Whispering Verse

Chapter 1000 God’s Final Trial

Although she almost fell into coma the moment God opened the door and appeared, Miss Teresa still moved her lips to greet God.

Of course, Shade and Miss Violet did not forget this. After paying their respects, Shade took off the water bag he carried. Because of the special characteristics of the Cherubim Lake, this water cannot be turned into toys using [Toy Making]. After the duel with Cherubeus, Shade filled the water bag with water. In order to prevent the water from being insufficient, he brought all the lake water:

"O God, this is a sacrifice offered to you by the mortals Shad Hamilton, Violet Marshall and Schultz Theresa. May wisdom flow endlessly like water."

Unplug the water bag plug, and the spell "manipulate the water flow" will draw the water to flow out of the water bag. Miss Violet and Miss Teresa, who were standing behind Shade, immediately cast their gaze. Although Shade explained the source of the water when climbing the tower, it was still the first time for them to see this sacrifice.

Obviously in the Lake of the Cherubim, the water in these lakes is exactly the same as the normal flow. But at this moment, it was pulled by the spell and turned into a water snake, flowing out, but it was shining brightly on the oppressive and dark island in the middle of the lake, and was gradually assimilated by the light of the god, showing a holy luster.

Shade only pulled out the first stream of water, and then the water was no longer under his control. God caused all the water from the Lake of Cherubim to flow around Him like a holy streamer.

After a while, the flowing water contracted inward, leaving silver traces on the god's robe.

The robe was originally blue, almost white, but the addition of the silver mark didn't look out of place at all:

"It's amazing. I knew that you would be able to complete the second trial, but I didn't expect that you were even better than I thought. The lake water there is not something that can be obtained casually."

The god said softly in front of the wooden house, and Shade nodded slightly to show humility:

"It's nothing. God, there is a second sacrifice here."

God took away all the water from the Lake of Cherubim. Although he had expected this, Shade was still a little sad. Without the water of the Lake of Cherubim, he would have to get a special bow or crossbow before he could be qualified to shoot the [Arrow of Knowledge of Iken'ola] again. Although in addition to relics, powerful alchemy items also meet the requirements, in this case, the alchemy bow or crossbow will be scrapped immediately after one arrow.

"No, I can't think about the unshot arrow anymore, otherwise I'll feel like little Mia is crawling on me again."

【How many are there this time? 】

she asked with a smile.

Next, Shade offered the water soaked in the Water Cube obtained by the witches, and the water still flowed out like a long snake. But this time the god did not imprint the water on his robe, but let the water flow into a ball, and finally condensed into a pearl, dotted on the hem of the robe:

"The water cube is soaked in spring water. Although that relic appears on the island, your ability to draw water from it is enough to prove that you are qualified to pass my trial."

The god paused and looked at the mortals in front of him:

"Since there are two sacrifices, you deserve more gifts. I gave you blessings last time, and this time..."

He looked at Miss Teresa. The witch wearing glasses had her eyes half-closed at this time, but she could still feel that God's sight was hotter than the sun at noon in summer. Her soul trembled because of this brief gaze, but fortunately she looked away almost immediately.

At the same time, [Night Watcher] flew out of the witch's hand and fell into the hands of the god. As the hand exuding soft white light stroked the sword hanging in the air, the sword body did not shine, only the rune "My heart is clear, the sword kills the devil" shimmered quietly.

"I will give your weapons greater power."

Neither Shade nor Miss Violet spoke. The blessing given by the gods certainly did not give them a choice.

"This blessing is only effective for the three of you. Drop your own blood on the sword body and completely soak it with the runes on the sword body. This sword will be specially targeted at you. Added 'Before holding the sword to fight, if you drink clean water, It is the characteristic that the physical strength is endless for a period of time."

"Thank you for your generosity."

The three of them spoke together, and Miss Teresa was slow for a moment because of her very poor mental state.

The sword that had been touched by the god flew from the god's side to the three of them, and then was inserted into the soil in front of Shade. Shade doesn't have time to think about the continuity of time and space for the time being. He doesn't have much time:

"O God, the three agreed trials have come to an end. We are eager for your wisdom. Please tell us the content of the final trial."

He bowed slightly again.

"What kind of trial do you want?"

He did not directly give the content of the test, but instead asked with a very gentle smile.

Shade pursed his lips:

"We come here to seek wisdom, and the test given by the wise must naturally end with wisdom."

He was trying his best to avoid a real fight, while the Witch Emperor, Miss Violet, looked at the back of the man who was negotiating terms with the gods, and her desire to not let him leave became even stronger.

God chuckled and nodded. Behind the strange-shaped glasses, He completely understood what Shade was thinking:

"Okay then, the final trial is to answer a question that no mortal can answer."

