Whispering Verse

Chapter 1003 The Sealed Slate

"Is this the slate you are talking about?"

The box retrieved by Shade was placed at the foot of the dining table. When the box was opened, there was a rectangular stone slab lying on a soft lining.

The size of the stone slab is exactly the same as the one Shade obtained from Mr. Edmond, except that the four corners of this piece are not silver but ruby. In addition, the only rune carved on the surface of the stone slab that will automatically float after being illuminated by Shade's [Silver Moon] spiritual rune is the ancient number "two", while the rune on this piece is "one" ".

After breakfast, Shade also brought the first slate from the basement. The slate floated in the air, just above the head of little Mia, who was still bowing her head to eat. Shade had already tried to illuminate the "Red Moon Slate" he had just retrieved with the spiritual light of the [Silver Moon] and [Yellow Moon] spirit runes, but nothing happened.

The old god [Grey Robe Sage] left him the stone slab, and it was obvious that he could only solve the mystery of the stone slab with his own rune aura. Thanks to the blood-sucking god during the battle at Sikal Mountain, Shade possessed the blasphemous [Red Moon], but unfortunately the spiritual rune was in a sealed state at this time. He has not yet found a way to lift the seal. This is not because Shade has not actively searched for it, but because the reason why this spiritual rune was sealed is really difficult to compare with other cases.

His original idea was to try to use the divine power to lift the seal in the deified state the next time he burned the divinity, but now it seems that he still has to think of other methods.

The old god [The Uncertain Wise Man] in the Fifth Age 5177 guided him to find a higher-level moon and use the power of the same source to lift the seal of the spiritual rune, so Shade had one more thing to look for.

It seems that since coming to this world, foreigners have been looking for things.

"May I take a look at it?"

Lesia asked curiously, reaching out and dragging the box containing the stone slab in front of her. Originally, she just wanted to touch her, but as soon as her fingers touched her, a large cloud of steam immediately emerged from behind her.

The ring warlock's life ring appears. Although the sound and light effects are very amazing, it can only be observed at a close distance. At this time, Shade and Xiao Mia are obviously at a close distance.

The cat, which was lowering its head to eat, was frightened by the whistle and bell that followed, and jumped up from the table. But it forgot that the "Silver Moon Slate" was flying above its head, so the cat hit the slate.


For a moment, little Mia's miserable scream was even louder than the whistle and bell behind Lesia. After Lesia calmed down, the first thing she noticed was not that she had an extra spiritual rune, but that Shade was holding poor little Mia and didn't pay attention to her at all.

The blonde girl curled her lips in a very subtle way, but she was not angry because of a cat:

"It seems that the legend you mentioned is true. If you touch these stone slabs, if your inspiration is strong, you can indeed obtain spiritual runes."

Shade looked up and looked behind Lesia. The five-ring warlock's brass life ring was gradually disappearing into the steam mist. Although the kitchen area was small, the life ring also adjusted its size in time. Its highest point almost touched the ceiling, but it carefully kept its distance. Compared to indoors, this is indeed a big guy. Before it completely disappeared, Shade saw a miracle - [Library in Time].

"Such spiritual runes with too specific meanings are difficult to associate with corresponding thaumaturgy. However, obtaining new spiritual runes is a good thing after all. It means that I am one step closer to the sixth ring."

Lecia said with a smile, glanced at the cat lying in Shad's arms, then stood up slightly and kissed Shad on the side of his face:

"Thanks for your help, Shade."

"Tell me, what would happen if Dorothy were allowed to touch this stone directly?"

Shade asked curiously again.

"The question is simple."

The blonde leaned back slightly and closed her eyes. After a few seconds, she sat upright again with the cat meowing.

"Good morning, Shade."

Dorothy greeted Shade with a smile, picked up the fork with her right hand and picked up the fried eggs on the plate, and reached for the new slate with her left hand:

"No response."

Miss Writer said, then she took a bite of the egg and said helplessly to Shade:

"Lecia's cooking skills are still not as good as mine. I hope this breakfast will not disturb your mood for the day."

Shade didn't make any comment on this. At this time, just shut up and eat honestly.

Sure enough, just as Shade thought, Dorothy did not expect Shade to express his opinion on Lesia's cooking skills. She fell back again, and after waiting for a few seconds, as Little Mia yelled again, Lesia came back:

"It seems like it won't work."

The two girls' souls exchanged and could know each other's memories within a short period of time, so she knew what happened:

"But is it really very different from Dorothy's craftsmanship?"

She asked suspiciously, then saw a man and a cat staring at him.

"What's wrong?"

"I just didn't expect you to come back so soon. I remember that frequent exchanges between you in a short period of time will cause serious mental damage."

