Whispering Verse

Chapter 1005 Early Morning Visitors

When I woke up on Monday morning, fine snowflakes were falling outside the window. Winter in Tobesk is always snowy.

"It's Monday again."

Shade yawned and got up from the bed. After washing, he was thinking about going downstairs to pick up the gift boxes and touch this week's gifts before having breakfast. However, he did not expect that the sound of the door opening came from downstairs.


He walked down the stairs curiously and saw Dorothy wearing a heavy winter coat, patting the snowflakes on her body. The blonde girl is wearing a red coat, a scarf around her neck, and there are snow marks on the toes of her boots:

"It's so cold."

She complained, then shook the food box she held in her left hand:

"Good morning, Shade, I brought you breakfast."

"Good morning, Dorothy. Do you have any business coming to my place so early?"

Shade asked worriedly, but the blonde girl shook her head:

"It's nothing. I'm going to follow you today. Lecia asked me to supervise and make sure you don't forget what happened tonight."

As she said this, she laughed herself.

Shade was also happy that he didn't have to prepare breakfast by himself. I came to the restaurant with Miss Writer and Xiao Mia, chatting about tonight's play while eating, but just after breakfast, there was a knock on the door downstairs:

"Who could be visiting you this early? I thought I was the only visitor today."

Dorothy asked curiously.

"Princess Margaret."

Shade shrugged:

"I have something to talk to her about."

"Is it something I can know?"

"Of course you can know, but this is related to the Ring Warlock. Are you sure you want to reveal your identity?"

Miss Writer thought for a moment, then followed Shade downstairs with him.

After opening the door, she stepped out of the carriage, braided her long blond hair and tied it behind her head. She was wearing a dark red thick cloth dress. She was waiting with a cold face for the maid and the coachman to settle the fare. It was Margaret. ·Princess of Anjou.

"Good morning, Detective."

She said to Shade who opened the door, and then she was quite surprised to see the blonde girl holding a cat behind Shade. She looked at her outfit and then said:

"Good morning, Miss Louisa."

"Good morning, Your Highness, no, Miss Mary."

Shade changed his words. Looking at Princess Margaret's attire, it was clear that she didn't want too many people to know that she had come to Shade.

The young detective made way for the door. The foreign princess nodded to the maid behind her. The latter got on another carriage and left. She wanted to find a way to cover up the princess's schedule today.

Margaret Anjou did not enter No. 6 Place Saint-Teres immediately. She stood on the second step of the steps, looked up at the whole house, and then entered the house with her lips pursed. I was not thinking about why the female writer appeared here so early, but I was wondering whether Miss Sylvia's "apprentice" also lived in a similar building.

A group of three people arrived on the second floor. Because there was no partition between the dining room and the living room, Princess Margaret could easily see that the young detective was having breakfast with the blonde girl just now. She had further speculations about the relationship between the two, and coupled with the rumors about Shade and Miss Carina, Her Royal Highness felt that she had a new understanding of the detective today.

"I invite Her Royal Highness to come here to discuss some matters. Dorothy, you also know this lady."

Shade introduced, and then said:

"Your Highness, this is Miss Dorothy Louisa. I think you remember her."

"Yes, we met at Lakeview Manor."

Princess Margaret nodded and looked at the decorations in the living room. It was obvious that she was curious about the place.

"By the way."

The writer lady smiled:

"Xia De and I are in the same group of ring warlocks."

Shade raised his eyebrows. Although he was a little surprised by Dorothy's approach, it didn't matter if he thought about it carefully. Margaret Anjou could not reveal their identities.

On the contrary, Princess Margaret was also a little surprised:

"Oh, Miss Louisa, you are also from St. Byrons, so you showed up here so early. Your relationship with the Knights of Hamilton is indeed unusual, which makes sense. So, detective, have you told me who I am? "

"Of course not, I promised to keep it a secret."

Princess Margaret nodded and said with a serious expression:

"Well, Miss Louisa, please allow me to introduce myself again."

She took off her white gloves and held out her hand to Dorothy:

"Margaret Anjou, a fourth-year student at the Higher School of Medicine at Serkses, but she should be promoted to fifth-year this winter."

Princess Margaret visited on Monday to inform Sir Shade about Sir Priscilla, but it was obvious that she did not want to leave immediately, but wanted to ask Shade about the investigation status of the "Sorceress Living Alone".

She was very friendly to Dorothy. They were introduced to each other by Lesia when they were at Lakeview Manor, and they already got on well. On the surface, students from the three major colleges are partners who can cooperate with each other, so she did not shy away from Dorothy when talking to Shade.