Shade seems to have heard this statement once:

"Excuse me."

He took a step back and stood with the witches again. The three heard the voice of God, which was the ancient one describing an older story:

"In the very beginning, when the world was created, there were thirteen original gods, which mortals called the Ancient Gods. The ancient gods who were in charge of wisdom and knowledge were the mentors of all intelligent beings and the guardians of those unspeakable secrets. Secret person."

Shade listened carefully, while Miss Violet lowered her head and bit her lower lip. Miss Teresa had her eyes closed and her breath was weak. Her mind was immersed in the narration of the gods and exposed to the secrets of ancient myths. If Miss Violet hadn't been protecting her now, she might have lost control at any time due to mental instability.

"Even wise gods need powerful helpers. So the ancient gods picked pure white clouds from the sky, immortal roses from the abyss, and clean salt water from the bottom of the sea to create their first angels. .”

[The Uncertain Wise Man] sighed softly, and then asked:

"The question is, how many wise angels did that ancient god create? Where are these angels now?"

Shade was stunned for a moment, and then he felt someone pulling him from behind. He felt warm breath, and someone was talking in his ear. This made Shade a little uneasy, because usually when someone speaks in his ear, he can't feel the smell of perfume or the heat of breath:

"Aren't there five angels? In rituals such as 'Wisdom of Dusk' and 'Fountain of Inspiration', the runes corresponding to the five angels need to be written in the ritual matrix. However, the answer to this question will be like this Is it simple?"

Miss Violet's voice was very soft, and the air she exhaled while speaking made Shade's ears itchy:

"Furthermore, where are the angels? Can we really answer this question?"


Shade pursed his lips and ignored Miss Violet's voice, because the image of Priest August suddenly jumped out:

"The ancient god [Secret Keeper] created a total of nine wise angels in the first era."


The Witch Emperor's hand holding the hem of Shade's clothes tightened suddenly, almost tearing Shade's clothes to pieces. But before Shade's clothes were destroyed, the weak Miss Teresa put her hand on hers:

"believe him."

The young witch whispered unconsciously.

Shade is still answering:

"As for where... when the [Secret Keeper] left, the four wise angels also left with the ancient gods, and the five angels stayed in the mortal world, resulting in the remaining wise angels in the mortal world. The power of blood. I can't tell their more specific location. I only know that the first wise angel - Cherubim, is now in the middle of the Central Continent, near the human settlement where there are rumors of the 'Lady of the Lake'. He is hidden in a special space. , but many mortals have visited Him.”

The rumor of the "Lady of the Lake" existed in the Fifth Age, which Shade knew during his investigation. He then stated the requirements to meet the "Lady of the Lake", which were all summarized by Professor Drake.

God nodded slightly:

"That's enough. It's quite unexpected. I originally only needed you to tell the numbers of the remaining and departing angels, but I didn't expect that you actually know the location of one of them. This is not knowledge that any ordinary person can know, whether it is nine. The number of bits, or the whereabouts of the angels."

He did not ask Shade about the source of his information, and Shade would not say "No one knows angels better than Priest Augustus."

Seeing the god nodding in recognition of his answer, Shade breathed a sigh of relief. This is the third time he has opened this key. If he fails to complete the trial and give the answer this time, he may have to face the failure of the first time key.

"Thank you, Priest Augustus."

He whispered in his heart that Priest Augustus just mentioned it casually, but he didn't expect it to have such a big effect.

"So, have we completed your trial?"

he asked tentatively.

"Yes, according to the original negotiation, you can make a wish and seek wisdom from me that does not belong to mortals."

God smiled softly, and Shade also had a smile on his face:

"That's it. Before we make a wish, do you know the reason why the five wise angels stay in the mortal world?"

He has not forgotten the question of the final trial of the "Lady of the Lake". Since the clues left behind by the "Trial of the Lady of the Lake" have allowed Shade to learn the answer to the "Trial of God", maybe the latter can also work the other way around. Help the former.

"I know, but I can't tell you the answer."

The god in the robe was still gentle. Shade pursed his lips. Although he was a little disappointed, he could accept the result.

The god continued:

"However, I can tell you another answer. Your sealed power only needs to come into contact with a sufficiently high-level moon to release the seal."

Shade looked up at Him in surprise, but immediately lowered his head:

"I understand, thank you for your help."

Then he turned to look at Miss Violet who was tugging on his clothes:

"Madam, it's your turn. The three trials are over. Please make a wish."

The Witch Emperor didn't look very happy when she saw Shade turning his head and looking at him with his golden eyes. Shade could clearly see the inner disappointment in her eyes, which was a bit like the expression on little Mia's face when she failed to eat her supper at night.


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