t look like a couple?”

“It’s a little weird.”

“It’s normal, judging by their age, they should be college students, the first time, it is inevitable, and they will sleep together at night.”

Several other women looked at the woman who said the last word with surprised eyes.

Found the room.

There is no huge living room inside, which is a lot of luxurious hotel facilities.

And Yang Yi thought correctly, the two beds are located on both sides, and there is an LCD TV hanging above the air conditioner in the middle of the front, that’s all.

“You take a shower first, I’ll go buy something.”

Eun-so said naturally.

Buying something, Yang Yi’s first reaction was… He looked at the table, which is usually prepared in a hotel.

That’s right, there is… But he didn’t ask, after all, once he asked, it meant that he had thought about it.

Yang Yi, who was lying on the bed after taking a bath, was a little excited, although he had been many, many times.

Until Eun-so returned, Yang Yi began to close his eyes and pretend to sleep.

He could feel that she should have stood there staring at her for a few seconds before she went into the bathroom.

Such a scene is a bit like Jiang Zhishu and Yuan Xiangqin.

Although Jiang Zhishu’s mother asked Yuan Xiangqin to attack her son Jiang Zhishu, Jiang Zhishu is too capable of pretending, the kind that is loaded to the bone marrow, although it looks quite sweet.

At this time, Yang Yi is really inseparable.

However, now Eunxiu has really discussed with her mother, and after an afternoon of walking the streets, the only topic is how to break Yang Yi’s heart.

At the same time, it can also verify whether Yang Yi is the kind of lower-body animal, irresponsible person…

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