In the face of the drastic change in the situation in vain, the girl was still like a tiger descending a mountain.

“Ruobai, I feel that the attack of Hundred Grass has become much more powerful than before, and there are still rules.” Yi Feng sighed as he looked at Fang Tingyi, who was retreating step by step.

Ruobai didn’t speak, but looked at Yang Yi a little fascinated.

What kind of magic did he have to be able to train Hundred Grass like this for hours?

“Senior brother, this Qi Baicao is quite interesting, it seems that the strength is exhausted when fighting.” Shen Bo said with a smile.

Fang Tinghao, who was expressionless, had multiple feelings in his heart.

One is the love for hundred herbs, and the other is that I hold a fire in my heart.

If it weren’t for the Taoist clothes he was wearing, maybe he wouldn’t be so calm.

“Yes, in terms of technical experience, hundred grass is definitely not as good as Tingyi, but there is one thing that Tingyi is definitely inferior to hundred grass, that is, physical strength.”


On the field, there was another dizzying attack.

The audience couldn’t even see the figure of Bai Cao, only heard the muffled sound of a blow.


The stadium exploded, and the audience couldn’t believe their eyes.

“Hundred grass—hundred grass—”

The disciples of the Songbai Daoist Hall burst into ecstatic cheers.

Tingyi turned her head.

She glanced at the scoreboard, 1:6, something incredible.

He turned his head again and looked at the grass.

She didn’t seem to have unusual mood swings, but the usual smile at the corner of her lips disappeared.


Baicao glanced at it and ran over again without care.

Ting Yi also drank sharply and rushed towards the hundred grass.

Both of them were holding the momentum of knockout, and at the moment when they saw the figures of the two girls interlaced, Baicao actually turned around and retracted the left leg that had been kicked out at an incredible speed, and then spun and jumped up, drinking loudly, and slashed towards Tingyi with hurricane-like pressure!

And this scene is like Tingyi herself catching up, deliberately giving hundred herbs this fatal blow.

The downward slash that absorbed every inch of the power of the hundred grasses, with the gravity of her falling body, heavy, seemed to be slow, and seemed to be invisible-“Touch!” ”

The sound of metal sounded and struck the top of Tingyi’s head.


There was no sound in the stadium for an instant.

The audience’s eyes widened in disbelief, and Ting Yi fell to the ground with a bang after standing for a second.

Ting Hao suddenly stood up from the sidelines.

Shen Ning was even more reluctant to believe that Tingyi, who was very heavy, would be kicked in the head one day.

The most important thing is that it is still a disciple who was Qu Xiangnan.

Xiaoying covered her mouth tightly, lest she show a little sound, and none of her cheerleaders around her dared to cheer.

What happened, why is the strength of Baicao and Tingyi so far apart, they can actually chop to the top of Tingyi’s head.

Why would Tingyi lie there lifeless, as if, dead… The silence was suffocating.




As the referee crouched down to read the seconds, in the silent stadium, it clearly reached the ears of every spectator.

Could it be that the genius girl Fang Tingyi was really knocked out like this?

Really can’t stand up?

In the hearts of the audience, there are all such questions.




The expressions of the audience began to change, and then they exclaimed.


Tingyi sat up from the cushion again, and then stood up.

At first, her body swayed slightly, but after signaling to the referee that she could continue the game, she walked slowly to Bai Cao.

Her pace was slow, allowing everyone present to feel the aura that made their breathing oppressed.

“I still underestimate you after all.”

The face is still the same, although it is a little pale, but it is still that smile, it is still the “what”.

The voice came into Bai Cao’s ears word by word, which actually made her heart shake a little.

On the basis of what?

Why can you still be so arrogant, and you can use such a tone.

You almost got knocked out by me.

The second inning is over.

Although Hundred Grass only trailed near the end of the second inning.

But such a disparity in scores has already made Baicao excited for Baicao.

As soon as Ting Yi walked down, Ting Hao greeted him.

In the end, it was his own sister, who was hit so hard by Bai Cao, and he was also distressed.

“It’s okay.” Ting Hao asked with concern while using a towel to help Tingyi wipe the beads of sweat on her face.

Tingyi shook her head and signaled that it was okay.

Generally, before burning anger, it always appears extraordinarily calm.

‘It’s normal for opponents to score points in the game, you are still ahead for the time being, don’t be afraid, but you just lost a lot of points, I don’t think it’s a bad thing.

“Do you prefer her to win?” Ting Yi glanced at Ting Hao, she knew that her brother had confessed to Baicao three times and twice.

But Tingyi, who was not very sensible, did not seem to feel the worry from her brother.

Ting Yi’s inexplicable words seemed to poke at Ting Hao’s sore spot.

He looked straight at Ting Yi for a second and said solemnly: “You haven’t met such a strong opponent for a long time, and you haven’t played seriously for a long time, and your practice is also very slack.” I hope Qi Baicao can warn you not to really become the rabbit in the tortoise and hare race. ”

Ting Yi’s eyebrows wrinkled, “You value her so much, then wait to see the third game.” Let’s see if she will be hit by me after I show my real strength, and want to quit the Yuan Martial Arts directly. ”

“What nonsense are you talking about?” Ting Hao rebuked: “The game can’t be righteous, have you forgotten how your mother was injured?” ”

“Of course I remember, I will be very elegant, very measured, and let her deeply remember that this arena is not suitable for a rookie like her.”

“Yes, hundred grass, it’s a good fight, although it’s still lagging behind, but there is a chance.”

“Don’t get proud too soon.”

Yi Feng was expressing a warm affirmation of Bai Cao’s performance, and an indifferent voice floated from the side, and Bai Cao looked at Ruobai with a slight trepidation.

Ruobai glanced at her lightly, “Do you think that you are the best physical strength among the opponents Tingyi has ever faced?” ”

This sentence is very meaningful, indicating that Tingyi has not really made a move.

But if I don’t fight like that, then what do I do next?

“Hundred grass.” Yang Yi on the side spoke.

The reason why he didn’t speak just now was because he had been looking at Fang Tingyi on the opposite side.

Her face already showed that she was going to give her all, and she was going to return the insult that almost knocked out.

Everyone looked at Yang Yi talking in Baicao’s ear, and no one heard what he said.

But Bai Cao looked surprised, because Yang Yi asked her to stop attacking, defend comprehensively, and try to get out of Tingyi’s offensive range, even if she was punished for passive defense and lost points.

In the final analysis, that tragic game, being beaten with a blue nose and swollen face, Yang Yi didn’t want it to reappear.

Although in Bai Cao’s heart, Yang Yi’s words were like heavenly instructions, but she was so unwilling, and finally played a little advantage, so she really didn’t want it?

“Senior Yang Yi, will you let me try again?” Hundred grass begged.

Everyone looked at Baicao with a blank face, completely unable to guess what happened.

Yang Yi naturally saw Bai Cao’s strong desire, he looked into the distance, and said resolutely: “No.” ”

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