"It's just an occasional frequent exchange, it won't have much impact."

Her Royal Highness the Princess looked very free and easy. She sniffed the food on the plate, still doubting herself:

"And I haven't been alone with you for a long time. Dorothy promised to give me these two days. I remember that you have been doing nothing recently, haven't you?"

"Yes, the matters at hand have been dealt with for the time being."

Shade nodded. The time key in Fifth Era 5177 ended, and the affairs in Huntington City came to an end temporarily due to the final test of the Lady of the Lake. Today is December, the first day of the Sleeping Moon. He plans to take a walk around the city to deal with the matters at hand:

"Would you like to go out with me later? Take a walk around the city."

The blonde girl immediately smiled:

"Of course, I'm happy to accept your invitation."

She lowered her voice slightly again:

"But tomorrow, Monday night, I hope you will make time. Princess Lesia and Princess Agelina go out to watch the opera. You can wait at the entrance of Hunter Street to board the carriage. The opera tomorrow night will still be on In the box.”

Princess Lesia Cavendish's face was slightly red, but she still looked at Shade calmly and generously:

"Dorothy is not in good health this week, and Luvia is busy with her Potions coursework. I guess your nights must be lonely, right?"


In fact, he is not lonely at all, and a foreigner is not a lustful ghost. Moreover, he has been busy reviewing and reading books and looking up information recently, and he has never had a free night.

"Don't let anything happen tomorrow night. Although my soul is always by your side, I can't forget my body. Besides, on Tuesday you said you were troubled by the arrow you failed to shoot. It's already Sunday now. , you still haven't found a suitable solution. Knight, your princess wants to help you, and hopes that you will put down any unimportant things as much as possible."

She raised her neck slightly, as if she was talking about some rigorous academic topic, rather than some bizarre plot that only appeared in illegal publications.

"Yes Yes."

Shade nodded, and Lecia smiled.

Since she decided to take advantage of today being the beginning of the month to go to the city to deal with her salary, advertising, gas bills and other daily chores, Her Royal Highness went to the room to pick out clothes in a good mood.

Shade doesn't need to be picky about his clothes when he goes out, as long as it's not cold. So while waiting for the blonde girl to put on her makeup, he took out the two [Eternal Youth Leaves] he had newly obtained this morning.

Before that, all the blades in his hand had been consumed by the "Thunder of God's Punishment". The two brand-new leaves represented brand-new knowledge. Shade couldn't wait to place the two leaves in front of his eyes one after another.

As the veins of the leaves were dyed golden, the golden elements flowed into Sha De's eyes, and the knowledge of the ritual "Water of Moonlight" and the ritual "Fire of the Sun" successfully entered Sha De's mind.

Comparing the racial knowledge of elves and vampires, the amount of information in the two rituals is not large. Although these two rituals have different names, their functions are very similar. They are both used to obtain a special substance.

Ritual: Moonlight Water. Arrange the ceremony at a position above the horizon. When the midnight moonlight shines on the ceremony, a trace amount of "Moonlight Water" can be produced. This is a kind of liquid mixed between spirits, elements and other concepts. It has a wide range of functions.

Ritual: Fire of the Sun. Arrange the ritual at a position above the horizon. When the midday sun shines on the ritual, a trace amount of "Fire of the Sun" can be produced. This is a mixture of spirits, elements and other concepts. Flame has the same wide range of effects.

It can even be said that the "moon water" representing the pure power of the moon and the "solar fire" representing the pure power of the sun can be effective in almost every aspect.

Drinking it directly is good for the body and soul. Adding it when preparing potions or making alchemy items can give the finished product more special effects. You can even drink some in advance when casting spells, which can enhance "Moonlight Night" and "Moonlight Night" to a certain extent. The power of spiritual runes such as "Thunder Sun".

In ancient times, "water of moonlight" and "fire of the sun" were the highest-level offerings to the gods. Those extraordinary beings and mystical scholars who lived in ancient times relied on complicated and huge rituals and spent a long time to extract a trace amount of moonlight or a weak spark.

But the two rituals provided to Shade by [Father of the Infinite Tree] only require some expensive gems to build. In addition to gems and common materials such as "Moonlight Grass and Sunflower", the ritual itself does not require particularly precious materials, it just requires Shade's blood.

The scale of the ceremony limited the output of "Water and Fire", and Shade could only build each of the two rituals once. Among the ritual knowledge he gained from the [Eternal Youth Leaf], there were two special runes that needed to be engraved on the gems as the core of the ritual.

These two special runes, which Shade could only draw once, would disappear automatically. They were runes blessed by the gods from the earliest times. Therefore, Shade cannot infinitely construct rituals and infinitely obtain these two extremely precious materials. He can only collect them as time goes by.

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