Shade should not know the identity of Sir Prisha at the moment, but this time Princess Margaret took the initiative to tell him that he was also a ring warlock, and introduced the process of Sir joining the Serkses Higher Medical School.

She strictly kept the group's secrets and only revealed the information that could be investigated in Willendale City.

Shade also learned from this that Kings Prisha awakened as a ring magician at the age of 25. Just like his own achievements in academics and poetry, Sir's talent as a ring magician is very high. Not only does his level increase quickly, but there are basically no examples of failure when learning thaumaturgy and incantation. During the exam week every year, I can pass the subjects I applied for with excellent results, and I am extremely good at reasoning analysis and learning summary.

"He successfully promoted to the 5th ring last week. Jazz is probably the smartest person I have ever met, but he does most things carelessly."

Princess Margaret said:

"He is always thinking about things that none of us know, and he often makes noises without knowing what he is talking about. Even when he was in Willendale, Sir almost never acted with us."

Although Shade just wanted to collect the other person's aura, this description aroused his interest:

"Sir Prisha has a big secret?"

Princess Margaret glanced at him warily:

"Detective, I don't know what kind of commission you have received, but Sir and I are in the same team, and I will not expose his personal privacy and secrets."

She indeed did not mention the composition of Sir Prisha's ring magician system or any relics on his body.

"You may be overthinking it. I have no ill intentions towards Sir."

As Shade spoke, Dorothy brought the kettle and teacup over. Just now, Shade gave her a hint. She did not use the expensive black tea that Shade bought. After all, that kind of black tea might remind Princess Margaret of a certain agent who was also in the nearby neighborhood.

"Speaking of which, detective, are there any other strange people living in the neighborhoods around here?"

Princess Margaret thanked Dorothy and seemed to have thought of this topic inadvertently:

"Men usually don't attract much attention and are silent. They should have a serious career."

"Is he also a ring warlock?"

Shade glanced at the study, where all the information left by Detective Sparrow was.

"No, just ordinary people."

"There is no such person in my memory, but if necessary, I can help you investigate."

"No, no, there's no need for this."

Princess Margaret shook her head hastily. It would be terrible if Shade really investigated something.

"Detective, you only need to investigate the sorceress I mentioned. If you are really interested in Sir Prisha, I can actually help you arrange an appointment with him to meet alone. Sir is a very talkative person."

As soon as she finished speaking, Shade wanted to refuse, but at this time the bell downstairs actually rang again. It was only eight o'clock in the morning, and the number of strangers who came to visit Shade in one day was almost as many as half a week.

Leaving Dorothy to entertain the princess upstairs, Shade followed the cat downstairs. After opening the door, he saw his boss, Mr. Dark Anlos, the director of MI6, standing on the steps. Shade subconsciously waved his hand and closed the door.


After taking a breath, the slightly surprised expression on his face turned into a smile, and he opened the door again. Director Anlos outside the door was wearing a very ordinary black coat and a wide-brimmed hat to cover his face:

"What happened just now?"

The cautious gentleman asked, glancing behind Shade. Shade shook his head and pointed upstairs:

"I have a guest upstairs, a lady. Let's go to the first floor to talk."

Director Anlos nodded with an unchanged expression, as if he didn't hear anything. This ordinary-looking but high-ranking gentleman followed Shade through the door, stepped on the insole in front of the door a few times with his boots, and then turned to the living room on the first floor.

The two of them sat on the sofa in the living room on the first floor. Although Shade didn't use the first floor often, the maids would clean it diligently every week, so it was very clean.

He picked up Mia. Before Director Anlos spoke, Shade lowered his voice and pointed upstairs. Dark Anlos nodded:

"It's nothing important. I originally wanted to meet you yesterday when I was waiting for you to get your salary, but I didn't expect you to go there in the morning. It's actually nothing important to see you this time."

Director Anlos tapped the wooden armrest of the short sofa with his finger:

"We found out that there is a group of independent elements from the principality who want to attack Princess Margaret in Tobesk."

"Principal independent elements" refer to organizations in the small principality affiliated with Delarian that attempt to seek the independent status of the principality. In this era when Dralion was prosperous, there was little difference between this kind of organization and the so-called KB elements. Provoking a war between Dralion and Kasenrik was what they were most passionate about.

"Your Majesty asked me to ask you, are there any strange people around His Highness?"

"Sorry, this investigation did not go well. To be honest, the strangest person around Her Royal Highness Margaret is probably me."

Shade said regretfully, this is the truth:

"Her Highness has a very tight schedule. I only met her once this week at the reading salon on Wednesday, and unfortunately she got gassed because of it."

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